====== CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Cuprum Arsenicosum. {{anchor:s2}}Arsenite of Copper; Scheele's Green. {{anchor:s3}}Cu H As O3. {{anchor:s4}}Provings, by Blakely (Hah. Mo., vol. 3, p. 571) assisted by Smedley, Boyce and Foster, and toxicological reports, contained in Encyclopaedia, vol. 4, p. 23. {{anchor:s5}}The pure arsenite of copper is prepared by trituration. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Vomiting, South, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 136; Lilienthal, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 207; Pains in bowels, (2 cases) Marsden, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 203; Neuralgic pains in bowels, Hale, Hale's Therap., P. 44; Diarrhea, Marsden, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 188, Farrington, Allg. Hom. Ztg., Bd. 103, p. 102; Choleraic diarrhea, Holcombe, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 197; Pain in ovary, Marsden, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 228; Spasmodic uterine pains, Marsden, Raue's Rec. 1874, p. 239; Vomiting during pregnancy, Marsden, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 239; Cardiac chorea, Hale, Hale's Therap., p. 44. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}A Kind of intoxication.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Confusion of ideas.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Intense anguish of mind and body. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s13}}Vertigo, confusion of ideas, and headache between temples.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Dullness and fullness of head.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Fullness in head; brain seems to expand and press against frontal bone.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Cerebro-spinal irritation; staggering gait. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Very severe headache all over forehead, but especially in temples.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Dull pain in forehead, but most severe in right temple.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Headache spreads over entire forehead, and finally settles in right side of forehead and over temporal bone, and becomes dull and throbbing.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Throbbing in right temple.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Soreness of right temple when pressed against pillow.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Sharp pain in temples agg. in left.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Persistent boring pain in small spot above left superior orbital arch, with soreness to touch.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Severe sharp pain in superior arch of right orbital bone.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Pain seems to meet in centre of forehead and pass down the nose.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Headache, particularly in forehead, but entire head feels as if bruised, agg. from motion, amel. from rest.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Headache between the temples.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Dull, heavy pain in head; bones of face very sore.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Dullness and soreness of head in morning, after waking.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Dull, heavy aching in back part of head.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Dull soreness in right occipital bone. agg. from pressure. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Soreness of bones of left side of head and face.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Itching of scalp. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s37}}Dark specks before eyes; eyes very sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Sparks before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Dimness of eyes, with profuse lachrymation. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s41}}Boring pain in right ear; sharp pain in temples, agg. in left; pain in lumbar region, and in anterior portion of right thigh; chilly feeling over entire body; skin sensitive to contact of clothing, which produces a chilly sensation.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Dull soreness in right internal ear. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s44}}Irritability of mucous membrane of nose with fluid discharge; abundant salivation.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Bones of nose very sore, especially on pressure. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s47}}Face: pale; anxious; sunken; edematous.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Violent twitching and jerking of facial muscles of left side, between eye and corner of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Soreness of bones of face.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Intermittent, throbbing, shooting pains in upper jaw. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s52}}Intermittent and throbbing pain in right half of inferior maxillary bone.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Lips bluish. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Shooting pain in upper molars of left side, extending upward into superior maxillary bone.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Twitches of pain in right upper and left lower posterior molars, more protracted in former, but more acute in latter.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Tenderness of gums. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s59}}Taste: bitter; metallic.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Tongue: coated white; brownish-white; tremulous, covered with mucus; cool.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Back part of tongue thickly coated. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Bad breath. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s65}}Burning along esophagus from stomach to mouth.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Rolling about floor in intense pain, which she described as burning her throat and bowels.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Soreness of throat. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s70}}No appetite.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Intense thirst. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Child refuses to take anything, probably from inability to swallow. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting\\ {{anchor:s76}}Much eructation of wind.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Nausea: constant, violent; on awaking, with bitter taste; with headache between temples; with lameness of back; with unsteadiness of head, agg. after study.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Nausea, with burning pain in stomach and bowels; palpitation of heart with trembling of limbs; headache, particularly in forehead, but whole head feels bruised; jerking in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Suddenly seized with violent sickness, and vomiting of a light green substance, like bile diluted with water.\\ {{anchor:s80}}For five days, persistent vomiting of watery greenish fluid, accompanied by chills and thirst for cold water; agg. eating or drinking.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Violent vomiting. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Great sensitiveness of epigastric region to slightest touch.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Dull aching pain over epigastric and right hypochondriac regions, with nausea and paroxysmal vomiting; vomiting frequently a glairy froth.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Empty, vacant feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Burning in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Stomach sore as if bruised.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Cutting pain in stomach while eating.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Cramps in stomach and bowels, followed by tonsillitis. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Whole abdomen meteoric, very painful to touch, but especially over region of liver.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Pains in abdomen like those of flatulent colic.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Rumbling in bowels; sharp, quick pains in lower bowels.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Sharp, cutting pains in abdomen, afterwards subsiding into a dull soreness, followed by an unpleasant warmth in abdomen, and a severe burning in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Severe burning, cramping pains in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Violent colic; frequent vomiting, with purging; cold sweats; intense thirst.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Spasmodic and neuralgic pains in bowels, accompanied by screams, and cramps in fingers and toes; great debility and threatened collapse.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Crampy pains in lower bowels, accompanied by extreme vesical and rectal tenesmus; micturition frequent, causing great suffering.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Attacks of excruciating pains in bowels, occurring every two or three weeks.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Pains in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Squeezed his abdomen with both hands. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s103}}Vomiting and purging, with cramps and collapse.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Pain in sacral region, with frequent urging to urinate; rectal tenesmus, with mucous discharges, so constant as to require a cloth to receive them as they flowed from the bowel. {{anchor:s105}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Chronic, slimy diarrhea, during summer, with cramps in abdomen; tenesmus recti et vesicae; frequent and painful urination; pain in sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Choleraic diarrhea during summer; also useful in disturbed state of bowels during convalescence.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Asiatic cholera, with cramps in hands and feet. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Dark red urine; burning pain during and after urination.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Strong-smelling urine; urine has the odor of garlic. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s113}}White, purulent discharge from urethra; soreness of penis, with pain in prostate gland; tingling and burning in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Perspiration of scrotum, which is constantly moist and damp.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Boils frequently forming on scrotum. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s117}}About close of menses, worked out of doors during a moist, drizzly day; during night agonizing pain in lower abdominal region; tender spot over left ovary; tongue heavily coated white. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s121}}Constant nausea, rejects everything; so weak can hardly sit up; very nervous; pulse quick and feeble; spasmodic uterine pain; at one time tenesmus and dysenteric stools. {{anchor:s122}}~ Vomiting during pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Spasmodic uterine pains during pregnancy, with general debility. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s126}}Difficulty of speech. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Oppression of chest, as if constricted.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Sense of weight on chest and difficult breathing.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Soreness of a small spot in left scapula, extending into left lung, followed by dull sticking pain in left chest, between sixth and seventh ribs, agg. on deep inspiration; weak, numb feeling in left chest, left side of back, left shoulder and arm.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Dull soreness in right side of chest, with dull pains in back; agg. from deep inspirations. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s133}}Sudden debility, with dull pain in heart, and sensation of oppression; left chest feels too small; long involuntary inspirations; empty feeling in stomach, with vertigo, confusion of ideas, and headache between temples.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Palpitation of heart, with trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Aberrations in rhythm of heart's action; at one time beats are very irregular and feeble, at another violent and irregular; attacks appear in paroxysms, with intermissions, during which nothing abnormal in action of heart can be detected. {{anchor:s136}}~ Cardiac chorea.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Pulsation of heart moving wall of chest up and down.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Pulse: frequent; small, rapid, very irritable; very feeble. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s141}}Soreness of glands of neck, with stiffness of neck; pain agg. on moving head.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Severe pain under lower angle of left scapula, agg. from motion or breathing; cannot take full breath.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Stiffness and lameness of back, agg. from motion. amel. during rest; returns after sitting awhile.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Lameness of lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Pain in right lumbar region, and in anterior portion of right thigh. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Numb, weak feeling in left shoulder and arm.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Peculiar numb feeling in left arm and hand, with pain in internal surface of arm, and tingling of palm of hand and of fingers, agg. on motion.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Constantly moving arms up and down and from side to side, with trembling of fingers. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s151}}Limbs ache while walking; gait unsteady; increasing debility.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Pain in anterior portion of right thigh. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s154}}Left arm feels numb and powerless, and soon a similar sensation in left leg.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Spasms in extremities.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Extremities very cold.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Pustular tumors on wrists and ankles, and excessive sensitiveness and irritability of skin.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Itching of arms and legs. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Rest: amel. headache; amel. lameness and stiffness of back.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Motion: agg. headache; soreness and stiffness of neck agg. on moving head; amel. stiffness and lameness of back; tingling of hand and fingers agg.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Rolling about floor: with intense pain in throat and bowels.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Walking: limbs ache. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s167}}General debility, want of energy, indisposition to do anything.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Feeling of weakness and extreme prostration.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Very restless; nervous.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Chorea; syncope; spasms; severe convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Epilepsy; death-like syncope. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s173}}Sleep disturbed and unrefreshing.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Persistent sleeplessness. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s176}}Morning: soreness of head after waking. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Moist, drizzly day: agonizing pain in lower abdominal region. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s180}}Chilly feeling over entire body.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Creeping sensation produced by contact of clothing.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Cold and drowsy; skin cold.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Covered with a cold, clammy perspiration. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Frequent: vomiting of glairy froth; micturition.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Attacks: of irregular and feeble, or irregular and violent beats of heart.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Intermittent: pain in right half of inferior maxillary bone.\\ {{anchor:s188}}For five days: persistent vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Every two or three weeks: attacks of excruciating pain in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s190}}During summer: chronic diarrhea; choleraic diarrhea. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Left: sharp pain in temple; boring pain in small spot above left superior orbital arch; soreness of bones of face and side of head; twitching of muscles of side of face; pain in upper molars; pain in lower posterior molars; tender spot over ovary; soreness of small spot in scapula, extending to lung; dull, sticking pain in chest; numb feeling in chest, side of back, shoulder and arm; chest feels too small; pain under lower angle of scapula; numb feeling in shoulder and arm; numb feeling in hand; pain in arm; tingling of palm of hand; tingling of fingers; numb feeling in leg.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Right: pain in temple; side of forehead; soreness of temple; pain in superior arch of orbital bone; pain in ear; pain in anterior portion of thigh; soreness in internal ear; pain in half of inferior maxillary bone; pain in upper posterior molars; pain in hypochondriac region; soreness in side of chest; pain in lumbar region; pain in anterior portion of thigh. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s195}}As if brain expanded and pressed against frontal bone; sense of weight on chest; left chest feels too small.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Pain: between temples; seems to meet in centre of forehead and pass down nose; in lumbar region; in anterior portion of right thigh; in abdomen as of colic; in hypogastrium; in sacral region; in internal surface of arm.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Agonizing pain: in lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Excruciating pain: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Violent colic: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Sharp pains: in temples; in superior arch of right orbital bone; in lower bowels.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Severe pain: all over forehead; in temples; under lower angle of left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Cutting pain: in stomach; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Cramping pains: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Cramps: in stomach; in bowels; in fingers and toes.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Constricted feeling: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Shooting pains: in upper jaw; in upper molars of left side, extending into superior maxillary bone.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Neuralgic pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Throbbing pain: right side of forehead; over temporal bone; in right temple; in upper jaw; in right half of inferior maxillary bone.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Twitches of pain: in right upper and left lower posterior molars.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Sticking pain: in left chest.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Boring pain: persistent above left superior orbital arch; in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Burning: along esophagus from stomach to mouth; in bowels; in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Bruised feeling: in head; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Dull pain: in forehead; in right temple; in back part of head; over epigastric and right hypochondriac regions; in left chest, between sixth and seventh ribs; in back; in heart.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Soreness: of right temple; of bones of face; of head; in right occipital bone; of bones of left side of head and face; in right internal ear; of bones of nose; of throat; in abdomen; of penis; of small spot in left scapula, extending into left lung; in right side of chest; of glands of neck.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Tingling: in urethra; of palm of hand; of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Numb feeling: in left chest; in left side of back; in left shoulder and arm; in left hand; in left leg.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Stiffness: of neck; of back.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Lameness of head; of back; of lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Trembling: of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Dullness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Fullness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Creeping sensation: over body.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Itching: of arms and legs.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Chilly feeling: all over body. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s229}}Contact of clothing: skin sensitive to.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Touch: great sensitiveness in epigastric region; abdomen sensitive to; over region of liver, sensitive to.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Pressing against pillow: soreness of right temple.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Pressure: agg. dull soreness in right occipital bone; soreness of bones of nose agg. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s234}}Skin sensitive to contact of clothing, which produce chilly creeping sensation.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Severe itching of skin.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Pustular tumors on wrists and ankles, and excessive sensitiveness and irritability of skin.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Vesicular and pustular eruptions, sometimes followed by very painful ulcers, and finally by erythematous swellings. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s239}}Miss M., aet. 20; pain in left ovary.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Young married woman, with one child; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Mrs. M., has three young children, second month of gestation; vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Mrs. W., aet. 30; vomiting. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s244}}See under Arsen. (Vol. II, p. 96) for suitable antidotes in cases of poisoning. {{anchor:s245}}Compare: Arsen., Cuprum, and other arsenical and copper preparations. {{anchor:s246}}Acon., Act. rac. (angina pectoris, numbness of left side of body and powerlessness of left arm); Merc. cor. (diarrhea and rectal tenesmus). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r284|Cuprum arsenicosum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r284|Cuprum arsenicosum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1887 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}