====== FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Ferrum Phosphoricum. {{anchor:s2}}Phosphate of Iron. {{anchor:s3}}Fe32PO4, FePO4, 12H2O. {{anchor:s4}}One of the organic tissue-salts introduced by Schuessler. {{anchor:s5}}Needs proving. {{anchor:s6}}This arrangement includes all of Schuessler's Third American edition, with additions from the current literature. {{anchor:s7}}Prepared by trituration. {{anchor:s8}}Good results with the 200th potency have been obtained. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s10}}- Congestion of blood to head, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 6; Headache (5 cases), Raue's Rec., 1875, pp. 5-6; Attacks of nausea, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 6; Dyspepsia with vomiting, Mossa, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 104, p. 51; Summer complaint with bloody stools, Goodno, MSS., 1877; Irritability of neck of bladder, Hunt, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 164; Incontinence of urine, Parsons, Tans. Am. Inst. Hom., 1883, p. 181; Enuresis, Cooper, Hughes' Pharm., p. 369; Gonorrhea, first stage, Raue's Pathol., p. 697; Hemorrhage from urethra or bladder, Ashton, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 466; Dyspareunia, Sulzer, Times Retros., 1875, p. 18; Diphtheria, (2 cases), Morgan, Hah. Mo., 1885, p. 231; Pneumonia in phthisis, Goodno, MSS.; Cough, Cooper, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 132; Cough, Fischer, Times Retros., 1875, p. 18; Acute bronchial catarrh, Goodno, MSS., Haemoptysis of phthisis, Knerr, MSS.; Sugillation of foot, Fischer, Times Retros., 1875, p. 18; Articular rheumatism, Plate, Raue's Rec., 1874, p. 253; Acute synovitis, C. R. Norton, MSS.; Debility of children, Cooper, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 206; Measles (35 cases), Koeck; Intermittent, Curtis, MSS. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s12}}Very talkative and hilarious; unnatural excitement.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Delirium tremens.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Sows eat up their young; a transient mania depending upon hyperemia of brain. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Dizziness with constant feeling as if head were being suddenly pushed forward, with danger of falling.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Great dizziness; every thing swims around him; his muscles seemed so weak he could hardly move about.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Vertigo caused by congestion to various parts of brain or head.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Relieved symptoms supposed to be due to cerebral venous congestions. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s21}}Hammering pain in forehead and temples, so severe that she fears an apoplectic stroke; agg. in right side, formerly agg. on left ~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Frontal headache, followed and relieved by nosebleed.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Scarcely endurable, dull, heavy pain on top of head during menses which are very profuse.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Top of head sensitive to cold air, noise and any jar; on stooping, sharp pain through head, from back to front; at times, a feeling as if head were being pushed forward, with danger of falling.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Severe headache, soreness in vertex, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have hair touched, great nervousness at night.\\ {{anchor:s26}}On stooping a sharp pain through head, from back to front.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Headache or neuralgia of face with stinging, pressing or throbbing, agg. from shaking head, stooping and all motion.\\ {{anchor:s28}}"Blind headache," in a lady who had at the same time a bearing down sensation in uterus, with a constant dull pain in either ovarian region.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Headache with hot, red face and vomiting of food.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Rush of blood to head with vertigo.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Congestion of brain in children and grown persons; meningitis.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Congestion to head with epilepsy. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Soreness in vertex, general soreness of scalp, cannot bear to have the hair touched. {{anchor:s35}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Top of head sensitive to cold and noise or any jar. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s38}}On stooping cannot see; seems as if all blood ran into eyes.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Blinding headache.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Acute conjunctivitis without suppuration, or discharge of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Ophthalmia, first stage; marked redness with great pain, and without mucus or pus.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Traumatic conjunctivitis from a bad wound, after case had been badly treated; it lessened the burning, redness and trickling of tears.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Eyes inflamed during dentition.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Conjunctivitis and photophobia. {{anchor:s45}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s46}}(In sick:) Stye on lower lid of right eye. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s48}}Sensitive to noise.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Roaring or buzzing from rush of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Inflammatory pain in ear; otitis.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Catarrhal affection of Eustachian tube and ear, often combined with catarrh in chest, or bowels, or both.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Painful red swelling of parotids, one side or both. {{anchor:s53}}~ Measles. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Nosebleed of bright blood. {{anchor:s56}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Nosebleed: with blood spitting; following and relieving headache; a concomitant of other complaints.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Bleeding of nose in children.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Coryza; at the very beginning. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Face earthy, pale, sallow.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Red face, with dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Pain with heat and redness of face.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Hot cheeks with toothache.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Neuralgia in face. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Toothache, with hot cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Congestive or inflammatory toothache or faceache.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Toothache always appearing after eating food; amel. by cold.\\ {{anchor:s70}}(OBS:) Caries dentium.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Complaints during dentition, with fever.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Toothache agg. by warm, and amel. by cold drinks. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Tongue swollen and dark red.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Inflammation of tongue, fauces and tonsils; redness, pain without exudation. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Constant inflammation of palate, tonsils and pharynx, with dryness, redness and pain.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Fever; glistening, flushed eyes; red cheeks; tonsils red and swollen, especially right, on which was a tuft-like exudation, about its centre, and about one-fourth inch in diameter, hanging downwards, the upper attachment looking blackish, next to the tonsils; fetid breath; next day tonsil clear, fever gone, but a similar mass of exudation on posterior wall of pharynx; on day following apparently well, but next morning another patch of exudation appeared on left side, which finally disappeared on resumption of remedy.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Soreness of throat; tonsils red and moderately swollen; some fever; diphtheritic membrane on part of right tonsil. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s82}}Loss of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Poor appetite with attacks of sickness; could hardly get enough to eat after attacks of nausea.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Great thirst for much water. {{anchor:s85}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Aversion to meat.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Aversion to milk. {{anchor:s88}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Better from drinking tea.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Worse after meat, herring, coffee, cake. {{anchor:s91}}~ Dyspepsia. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s93}}While eating at table, chill.\\ {{anchor:s94}}After warm food or drinks, toothache, amel. by cold.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Eating aggravates gastralgia. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Sudden attacks of "deathly sickness at stomach", coming on at no particular time, sometimes even awaking her out of sleep, and lasting from a half to one hour; appetite poor.\\ {{anchor:s98}}After eating, nausea and vomiting of food; vomited matter very sour, setting teeth on edge; vomiting in morning before eating. {{anchor:s99}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Vomiting. {{anchor:s101}}~ Gastritis. {{anchor:s102}}~ Whooping cough. {{anchor:s103}}~ Summer complaint. {{anchor:s104}}~ Intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Vomiting with the pains.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Green vomiting. {{anchor:s107}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Vomiting of blood. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Puffed up in region of stomach and hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Pain in stomach agg. after eating.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Acute and chronic gastralgia agg. by eating and pressure on stomach; vomiting of food.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Acute gastritis with violent pain in region of stomach which is distended; vomiting and fever.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Anorexia; aversion to milk; nausea and vomiting after eating; vomited matter so sour that it sets the teeth on edge; agg. from meat, herring, coffee and cake, particularly sour things; sometimes vomiting in morning before food has been taken; cephalalgia, hammering in forehead and temples, formerly agg. on left side, now agg. on right side, so severe that she fears she will have an apoplectic stroke; menses profuse and early; stool regular; sleep restless, with anxious dreams; greatly depressed in morning; in evening sensation of constriction, must loosen her clothing. {{anchor:s115}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Catarrh of stomach and bowels. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s118}}Colic before stool.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Bellyache with watery diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Inflammatory colic of horses.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Peritonitis.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Abdominal hernia in persons otherwise robust.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Inflamed and incarcerated hernia. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Yellow, watery diarrhea. {{anchor:s126}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Chronic diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Lienterie from relaxation of pyloric muscles.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Stools contain undigested food in consequence of disturbance in the muscular fibres of the stomach.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Lienterie after a catarrh.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Dysentery commencing with violent fever; pain depends upon inflammatory condition, does not intermit and is agg. from pressure on stomach.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Before stool: colic; no tenesmus or but slight.\\ {{anchor:s133}}During stool: no tenesmus or only slight.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Frequent stools, green, watery or hashed, mixed with mucus, scanty; straining at stool, also retching; child rolls its head and moans; eyes half open; face pinched; urine scanty; pulse and respiration accelerated; starting in sleep. {{anchor:s135}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Stools: of pure blood, bloody mucus, or bloody scum; yellowish, whitish, brown with blood; like bloody fish-brine; green watery or green mucous, with blood, no pain; blood dark or light. {{anchor:s137}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Aggravation: midnight till morning (bloody serous stools); bloody mucus mixed with watery discharges day or night. {{anchor:s139}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Cholera depending on an inflammatory state.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Habitual constipation.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Constipation caused by atony of muscular fibres of intestines.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Disposition to prolapsus recti.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Hemorrhoidal troubles and obstinate constipation.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Hemorrhoids, with catarrh of stomach and bowels. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s147}}(OBS:) Bright's disease; diabetes.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Hemorrhage from bladder or from urethra.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Cystitis, with violent fever.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Frequent desire to urinate, urgent, with pain in neck of bladder and end of penis: must urinate immediately, which amel. the pain; the above only, or chiefly during day, not at night; agg. the more he stands.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Enuresis nocturna from weakness of sphincter.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Diurnal enuresis, depending on an irritability of trigone and cervix vesicae, amel. when pressure of urine is taken off by recumbent posture.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Urine spurts out with every cough.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Retention of urine, with fever in little children.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Complaints before making water. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Seminal emissions.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Inflammatory stage of gonorrhea. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s160}}Bearing down sensation in uterus with constant dull pain in either ovarian region.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Vaginismus, pain in vagina during coitus; cannot bear examination.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Dysmenorrhea, with accelerated pulse and red face.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Menses every three weeks, profuse, with pressure in abdomen and small of back. {{anchor:s164}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s165}}During profuse menses pain on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Chlorosis. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s170}}During the third month of pregnancy. {{anchor:s171}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Cough with ejection of urine; during pregnancy. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s175}}Laryngitis and hoarseness from overstraining voice.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Much mucus in throat and rattling in chest.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Acute bronchial catarrh affecting larger and smaller bronchi.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Bronchitis of young children.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Violent fever in beginning of croup. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Pleuritic stitch with a deep inspiration or cough. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Acute, short, spasmodic and very painful cough.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Tormenting cough when bending head over or touching larynx.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Short, dry, hacking cough, with involuntary spurting of urine. {{anchor:s186}}~ During pregnancy.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Spasmodic cough every morning when dressing, greatly agg. by going into open air; fits of coughing produce involuntary micturition.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Cough in paroxysms, most at night or during day when asleep.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Cough agg. at night with much rattling of mucus in chest which is also most marked at night; slight fever.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Whooping cough with retching and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Inflammatory or catarrhal stage of whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Expectoration of clear blood. {{anchor:s193}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Haemoptysis, after concussion or a fall. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Catarrhs on chest of children, similar to Aconite.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Right-sided pleuritic stitch agg. when coughing and on deep inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Pleuritis and pneumonia, first stage.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Pneumonia, the hyperemia depending on relaxation of muscular fibres of blood-vessels as long as no exudation has taken place; general heat of body; very little thirst; first stage.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Coughs up clear blood; nosebleed at same time. {{anchor:s201}}~ Pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s202}}In a tuberculous woman, aet. 49, pneumonia of left upper lobe, with well marked crepitation and profuse expectoration of frothy, pink mucus, patient almost moribund.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Full, round pulse; congestion; inflammation before any exudation; sputa blood-streaked, caused by least exertion or cold air, when congestion comes in opposite lung. {{anchor:s204}}~ Phthisis pulmonalis.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Haemoptysis of phthisis.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Phthisis florida. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s208}}Palpitation from congestion.\\ {{anchor:s209}}It will not cure thoroughly unless there is a full pulse, but a pulse less bounding than in Acon., and not so flowing as in Gelsem. {{anchor:s210}}(Farrington).\\ {{anchor:s211}}Pulse full, from 120 to 160. {{anchor:s212}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Accelerated pulse. {{anchor:s214}}~ Dysmenorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Quick pulse.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Anemia incidental to climacteric period. ====== OUTER CHEST. [30] ====== {{anchor:s218}}Rheumatism in upper thorax. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s220}}Crick in neck or back. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s222}}Violent pain in right shoulder and upper arm, of a drawing tearing character, agg. by violent motion of arm, amel. by gentle motion, and so the patient hardly kept the arm still at all; the affected part somewhat sensitive to touch; feeling of deadness in right hand and loss of strength so that she could not lift heavy things. {{anchor:s223}}~ Rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Acute rheumatism of right shoulder-joint; red, swollen and very sensitive to touch.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Rheumatism of right deltoid; unable to work, even to wear his cloak.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Swelling of elbow after a sprain, horribly maltreated by leeches and an incision, with general weakness, loss of appetite, fever and earthy, pale face; on upper part of forearm and lower part of upper arm a large swelling, red and hot, not allowing the least motion insufferable pains, burning; sleepless.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Rheumatism in wrist.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Palms of hands are hot, with children. {{anchor:s229}}~ Rheumatic complaints.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Fingers contracted by acute articular rheumatism. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s232}}Inflammation of hip-joint.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Severe pain in both knees, shooting down the legs; every motion painful; high fever, quick pulse and increased temperature; sleepless at night from severity of pains; in addition to the knees one joint after another was attacked; joints puffy, very little redness; finally swelling in shoulder-joints and upper thorax; (after Ferr. phos. it went downwards from one joint to the other, to the knees and then passed off).\\ {{anchor:s234}}Skin on outer side of ankle pale red; foot greatly swollen and sensitive to touch toes feel as if they were burning. {{anchor:s235}}~ Acute synovitis.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Steady terrible pain all over foot and ankle; cries with the pain; occasional shooting pains up inside of leg; once in a minute or two a shooting pain in foot around ankle. {{anchor:s237}}~ Acute synovitis.\\ {{anchor:s238}}An acute very painful sugillation on dorsum of foot. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Acute articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Rheumatism attacking one joint after another; joints puffy but little red; high fever.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Wrist and knee affected by rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Articular rheumatism agg. from slightest motion.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Rachitis with no pains in the epiphyses. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s248}}Desire to lie down.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Recumbent position: amel. diurnal enuresis.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Standing: desire to urinate agg.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Stooping: sharp pain through head; cannot see; faceache agg.; produces tormenting cough.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Motion: causes headache; agg. pain in arm and shoulder; gentle motion amel. pain in upper arm and shoulder; swelling in arm allows no motion; pain in knees agg.; articular rheumatism agg.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Exertion: sputa blood-streaked.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Desire to get out of bed and run about.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Can hardly move about. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s257}}Great nervousness at night. {{anchor:s258}}~ Headache.\\ {{anchor:s259}}A general feeling of weakness and desire to lie down. {{anchor:s260}}~ Rheumatism of shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s261}}He desired to get out of bed, and wished to run around, but he was so weak that he fell over; very talkative and hilarious.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Muscles so weak could hardly move about.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Great prostration. {{anchor:s264}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Debility of children, with no organic lesion, save a carious condition of teeth; flesh fairly firm, complexion delicate, hair light and curly.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Convulsions with fever.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Epilepsy with congestion to head.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Acute cases of rheumatic paralysis. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s270}}Restless at night. {{anchor:s271}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Restless sleep at night, with anxious dreams; great depression in morning. {{anchor:s273}}~ Dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Sleepless from severity of pains.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Restlessness and sleeplessness. {{anchor:s276}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Cough in day time when asleep. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s279}}Between 4 and 6 A. M.: sweat.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Morning: vomiting; greatly depressed.\\ {{anchor:s281}}By day: bloody and watery discharges; frequent desire to urinate; cough.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Evening: sensation of constriction, must loosen her clothes.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Night: great nervousness; bloody and watery discharges; cough agg.; more rattling of mucus on chest; sleepless.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Midnight till morning: bloody serous stools. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s286}}Open air: agg. cough.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Warm drinks: toothache agg.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Cold air: top of head sensitive to: sputa blood-streaked.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Cold and cold drinks: amel. toothache. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s291}}Chill returning at same time (1 o'clock) every day, while sitting at table.\\ {{anchor:s292}}General heat with very little thirst.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Fever with vomiting and puffed up stomach.\\ {{anchor:s294}}High fever, quick pulse and increased temperature.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Skin hot and dry. {{anchor:s296}}~ Summer complaint.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Fever: with complaints accompanying teething; with gastritis; with cystitis; retention of urine; beginning of croup; with cough; with rheumatism; with convulsions.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Intermittent fever with vomiting of food.\\ {{anchor:s299}}In beginning of typhus.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Copious night sweats, not relieving the great pains of rheumatism, driving out of bed.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Sweat between 4 and 6 A. M., with increase of pains. {{anchor:s302}}~ Rheumatism of shoulder. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s304}}Sudden attacks of sick stomach.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Once in a minute or two: shooting pain in foot and around ankle.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Half an hour: deathly sickness at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Every morning: spasmodic cough.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Every day at same time: chill.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Every three weeks: menses.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Cough in paroxysms.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Headache at intervals for many years. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s313}}Right: pain in head agg. right side; stye on lower lid of eye; tonsil red and swollen; diphtheritic membrane on tonsil; hammering in side of head; pleuritic stitch; violent pain in shoulder and upper arm; hand numb.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Left: pneumonia of lobe; exudation on side of throat: hammering on side of head.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Shooting: up inside of leg; down legs.\\ {{anchor:s316}}From back to front: pain in head. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s318}}As if head were being suddenly pushed forward; as if all the blood ran into eyes; toes feel as if they were burning.\\ {{anchor:s319}}As if bursting: toes.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Pain: in eyes; of face; of palate; of tonsils; of pharynx; in stomach; in neck of bladder; in end of penis; in vagina; on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Insufferable pains: in upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Violent pain: in region of stomach; in right shoulder; in upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Steady terrible pain: all over foot and ankle.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Tearing pain: in right shoulder; in upper arm.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Severe pain: in both knees; in head; cries because the pain is so bad.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Sharp pain: through head.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Shooting pains: from knees to legs; up inside of leg; in foot; around ankle.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Pleuritic stitch.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Neuralgia: of face.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Blinding headache.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Hammering pain: in forehead; in temples.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Throbbing in head.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Stinging: in head.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Acute rheumatism: of right shoulder joint; of right deltoid; in wrist; in fingers; in knee; in shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Heavy pain: on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Bearing down sensation: in uterus.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Inflammatory pain: in ear.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Inflammation: of tongue; palate; of tonsils; of pharynx; of fauces; of hip-joint.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Burning: of eyes; of upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Heat: of face.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Soreness: in vertex; of scalp; of throat.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Constriction: in region of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Pressing: in head; in abdomen; in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Painful swelling: of parotids.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Dull pain: on top of head; in either ovarian region.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Roaring buzzing: from rush of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Dryness: of tonsils; of palate; of pharynx.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Dead feeling: in right hand. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s350}}Hyperemia dependent upon relaxation of muscular fibres of blood-vessels.\\ {{anchor:s351}}All kinds of inflammation as long as no exudation has taken place.\\ {{anchor:s352}}First stage of all inflammations as long as there is no suppuration.\\ {{anchor:s353}}In first stage of inflammation, hyperemia, to the abatement of fever and beginning of sweat.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Relaxation of muscular fibres presiding over voluntary motion.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Diarrhea from disturbed function of molecules of iron in the muscles of the villi.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Bleeding (bright red) from any orifice of body.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Blood red, easily coagulating to a gelatinous mass.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Leukemia; the blood corpuscles are normal as to quantity but lack color.\\ {{anchor:s359}}To be given in true chlorosis as soon as the general condition has been improved by Calc. phosph. {{anchor:s360}}(Schssler).\\ {{anchor:s361}}Varicose veins, in young persons.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Rheumatic fevers; acute articular rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Scrofula: rachitis; periostitis; cancer.\\ {{anchor:s364}}In the beginning of inflammation of the skin or connective tissue.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Telangiectasy; nevus.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Dropsy from loss of blood or other fluids. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s370}}Top of head sensitive to every jar.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Touch: scalp sensitive; on larynx produces tormenting cough; rheumatic shoulder and arm sensitive; foot sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s372}}Pressure: on stomach agg. gastralgia; diurnal enuresis amel. when pressure of urine is taken off by recumbent position.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Hyperemia following mechanical injuries.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Injuries: to the eye.\\ {{anchor:s375}}After concussion or a fall: haemoptysis.\\ {{anchor:s376}}After a sprain of elbow.\\ {{anchor:s377}}In fractures: at the beginning for injury to the soft parts; the adjacent parts are red, hot and painful. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s379}}Capillary congestion, with burning of skin, agg. from severe exercise or in warm room.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Telangiectasy, nevus.\\ {{anchor:s381}}In beginning of measles.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Measles with conjunctivitis and photophobia (35 cases).\\ {{anchor:s383}}In beginning of small-pox, with violent fever and cerebral congestion.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Erysipelas with intense fever and inflammatory symptoms. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s386}}Leucophlegmatic temperament.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Young people, varicose veins.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Boy, aet. 5 years, very bright and shrewd; diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Boy, aet. 5, very fair; pleurisy and rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Girl, aet. 12, mother, aet. 20; headache.\\ {{anchor:s391}}Girl, aet. 17; attacks of nausea.\\ {{anchor:s392}}Young lady, nervo-sanguine temperament; diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s393}}Miss C., aet. 22; headache during menses.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Woman, aet. 29; sanguine temperament, after drinking cold water while overheated, five years ago; dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Mrs. Z., aet. 35; rushes of blood to head.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Woman, aet. 37; nervous temperament; acute rheumatism.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Woman, in third month of pregnancy, has suffered at times for many years; headache.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Workman, aet. 39; unable for a long while to raise up his arm.\\ {{anchor:s399}}A woman, aet. 49; left-sided pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Old maid, aet. 75; chronic diarrhea. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s402}}Compare: in fevers Acon. (more bounding pulse) and Gelsem. (more flowing pulse); in cough with spurting urine.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Compatible: Kali mur. (croup, pneumonia, palpitation, typhus; Kali phosph. (colic, threatened gangrene); Calc. sulph. (hip joint disease); Calc. phosph. (chlorosis, hemorrhoids); Calc. fluor. (hemorrhoids); Natr. sulph. (diabetes); Ant. tart. (capillary bronchitis). ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 05, 1887 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r181|Ferrum phosphoricum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r181|Ferrum phosphoricum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1887 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}