====== IRIS VERSICOLOR ====== {{anchor:s1}}Iris Versicolor. {{anchor:s2}}Blue Flag. {{anchor:s3}}Iridaceae. {{anchor:s4}}Provings by Rowland, Burt, Holcombe, Berridge, Croker, Wesselhoeft, etc. {{anchor:s5}}See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 5, p. 153. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Headache, Palmer, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 179; Warren, A. H. O., vol. 1, p. 109; Sick headache, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 464; Williamson, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 16; Wesselhoeft, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 287; Bilious headache, Blake, A. H. O., vol. 9, p. 411; Tinea capitis, Burt, A. H. O., vol. 3, p. 257; Inflamed eyelids, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 466; Prosopalgia (3 cases), Holcombe, B. J. H., vol. 24, p. 512; Salivation, Stevenson, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 70; B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 429; Claude, B. J. H., vol. 36, p. 183; Vomiting, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 462; Colic, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 465; Sanford, B. J. H., vol. 25, p. 671; Bilious colic, Hawkes, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 162; Diarrhea, Oehme, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 27; (2 cases), Casseday, Hah. Mo., vol. 15, p. 604; Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 463; Autumnal diarrhea, cholera, Lade, Hom. Rev., vol. 10, pp. 28, 503; Dysentery, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 464; Constipation, Claude, B. & S.; Cholera morbus (2 cases), Casseday, Hahn. Mo., vol. 15, p. 604; Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 462; (Irisin), Lade, N. A. J. H., vol. 15, p. 476; Menorrhagia, Wesselhoeft, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 25; Vomiting of pregnancy, Clark, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 183; Cough, Wesselhoeft, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 180; Sciatica, Payne, Hah. Mo., vol. 4, p. 405; Wesselhoeft, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 293; Neuralgia, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 467; Typhoid fever, Kitchen, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 467; Itch (2 cases), Burt, A. H. O., vol. 3, p. 257; Eczema, Palmer, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 210; Impetigo, Buck., B. J. H., vol. 24, p. 508; Felon, Gilchrist's Surg., p. 98. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Low spirited; discouraged.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Fears approaching illness.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Easily vexed.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Dullness of mental faculties; cannot fix mind on studies.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Muttering. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Head full, heavy. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s17}}Constriction around forehead.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Sensation as of a band around head.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Dull, heavy frontal headache with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Severe frontal headache, constant nausea and occasional vomiting; sleepless from pain; no appetite; great weakness.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Headache in forehead and eyes, agg. right side; with distressing nausea and vomiting of intensely sour or bilious matter; agg. in rest.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Dull throbbing or shooting in right side of forehead; nausea; agg. toward evening, from rest, from cold air, or coughing; amel. from moderate motion.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Habitual headache; violent throbbing on either side of frontal protuberance, agg. in evening or after exertion.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Chronic frontal headache; agg. sitting down, studying or sewing; amel. standing up or working; could not attend school.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache with violent pains over eye, in supraorbital region, on either side, but only on one side at a time.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Severe pain in head, through temples and over eyes, with vertigo, nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Shooting pains in temples, generally right, with constricted feeling in scalp.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Headache affecting right side, agg. at rest, amel. by constant motion, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and low spirits.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Hemicrania of right hemisphere.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Pain shoots like an electric shock from right temple to left side of occiput; depression of spirits, debility.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Slight dull pain at situation of posterior fontanelle.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Severe pain in occiput, agg. right side.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Stitches in lower cerebellum, right side.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Violent, stunning headache, with facial neuralgia, followed by copious, limpid urine and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Sick headache, every eighth day.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Sick headache, of gastric or hepatic origin, always beginning with a blur before eyes.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sick headache, seemingly the result of intense gastric and abdominal disturbance; dull, throbbing, or hammering, and also shooting or acute boring pains in one side of forehead, generally left, or passing from right to left, with nausea; pain begins in morning and grows more violent towards afternoon and night; agg. from violent motion; amel. from moderate exercise in open air; sometimes paroxysmal, through day, or at intervals of many days, so as to become periodical; agg. in cold air and from coughing.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Headache, vomits sweetish mucus, occasionally with a trace of bile.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Sick headache in bilious subjects, with gastric derangement and dyspepsia, tenderness in region of stomach and liver.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Headache reflex from acid stomach, or irritation of that organ from acid secretions.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Neuralgia, facial or cephalic, with nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Neuralgia of head, eyes and temples; pains cutting, of short duration, with acid vomiting; bilious vomiting, or vomiting of sweetish water; great despondency.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Tired headache, from mental exhaustion.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Chronic headaches with asthenopia and fullness in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Sharp, cutting pains of short duration, changing often. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s47}}Shooting in temples, mostly right, with constrictive feeling of scalp.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Pustular eruptions on scalp in children.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Twenty-six pustules on top of head, some as large as a three cent piece.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Whole top of head one complete scab, yellow matter oozing from under crust, which has matted hair together; left ear covered with eruption, it also gathers every two weeks and discharges a yellow greenish pus; numerous yellow pustules scattered over scalp, each pustule containing a hair. {{anchor:s51}}~ Tinea capitis. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s53}}Redness of conjunctiva, as from a cold; eyes feel dull, with neuralgia; burning in internal canthus, with effusion of tears.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Inflamed eyelids; simple palpebral inflammation, apparently arising from cold.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Chronic inflammation of eyelids. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s57}}Constant sneezing; sharp pains in centre of temples; tickling cough; light, mushy stools. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s59}}Sunken eyes with blue circles.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Neuralgia, involving supra and infraorbital, superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves; begins after breakfast every morning, with a stupid, stunning headache; copious urine; disposition to stool; burning at anus.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Neuralgia in head, temples and eyes, attended with most distressing vomiting of sweetish mucus, and occasionally when much straining, with a trace of bile.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Waked with neuralgic pains in right side of face; darting stitches in two carious teeth; infraorbital nerves especially affected. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Dry, cracked lips.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Pustular eruptions on face, around nose, lips and cheeks; secreting a sanious, irritating matter. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s67}}Toothache in warm room; dental neuralgia. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Taste: lost; flat; bitter or putrid.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Tongue feels as if scalded; greasy feeling on arising in morning.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Tongue white. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Burning in mouth and fauces, as if on fire.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Mouth and tongue feel as though they had been scalded.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Salivation after diphtheria, with swelling of parotids.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Profuse flow of saliva.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Constant discharge of ropy saliva, dropped from mouth during conversation.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Salivation, first of tough mucus hawked from throat, which presented a dark appearance, and afterwards a profuse, watery discharge from whole buccal cavity; clammy, greasy sensation in mouth, with bilious coating on root of tongue; lethargy; hunger, with inability to eat; general "bilious" condition; constipation, succeeding a profuse, watery, offensive pancreatic diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Salivation with profuse flow; gums and tongue feel as though covered with a greasy substance.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Stomatitis, with painful burning in mouth and fauces.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Ulcers on mucous membrane of cheeks. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s83}}Pain in tonsils, shooting into ears.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Smarting, burning sensation, with feeling of enlargement, like a burning cavern, while throat is dry injected, and of bright red color.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Peculiar irritability of throat, palate and pharynx, coming on without any appearance of inflammation, and sometimes attended with cough.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Spasms of pharynx while swallowing food. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s89}}Loss of taste and appetite, nausea and empty eructations. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Headache after breakfast; aching in stomach before breakfast and after a cold drink.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Chronic indigestion of milk; it sours and is vomited. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s94}}Eructations: of tasteless gas; of wind from stomach with considerable force; tasteless; acid of sour food.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Heartburn.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Nausea: from riding, from overexertion or from irregularities of diet; and retching.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Nausea and vomiting: of sour food, whole person smells sour; of thin, watery fluid of an exceedingly sour taste.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Vomiting: an extremely sour fluid which excoriates throat; with burning in mouth, fauces, esophagus and stomach; of sweetish water; of ingesta; of soured milk in children; of food an hour after eating; of bile, with great heat and sweat.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Bilious vomiting, with great heat of head and perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Violent pain with every fit of vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Periodical vomiting spells, coming on once every month or six weeks, lasting two or three days.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Vomiting of ingesta, then sour fluid, and at last bile yellow and green, with great heat of head, some general fever, and great prostration; perspiration warm, caused by efforts of straining and vomiting. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Great burning distress in epigastrium; can hardly endure it.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Violent pains in epigastric region, coming on at intervals.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Gastralgia.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Pain in stomach before breakfast, and from drinking water.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Beating, throbbing, in and about heart and sternum, then fearful cramps or spasms from middle of sternum to pit of stomach, with repeated vomitings.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Everything sours in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Dyspepsia; food vomited an hour or so after meals.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Gastric symptoms predominate with headache.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Burning distress in stomach and pancreas, with watery diarrhea and great prostration.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Burning distress in pancreas, sweetish vomit.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Shocks of pain in umbilical region up to epigastrium; nausea, straining and belching of wind. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s116}}Cutting in region of liver.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Pain in right hypochondriac region; agg. from motion.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Acute and chronic disorders of liver.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Increase of bile, then deficiency of, with jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Anxious look; vomits almost constantly a greenish yellow matter, very bitter; great tenderness in region of liver; urgent desire for stool; bowels torpid; pulse 130, temperature, 103.2; great pain in abdomen, agg. on pressure; tongue dry, coated on each side, red streak in centre; dull and stupid. {{anchor:s121}}~ Bilious colic.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Acute affections of pancreas, inflammation or salivation.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Pains above crest of ilium, right side, then left. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s125}}Colicky pains, intermittent about navel, before each spell of vomiting or purging.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Pains in umbilical region and loud rumbling in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Pain in region of umbilicus, agg. from motion; diarrhea threatening or actually existing; general headache, agg. in anterior half, in individuals subject to headache; nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Sharp, griping pains in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Colicky pains, must bend forward for relief; amel. after discharges of flatus.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Great prostration; pulse frequent and feeble; expression of great anguish in face; much mental depression; frequent and violent efforts to vomit, resulting, however, in little more than an enormous discharge of air, which seemed to roll off her stomach with great force; intense pain in umbilical region, passing in successive shocks, like effects of a galvanic battery, upward to epigastric region, followed or accompanied by nausea, straining and belching of wind; great commotion and rumbling of bowels above seat of pain, little or none below; no desire for stool. {{anchor:s131}}~ Colic.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Abdomen very prominent; severe rumbling of gas; excessive watery discharges, preceded by soft and more substantial evacuations and intense aching, cramplike pains; excessive nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Rumbling and cutting pain in lower part of abdomen, amel. by pressing flatus.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Periodical night colic, amel. by two or three free discharges before morning.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Colic of infants with flatulency and constipation.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Abdominal complaints of children occurring in Spring and Autumn.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Syphilitic sinus in left groin, result of a bubo, discharge ichorous. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s139}}Diarrhea: with colic and rumbling in bowels; with pain in bowels, with or without vomiting; cramps in bowels; thin, watery; with frequent bilious stools; brown and very offensive, with cutting, colicky pains, nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Stool: thin, watery, tinged with bile, copious, in a continuous stream; green, undigested; mushy, pappy, with fetid flatus; bloody mucus, with great straining; black, with fever, hot sweat, white tongue, severe headache, despondency; yellow, watery, corrosive; copious, watery, with or without tenesmus; frequent, very green and watery; watery, mixed with mucus; thin, yellow, fecal; fetid or coppery smelling; containing undigested food.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Watery stool; anus feels on fire; disposition to strain and bear down; great burning in anus.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Watery diarrhea and colic pains precede the bloody, mucous discharges.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Bloody, mucous discharges, with severe tenesmus and rectal prolapsus.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Very soft, yellow stools, with great rumbling in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Stool of scybalous matter, together with fluid mucoid feces of offensive, putrid and coppery color.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Before stool: rumbling in abdomen; cutting in lower part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s147}}During stool: cutting; severe cramplike pains; tenesmus; burning at anus; fetid, coppery smelling flatus.\\ {{anchor:s148}}After stool: pricking as of points in anus; burning of anus, as though on fire; prolapsus of rectum.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Periodical spells of diarrhea, always at night about two or three o'clock.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Burning from mouth to anus. {{anchor:s151}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Acute mucous enteritis.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Stools brown, slimy, or watery, frequent and generally very offensive; attacks sudden and characterized by uncommonly severe tenesmus, prolapsus of rectum, frequently piles, and very intense feeling of exhaustion from very commencement; appetite not much affected; generally no pain in bowels. {{anchor:s154}}~ Diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Cholera infantum, with profuse, sour discharges from stomach and bowels, and pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Cholera morbus: occurring in hottest part of season; vomiting; grumbling pains in bowels, watery, green stools.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Severe pain in bowels, with much rumbling; constant nausea; vomiting and purging every few moments; limbs and body cold; occasional cramps in lower extremities; vomited matter was glairy mucus with some bile at times; stools thin and colorless. {{anchor:s158}}~ Cholera morbus.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Autumnal bilious diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Bilious dysentery; body cold; skin blue; vomiting with prostration.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Constipation: succeeded by thin, watery diarrhea; with flatulent colic; migraine; nervousness; irregular menses; colic and sick headache; headache affecting forehead and eyes; hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Prolapsus of rectum.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Anus feels sore, or as if sharp points were sticking in it.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Premonitory diarrhea for two or three days, then purging suddenly became agg., with vomiting, cramps in body and lower limbs; two hours later diarrhea profuse and involuntary, evacuations being wholly of rice water character; vomiting frequent and severe, the matter ejected consisting principally of small white flocculent bodies, with bodies of undigested food; crampy pains in abdomen and lumbar region, also less severely in legs; intense and urgent thirst; difficulty and oppression of breathing; choleraic expression; face limbs and body cold; tongue slightly bluish, furred and icy cold to touch. {{anchor:s165}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Asiatic cholera, with rice water discharges, cramps, etc. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Cutting and pricking in urethra while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Urine: scanty, red; burning length of urethra after passing it; clear, profuse; copious, watery in nervous headache; very high colored and scanty. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Nocturnal emissions, with amorous dreams.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Coldness and itching of parts.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Excitement of generative organs reflex from an excessively acid stomach.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Heavy, dragging gait and excitable sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Coldness and relaxation of scrotum.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Spermatorrhea, with pale face, sunken eyes; depression.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Secondary gonorrhea or gleet; syphilis; mercurial syphilis. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s179}}Neuralgia and rheumatism of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Metrorrhagia.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Menses regular but excessive.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Uterine leucorrhea. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s186}}Morning sickness during pregnancy; vomit sour or bitter.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Protracted nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; profuse flow of saliva.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Inflammation and soreness of uterus, very sensitive to touch; pain across umbilicus, with severe griping at short intervals; nausea and vomiting of green or yellow bile, with eructations of a great deal of flatus during and between times of vomiting; diarrhea of a yellow, bilious character. {{anchor:s189}}~ Miscarriage. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s192}}Dry, tickling cough, with smarting burning in throat. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s194}}Short, dry cough, excited by excessive tickling in larynx, preceded or accompanied by dry, smarting, or burning sore throat. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s196}}Pain in left side of chest, as if ribs were pressing against lungs. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Crampy pain in right lumbar region. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s200}}Acute rheumatic pain right shoulder agg. from motion, especially on raising arm.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Shooting burning pain in right shoulder; gastralgia or enteralgia.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Pains shift rapidly in phalanges and metacarpal bones.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Fingers pain on writing. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s205}}Slight coxalgia in left hip.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Sciatic pains, as if left hip joint was wrenched.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Painful drawing and lameness behind left trochanter, extending down to popliteal space.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Shooting, burning, laming pain, affecting posterior femoral muscles; shooting along left sciatic nerve to foot, agg. by motion; moderate motion aggravates, violent motion makes no difference; shooting, burning pains in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Pain confined to left leg, shooting, burning, laming, affecting posterior femoral muscles, and shooting along left sciatic nerve to foot; agg. by motion. {{anchor:s210}}~ Sciatica. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s212}}Shifting pains in right hip, both knees, agg. right and in right foot, especially, and first joint of great toe.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Tearing, shooting and rapidly shifting pains in joints and extremities, especially smaller joints, but more particularly in right shoulder. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s217}}Rest: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Sitting down: chronic frontal headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Must bend forward for relief: from colicky pains.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Standing up: chronic headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Raising arm: pain in shoulder agg.\\ {{anchor:s222}}After exertion: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Overexertion: causes nausea.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Constant motion: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Motion: pain in right hypochondriac region agg.; pain in region of umbilicus agg.; pain in shoulder agg.; pain along sciatic nerve agg.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Moderate motion: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Violent motion: sick headache agg.; pains along sciatic nerve not affected. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s229}}Great debility; faint, weak knees, trembling; sunken eyes; after protracted or severe serous or bilious stools, as in summer diarrhea. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s231}}Sleeplessness; starts in sleep. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s233}}Aggravation in evening and at night; from rest, also from motion; amel. from continued motion.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Morning: pain in head grows more violent towards afternoon and night; sickness.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Towards evening: headache and nausea agg.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Evening: headache agg.; much itching of eruption.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Night: emissions; chilliness; great itching of eruption; great itching of eczema. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s239}}Warm room: toothache.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Open air: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s241}}After cold drink: aching in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Cold air: headache and nausea agg. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Chilliness all night.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Chills, with sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Head and face cold.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Heat followed by chill, with cold hands and feet.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Chills over whole body, even when well covered; fever with muttering delirium and bilious diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Skin hot; dry, black stool.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Sweat over whole body, particularly in groin.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Bilious fever after Bryon. or Acon.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Typhoid fever, with symptoms similar to Baptis.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Muttering delirium; yellow, watery, stinking diarrhea; involuntary passage of urine and feces; coated tongue, dry, brown, crusty, edges red, sordes on gums and teeth, and foul breath. {{anchor:s254}}~ Typhoid.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Fever; stupor; black, stinking, involuntary diarrhea, tongue dry and brown; fetid breath. {{anchor:s256}}~ Typhoid.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Fever, intense headache, pain in small of back, black dysenteric passages, nausea and efforts to vomit. {{anchor:s258}}~ Typhoid. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s260}}Paroxysmal: headache through day.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Every few moments: vomiting and purging.\\ {{anchor:s262}}At short intervals: severe griping in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s263}}An hour after eating: vomiting of food.\\ {{anchor:s264}}After breakfast every morning: neuralgia of face; headache; pain in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Periodical nightly colic, diarrhea 2 or 3 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Every eighth day: sick headache.\\ {{anchor:s267}}At intervals of many days, so as to become periodical: headache.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Every two weeks: ear gathers and discharges.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Once every month or six weeks: periodical vomiting spells, lasting two or three days.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Spring and Autumn: abdominal complaints. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s272}}Right: headache in forehead and eyes agg.; dull throbbing or shooting in side of forehead; shooting in temple; hemicrania; severe pain in occiput agg.; stitches in lower cerebellum; neuralgic pain side of face; pain in hypochondriac region; crampy pain in lumbar region; acute rheumatic pain in shoulder; shooting, burning pain in shoulder; shifting pains in hip, in foot; herpes zoster on side of body.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Left: acute, boring pains on side of forehead; ear covered with eruption; syphilitic sinus in groin; pain in side of chest; slight coxalgia in hip; sciatic pain in hip joint; painful drawing and lameness behind trochanter; pain along sciatic nerve to foot; in leg vesicular eruption on knee.\\ {{anchor:s274}}From right to left: pain shoots like an electric shock from temple to occiput; acute, boring pains through forehead; pain above crest of ilium. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s276}}As of a band around head; tongue feels as if scalded; as if mouth and fauces were on fire; mouth as if it was scalded; gums and tongue feel as though covered with a greasy substance; feeling of enlargement like a burning cavern in throat; pain like effects of a galvanic battery upward to epigastric region; arms feel as if on fire; pricking as of points; as if ribs were pressing against lungs; as if left hip joint was wrenched.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Pain: in head, in forehead and eyes; in tonsils; in stomach; in right hypochondriac region; above crest of ilium, right side, then left; in umbilical region; in bowels; across umbilicus; in left side of chest; shifts rapidly in phalanges and metacarpal bones; in fingers; in left leg; in small of back.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Pain: like an electric shock from right temple to left side of occiput.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Intense pain: in umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Violent pain: over eyes; in supraorbital region on either side, but only on one side at a time.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Violent pain: with every fit of vomiting; in epigastric region.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Great pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Severe pain: in head, through temples and over eyes; in occiput agg. right side; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Severe frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Violent stunning headache with facial neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Great burning distress: in stomach; in epigastrium; in pancreas.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Fearful cramps: from middle of sternum to pit of stomach; in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Sharp, cutting pains of short duration in head.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Cutting: in head; in region of liver; in lower part of abdomen; in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Tearing, shooting and rapidly shifting pains in joints and extremities, especially smaller joints, but more particularly in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Shooting, burning pain: in right shoulder; affecting posterior femoral muscles.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Shooting pains: in temples; into ears; in right shoulder; along sciatic nerve to foot.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Acute, boring or shooting pains: in one side of forehead, generally left.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Sharp pains: in centre of temples.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Darting stitches: in two carious teeth.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Stitches: in lower cerebellum, right side.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Violent throbbing: in either side of frontal protuberance.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Beating, throbbing: in and about heart and sternum.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Dull throbbing or shooting: in right side of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Dull throbbing or hammering: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Severe griping: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Sharp, griping pains: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Intense aching, cramplike pains: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Colicky pains: about navel.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Neuralgic pains: in right side of face.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Neuralgia: facial or cephalic; of head, eyes and temples; involving supra and infraorbital, superior maxillary and inferior dental nerves.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Acute rheumatic pain: in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Sciatic pains: in left hip joint.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Shifting pains: in right hip, both knees, in right foot and first joint of great toe.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Grumbling pains: in bowels.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Shocks of pain: in umbilical region, up to epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Habitual headache.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Chronic headaches with asthenopia.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Chronic frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Slight dull pain: at situation of posterior fontanelle.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Dull, heavy frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Sick headache: of gastric or hepatic origin.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Cramps: in lower extremities; in body.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Crampy pains: in abdomen and lumbar region; in right lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Aching: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Pricking: in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Smarting burning: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Burning: in internal canthus; at anus; in mouth and fauces; esophagus and stomach; from mouth to anus; in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Soreness: of uterus.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Painful drawing and lameness behind left trochanter, extending down to popliteal space.\\ {{anchor:s326}}Tenderness: in region of stomach and liver.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Tired headache.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Full, heavy feeling in head.\\ {{anchor:s329}}Fullness: of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Greasy feeling: in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Very intense feeling of exhaustion.\\ {{anchor:s332}}Constriction: around forehead.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Constricted feeling: in scalp.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Great heat: of head.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Tenderness: in region of liver.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Excessive tickling: in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Coldness: of male sexual organs.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Itching: of male sexual organs; of eruption. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s340}}Excites secretion of glands, salivary, pancreatic, intestinal, etc.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Acts powerfully on gastro-intestinal mucous membrane.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Ascites and anasarca of hepatic origin.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Scrofula; eruptions on skin; glandular swellings.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Will abort felon. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s348}}Touch: uterus very sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Pressure: great pain in abdomen agg.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Riding: causes nausea. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s352}}Small blood-boils on face, hands and back.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Fine eruption, showing black points after scratching, great itching at night.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Herpes zoster on right side of body.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Vesicular eruption, becoming pustular, on arms, abdomen, back, nates and left knee; much itching in evening.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Vesicular eruption, becoming pustular.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Pustular eruption on scalp, face, around mouth and other parts of body.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Eczema, with great itching, especially at night; small, fine eruptions, which show black points after scratching.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Irregular patches on knees, elbows and body, with shining scales, edges slightly raised. {{anchor:s360}}~ Psoriasis.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Psoriasis in relievo, skin fissured and irritable.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Tinea capitis; crusta lactea; porrigo; eczema of face.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Impetigo capitis, with gastric complaints, nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Impetigo figurata, eruption dry, distinct and of dark hue.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Obstinate lepra vulgaris on arms. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s367}}Scrawny, scrofulous child, few weeks after birth; impetigo.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Baby, aet. 5 months; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Baby, aet. 8 months, suffering for two months; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Baby, frequently troubled with boils, mother had itch; tinea capitis.\\ {{anchor:s371}}Girl, aet. 11, suffering for three or four years; headache.\\ {{anchor:s372}}A boy, aet. 12; typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Man, aet. 20, has had syphilis and taken mercury, suffering three months; syphilitic sinus.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Woman, aet. 20; cholera morbus.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Woman, aet. 30; bilious colic.\\ {{anchor:s376}}Woman, aet. 30, nervo-sanguine, suffering from phlegmasia alba dolens succeeding an abortion; salivation.\\ {{anchor:s377}}Lady, aet. 31, debilitated by overlactation; cholera.\\ {{anchor:s378}}Man, health good, subject to sudden and often unaccountable attacks; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s379}}Widow, aet. 42, tall, light complexion and hair, blue eyes, suffering three weeks, sciatica.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Woman, aet. 43, small in stature, black hair, blue eyes, active disposition, slight icteric taint, uses strong tea and coffee to excess; constipation.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Middle aged woman; typhoid.\\ {{anchor:s382}}Woman, aet. 60; cholera morbus.\\ {{anchor:s383}}Woman, aet. 65, nervous bilious temperament, wife of farmer, works very hard; colic.\\ {{anchor:s384}}A woman, aet. 83; typhoid. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s386}}Antidoted by Nux vom.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Antidotes: Mercur., Nux vom., Phytol.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Compare: Ant. crud., Ant. tart., Arsen., Colchic., Eup. perf., Ipecac., Juglans cin., Leptandra, Mercur., Pulsat., Sanguin., Veratr. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 06, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r193|Iris versicolor]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r193|Iris versicolor]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}