====== LITHIUM CARBONICUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Lithium Carbonicum. ====== Lithia. Li2 CO3. ====== {{anchor:s4}}Introduced and proved by Hering, assisted by Neidhard and Geist. {{anchor:s5}}See Am. Hom. Rev., 1863, vol. 3, p. 485, 1863. {{anchor:s6}}A proving of Gettysburg water, containing lithia, was made by Swan. {{anchor:s7}}See H. Mo., 1871, p. 389. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s9}}- Weakness of eyes, A. R., Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 110; Hemiopia, Dunham, Norton's Ophth. {{anchor:s10}}Therap., p. 111; Hom. Clin., vol. 1, p. 25; Ophthalmia, Kenyon, Hale's Therap., p. 413; Disease of right kidney and bladder, Fanning, Am. Hom. Rev., Jan., 1865; Disease of heart, Neidhard, Hale's Therap., p. 414; Gout with puffing and swelling of body and limbs, Org., vol. 2, p. 450; Arthritis, Falk, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 174. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s12}}Difficulty in remembering names.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Disposed to weep about his lonesome condition.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Anxiety, hopeless all night. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Heaviness in sinciput, especially in frontal eminence.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Pain and heaviness over brows, agg. towards evening.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Headache like a stitch, superiorly on vertex.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Early on awaking, headache in vertex and temples, with nausea after sudden cessation of menses.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Pains in a small spot in right temple; pain in left temple.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Heavy weight upon vertex, with pressure upon left temple.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Pressure in temples from without inward, with a pressing pain in middle of chest.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Tension as if bound in temples, with half vision.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Tearing, sticking headache on right side, agg. on assuming erect position and on motion, amel. during repose.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache ceases while eating, but returns and remains until food is again taken.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Throbbing headache.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Pressure in right side of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Headache: agg. when lying down; it pains everywhere; amel. when sitting; amel. by going out.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Looking at anything makes headache agg.; can hardly keep eyes open; pain as if sore from morning till noon.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Trembling and throbbing in head, pains in heart extend to head.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Head seems too large.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Confusion of head. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Head externally sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Milk crust. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s37}}Asthenopia, with black motes before eyes and sensitiveness of eyes after using them by candlelight.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Entire vanishing of right half of whatever she looked at; or if two short words occurred in succession, that on right hand was invisible; second day of menses; pain over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s39}}After excessive use of eyes, with insufficient light, loss of use of left eye; vision with right eye incomplete; could only see left half of an object until he looked a second time and more intently; a similar perversion had preceded loss of vision in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Sunlight blinds him.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Eyes pain: during and after reading; as if dry; as if little grains were in them; as if sore.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Throbbing and drawing deep in right eye and around it.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Stitches in right eye.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with hardening of Meibomean glands.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Ophthalmia, with redness of sclerotica, muco-purulent discharge, sticking pains in eyes, photophobia and sensation as of a veil before them. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s47}}Earache left side, from throat, with prosopalgia.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Pain behind left ear, in bone, extending toward neck. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Nose, especially on right side, somewhat swollen, red, sore, internally, shining crusts form in it; dry as if inflamed; frequent urinating at night.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Nose obstructed above, agg. in morning and forenoon.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Blows nose very much in evening, much mucus remains behind in choanae.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Dropping from nose, in open air.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Soreness of end of nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s56}}Pain right side from root of tooth that has been sawn off, extending to temple; next day same on left side from throat to ear. {{anchor:s57}}~ Prosopalgia. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s59}}Glandular swellings on left side of face, throat and neck, nearly all size of a hen's egg, some hard, some suppurating. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Teeth feel numb, dull and loose, cannot bite on them. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Sore throat in evening, right side.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Sore throat, extending into ear.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Solid lumps from choanae and fauces, agg. morning and forenoon. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s67}}After fruit: diarrhea. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Acidity of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Nausea, with gnawing in stomach, fullness in temples, headache. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s72}}Gnawing in stomach, agg. before a meal, amel. while eating. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Pressure in hepatic region.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Violent pain in hepatic region, between ilium and ribs. {{anchor:s76}}~ Gall stones.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Sticking pain in left hypochondrium; pain in region of spleen. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s79}}Feels swollen, as if distended with wind.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Violent pain across upper part of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Pain in left abdominal ring, like a pressing from within outward.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Indurated inguinal glands.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Syphilitic bubo in left groin, a longish swelling, as hard as a stone, uneven, rugged, like a scirrhus, at night violent lancinations, as if with red hot needles.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Buboes with decided fluctuation. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Emission of much offensive flatus on awaking from sleep.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Stools: soft, light, yellow in morning; offensive at night; stinking flatus in evening; agg. after fruit or chocolate.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Violent, painful, dull stitch in perineum near anus, from above downward, from within outward. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s90}}Soreness of bladder, and sharp sticking pains in neck of bladder, on right side, with soreness; frequent urination; pains in right kidney.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Flashes of pain in region of bladder, more toward right, before passing water; pain extends into spermatic cord after urinating.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Tenesmus vesicae with micturition; evening while walking.\\ {{anchor:s93}}On rising to urinate, pressing in cardiac region, not ceasing until after urinating; morning.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Urine: scanty, dark acrid; pain when passed, emission difficult; with dark, reddish brown deposit; turbid with mucous deposit; profuse, with uric acid deposit.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Burning in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Frequent copious urination; disturbing sleep. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s98}}Erection after urination at night.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Greenish yellowish discharge from urethra, thick and profuse, alternating with haematuria.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Burning in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Pain in right side, in urethra and spermatic cord, into testicle.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Pain in testes, and when sitting, stitches in penis. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Menses: late, scanty; cease suddenly and headache comes on. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s106}}On inspiring air feels cold, even into lungs. {{anchor:s107}}~ Heart disease.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Constriction of chest when walking in open air after breakfast, hawking of much mucus, seemingly from middle of sternum. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Violent cough, in quick shocks, evening while lying; must rise; no sputa; irritation to cough, starts at a small spot posteriorly and inferiorly in throat. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Pressure in middle of chest from within outward toward sides. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s114}}Pressing in region of heart, on rising to urinate, amel. after urinating.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Throbbing; dull stitch in cardiac region; sudden shocks.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Rheumatic soreness in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Violent pain in region of heart, as she bent over bed; morning after rising.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Pains in heart before and at time of urinating; also before and at time of menses.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Soreness about heart, agg. on stooping; pains in limbs; finger joints tender and painful; sleeplessness.\\ {{anchor:s120}}After mental agitation of a vexatious character, to which she is very subject, a trembling and fluttering of heart, distressingly painful in heart and as far as between shoulders; extends upwards into head where it is felt as painful throbbing; the air on inspiration seems so cold, that it is felt unpleasantly even in lungs. {{anchor:s121}}~ Valvular insufficiency.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Heart disease, with induration of aortic valves; "bruit de scie," followed by a bellows sound within a small space in region of aortic valves; sharp pains shooting through back, shoulder and arm; arm as if paralyzed. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s124}}Sore feeling right side near spine, on a small spot; agg. from pressure; morning on rising.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Feeling of prostration in sacrum at night.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Stitch in sacrum; pain when standing, with confusion of head. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s128}}Pain near point of right pectoralis major on margin of right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Burning stitch in ball of left thumb.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Itching, throbbing, sensitive pains in all fingers, agg. second and third of left hand, as if in bones; extends from hands to finger ends, only during repose; amel. on pressure when grasping and during motion.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Left middle finger painful through and through.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Soreness at margin of nail, with redness and pain. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s134}}Pain in right hip, later in left.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Itching, burning pain in a small spot on right hip, then on thigh, then on little toe; all on external aspect of limb; also internally on left thigh and knee.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Rheumatic pains in lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Pains in and above knees, especially when going up stairs; knees weak.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Syphilitic, bluish, deep old ulcer on calf of leg.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Painfullness of feet, ankles, metatarsus and toes, especially at border of foot and soles as if gouty.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Ankle joints pain when walking, first right more, then left; frequent urgent pains of moderate severity, of a striking character, from within outward, ending in a burning itching in a small spot.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Rheumatic pains in right foot on awaking at night, pass off on rising.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Burning in great toe, especially around corns; soreness of corns; itching of sole of left foot on inner margin.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Pain in little toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Swelling, tenderness, sometimes redness, of last joint of fingers, with general puffiness of body and limbs; increase of bulk and weight; clumsiness in walking at night, and weariness in standing; sometimes intense itching of sides, feet and hands, at night, from no apparent cause, amel. by very hot water.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Arthritis. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s150}}Repose: headache amel.; itching, sensitive pain in all fingers.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Lying down: headache agg.; violent cough, must rise.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Sitting: headache amel.; stitching in penis.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Stooping: soreness about heart agg.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Standing: pain in sacrum; weariness.\\ {{anchor:s155}}On assuming an erect position: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Motion: headache agg.; itching, sensitive pains in hands and fingers amel.\\ {{anchor:s157}}On rising: pressing in region of heart; rheumatic pains in right foot pass off.\\ {{anchor:s158}}After rising in morning: as she bent over bed violent pain in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Going up stairs: pains in and above knees.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Walking: tenesmus vesicae with micturition; in open air constriction of chest; ankle joints pain; clumsiness at night. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Prostration of whole body, especially knee joints and sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Paralytic stiffness in all limbs and in whole body. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s165}}Whole night anxiety and feeling of helplessness; restless.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Sleep disturbed by: pains in sacrum and feet; urination; offensive diarrhea; tenesmus vesicae; erections, which subside on urinating; voluptuous dreams. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Morning: soft, light, yellow stools; on rising to urinate, pressing in cardiac region; violent pain in region of heart; on rising, sore feeling near spine, right side.\\ {{anchor:s169}}From morning till noon: eyes pain; obstructed nose agg.; solid lumps from choanae and fauces agg.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Evening: pain and heaviness over brows agg.; blows nose very much; sore throat; flatus; tenesmus vesicae; violent cough.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Night: anxiety, hopelessness; urinating; violent lancinations in bubo; offensive stools; erection after urinating; feeling of prostration in sacrum; rheumatic pain in right foot; clumsiness in walking; itching of side of feet and hands. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s173}}Very hot water: itching of feet and hands amel.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Going out: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Open air: dropping from nose; constriction of chest.\\ {{anchor:s176}}On inspiring air feels cold even into lungs. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Shudder starting from thorax.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Cold feet, soles agg.; then sudden heat beginning in soles and extending over whole body.\\ {{anchor:s180}}General feeling of heat in body; sweat on back of hands.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Copious sweat. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s183}}Before and at time of menses: pain in heart. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Right: pain in a small spot in temple; headache; pressure in side of forehead; entire vanishing of half of whatever she looked at; vision incomplete; throbbing and drawing deep in eye; stitches in eye; nose swollen, red, sore; pain from tooth to temple; sore throat; sharp sticking pains in neck of bladder; pains in kidney; pains in side of urethra; sore feeling on side near spine; pain near point of pectoralis major near margin of shoulder; pain in hip; itching, burning in a small spot on hip, then on thigh, then on little toe; rheumatic pain in foot.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Left: pain in temple; pressure upon temple; loss of use of eye; earache; pain behind ear; pain from throat to ear; glandular swelling on side of face, throat and neck; sticking pain in hypochondrium; pain in abdominal ring; syphilitic bubo in groin; burning stitch in ball of thumb; itching, sensitive pains agg. in second and third finger of hand; middle finger painful; pain in hip; pain internally on thigh and knee; itching of sole of foot.\\ {{anchor:s187}}From within outward: pressing in abdominal ring; stitch in perineum near anus; pressing in middle of chest; urgent pains in ankle joints.\\ {{anchor:s188}}From without inward: pressure in temples.\\ {{anchor:s189}}From above downward: stitch in perineum near anus. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s191}}As if temples were bound; eyes as if sore; head as if too large; eyes as if dry; as if little grains were in them; as of a veil before eyes; nose as if inflamed; teeth as if numb, dull and loose; abdomen as if distended with wind; lancinations as if with red hot needles in bubo; arm as if paralyzed; pain as if in bones of hand; border of foot and soles as if gouty; whole body sore as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Pain: over brows; in vertex and temples; in a small spot in right temple; in left temple; in heart to head; over eyes; in bones; behind left ear; from tooth to temple, right side; from throat to ear, left side; in region of spleen; in hepatic region; in left abdominal ring; in right kidney; on right side in urethra and spermatic cord into testicle; in testes; in heart; in limbs; in finger joints; in sacrum; near point of right pectoralis major on margin of right shoulder; through left middle finger; at margin of finger nail; in hips; in and above knees; in feet, ankles, metatarsus and toes; in ankle joints; in little toes.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Violent pain: in hepatic region across upper part of abdomen; in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Violent lancinations: in bubo.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Violent, painful, dull stitch: in perineum.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Distressingly painful trembling, fluttering: at heart as far as shoulders and head where it is painful throbbing.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Sharp shooting pains: through back, shoulder and arm.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Tearing sticking headache: on right side.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Throbbing, dull stitch: in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Throbbing pain: in head; in right eye.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Stitches: in right eye; in penis; in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Burning stitch: in ball of left thumb.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Stitchlike pain: in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Sticking pains: in eyes; in left hypochondrium; in neck of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Frequent urgent pains of moderate severity, of a striking character: in a small spot in ankle.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Gnawing: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Drawing pain: deep in right eye and around it.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Rheumatic pains: in lower extremities; in right foot.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Pressing pain: in middle of chest.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Itching, burning pain: in a small spot in right hip, then on thigh, then on little toe; internally on left thigh and knee.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Burning: in urethra; in great toe; around corns.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Aching: in ear from throat.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Flashes of pain: in region of bladder, extending into spermatic cord.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Rheumatic soreness: in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Soreness: of end of nose; of throat; of bladder; about heart; at margin of finger nail; of corns.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Sore feeling: right side near spine.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Tenderness: of last joint of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Anxiety: all night.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Itching, throbbing, sensitive pain: in all fingers.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Heat: in body.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Pressing: as if with a dull point, here and there, internally, as if it were near bone, most in left side.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Burning stitch: from within outward, ends in itching.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Pressure: upon left temple; in temples; in right side of forehead; in hepatic region; in middle of chest; in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Heaviness: in sinciput; over brows.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Heavy weight: upon vertex.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Fullness: in temples.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Constriction: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Weariness: in standing.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Feeling of prostration: in sacrum at night; of whole body, especially knee joints.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Paralytic stiffness: in all limbs and in whole body.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Trembling: in head.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Confusion: of head.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Itching: of sole of foot; intense on sides of feet and hands. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s235}}Scrofulous diseases, particularly swollen glands.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Bruised spots from falls or from being beaten.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Bones, joints, muscles, whole body sore as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Heart affections; ossification.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Arthritis; gouty diathesis.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Obesity with gout; dyspnea. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Pressure: sore feeling near spine agg.; itching sensitive pains in hands and fingers amel.\\ {{anchor:s245}}From falls or from being beaten: bruised spots. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s247}}Itching and burning.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Skin rough as a grater, harsh, dry.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Barber's itch, ringworm, circular furfuraceous patches on skin.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Rough rash over body. {{anchor:s251}}~ Secondary syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Skin of whole body rough and dry; both cheeks covered with a thick crust like milk crust. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s254}}Man, aet. 20; from early youth glandular swellings of neck.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Girl, aet. 26, brown hair, excitable, thin; affection of right kidney and bladder.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Man, aet. 35, sight failing for more than a year; hemiopia.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Bookkeeper, aet. 44; hemiopia.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Professional man; weakness of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Woman, aet. 52; gouty diathesis, puffing, swelling and itching of body and limbs. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s261}}Compare: Am. phos., Benz. ac, Berber., Calc. and Lycop. in rheumatism or gout; Alumina in conjunctivitis; Gettysburg Springs in scrofulous joints; Coral rub. and Kali bich. in catarrh when inspired air feels cold; Sepia and Teucrium in post-nasal catarrh with chunky discharges; Aurum, Conium, Kalmia, Ledum and Zincum in heart disease. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 07, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r212|Lithium carbonicum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r212|Lithium carbonicum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}