====== MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS ====== {{anchor:s1}}Mercurius Iodatus Flavus. {{anchor:s2}}Protoiodide of Mercury. {{anchor:s3}}Hg2 I2 (or Hg I). {{anchor:s4}}Provings by Lord (Am. Provers' Union Publ., 1856) and Blakely (New Provings, Tafel, 1866). ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s6}}- Intraocular affection, Woodyatt, Norton's Oph. Therap., p. 86; Syndesmitis membranacea, Payr, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 104; Syphilitic disease of eye, Norton, Org., vol. 2, p. 382; Blepharitis ciliaris, Norton, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 352; Nasal catarrh, Holcombe, B. J. H., vol. 34, p. 387; Ozaena, Fisher, Raue's Path. and Therap., p. 228; Toothache, Fleming, Times Retros., vol. 1, p. 57; Affection of lower lip, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 130; Sore throat, Blakely, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 163; Tonsillitis, Hoopes, Org., vol. 3, p. 105; Blakely, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 162; Diphtheria, Hirsch, Lippe, Oehme's Therap., p. 53; Bubo, Rosenberg, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 568; Vomiting in pregnancy, Cushing, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 261; Goitre, Blakely, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 164; Pains in lower limbs, Blakely, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 163; Chancre, Reil, Rosenberg, Bojanus, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 568; Crusta lactea, Blakely, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 163; Scabies sicca, Blakely, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 164. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s8}}Symptoms disappear during care and anxiety; they also retard action of remedy.\\ {{anchor:s9}}Lively, talkative, good natured, whistles and sings soon after great depression.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Disposition to destructiveness, can scarcely resist temptation to throw lamp through window.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Moodiness, depression of spirits.\\ {{anchor:s12}}While in bed imagined a man was in his room, who intended to perforate his throat with a gimlet. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s14}}Dizzy: when reading; when rising from a chair. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Dull, pressing, boring pains over eyes. {{anchor:s17}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Dull frontal headache, with pain at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Throbbing pain in forehead and temples.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Throbbing, bursting sensation in temples. {{anchor:s21}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Shooting pains in temple; sharp stitches.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Sharp pain in vertex.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Violent pain in right side of head (over right temple).\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache on top of head, or on right side.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Dull, heavy aching at base of brain.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Head feels dull and compressed, as if a heavy weight was pressing it down on pillow.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Dull headache on awaking in morning.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Headache felt more when at rest, amel. when mind or body is actively engaged. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s31}}Stiffness and soreness in occiput, also when touched, more to left and down back, agg. when lying.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Sensation as if skull was cracking.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Itching of scalp. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Excessive photophobia. {{anchor:s36}}~ Ulcers on cornea.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Black motes before eyes; opacities of vitreous.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Black clouds float before eyes when lying on left side.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Miss L., aet. 26; eight years ago noticed a heaviness and drooping of eyelids; after two years sight of left eye imperfect, and when this dimness appeared, drooping of both eyelids ceased; no redness, pain, or photophobia, but black spots and flashes of light; a year later right eye was affected and rapidly grew agg. than left; finally sight failed entirely; examination of right eye; no external redness; anterior chamber shallow; iris discolored, crowded forward by a swollen opaque lens, to capsule of which it was attached all around margin of a contracted pupil, not even quantitative sight existed; left eye; anterior chamber shallow; iris dimmed and discolored; pupil moderately dilated and mobile; pigment spots on lens capsule; vitreous hazy throughout; lying in it near retina, three greenish blue spots, a little larger than optic nerve; probably hemorrhagic effusions undergoing degeneration; vision 20/50; Snellen 1 1/2 read slowly at three inches; irregular dilatation of pupil under Atropine.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Impaired sight, with weakness of internal recti; aching over eyes; fundus slightly hyperemic; right pupil slightly larger than left; paralysis of all muscles of eye and lid supplied by third pair; diplopia on holding eyes to left for some time, and distant objects look blurred a little. {{anchor:s41}}~ Syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Throbbing, aching, nightly pains.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Severe pain and soreness of right orbit on rising in morning.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Syphilitic iritis.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Pannus, all stages, but especially in acute aggravations after first, or Aconite stage, has passed.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Trachoma with and without pannus.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Ulcers occurring in course of pannus and conjunctivitis granulosa.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Large excavating ulcer on upper part of cornea, with several small ulcers on lower portion; generally excessive photophobia; thick yellow coating at base of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Serpiginous ulceration, commencing at margin and extending over whole cornea, or a portion, especially upper part of it, involving only superficial layers.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Small pustule on left eye, some pain in evening and at night, no photophobia nor lachrymation, tongue coated yellow at base.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Large pustules on conjunctiva, no pain during day and only a little at night, gums swollen and bleed easily, tongue coated yellow, bad taste in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Entire sclero-corneal margin occupied by a slightly elevated opacity of little width, and upon which was situated a chain of very minute vesicles; peri-corneal and subconjunctival tissue profusely injected with very fine vessels, through which was also distributed a large quantity of pigment, forming a zone as striking in appearance as the one occupying the limbus corneae, into which it imperceptibly merged; opacity of cornea was sharply defined.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Large excavating ulcer on upper part of cornea, with several small ulcers on lower portion.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Syndesmitis membranacea.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Paralysis of oculo motor nerve, of syphilitic origin.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Complete paralysis of all fibres of third pair of nerves of right eye, probably of syphilitic origin.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Uncomplicated granular lids.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Blepharitis ciliaris of syphilitic origin, abscesses of lashes, lids red and swollen, eruption on scalp itches, agg. at night; discharge from nose excoriating; upper lip swollen; tongue spongy, with a thick, yellow coating at base; breath offensive. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Sudden sharp pains in ear.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Throbbing boring, from within outward, deep in left ear. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s63}}Pain at root of nose (shooting).\\ {{anchor:s64}}Right side of septum and right nostril very sore and much swollen.\\ {{anchor:s65}}A great deal of mucus in nose, descends through posterior nares into throat; hawking; spots in nose feel sore; constant inclination to swallow.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Discharges from nose and throat; scales of dried, offensive pus. {{anchor:s67}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Dark redness of fauces; elongation of palate; enlargement of tonsils, sometimes covered with yellowish or whitish patches, small in size; collection of tough yellow mucus in posterior nares, which partially drops into throat, causing constant inclination to hawk and spit. {{anchor:s69}}~ Ozaena.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Thick plugs of nasal secretion, with severe frontal headache, some fever and prostration, especially in old people and children.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Chronic catarrh of posterior nares. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s73}}Soreness of entire face, especially of bones of face, with dull frontal headache.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Dull bruised pain in right malar bone, radiating into forehead and right side of head, a small spot pulsates and burns like fire.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Sharp stitches through head and face.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Stinging in left cheek. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s78}}Sore on red part of lower lip as large as hickory nut; dry and covered with dry scab, hard as horn; it had been several months forming and was quite painful; submaxillary gland enlarged and hard; lymphatics on right side of neck and tonsils enlarged; several large scales had been removed, and as soon as one separated a new one formed. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Teeth feel too long; cannot eat.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Molar teeth feel too long; agg. bringing them together.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Grinding and drawing pains in teeth; wants to press them together.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Stiffness of jaws.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Toothache after filling. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Bad taste in month. {{anchor:s87}}~ Pustules on eyes.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Thick yellow coating at base of tongue. {{anchor:s89}}~ Ulcer on cornea. {{anchor:s90}}~ Pustules on eyes.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Tongue coated bright yellow at back, tip and edges red.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Tongue coated yellowish brown. {{anchor:s93}}~ Vomiting during pregnancy. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s95}}Mouth, lips and tongue dry and sticky.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Fine bright red eruption on roof of mouth. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s98}}Burning in throat.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Throat dry, with frequent empty swallowing; burning when swallowing saliva.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Tonsils, uvula and pharynx red and congested.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Pain and swelling of right tonsil.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Slight pain in right tonsil and sensation as if it was swollen, with pain when swallowing.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Posterior wall of pharynx red, irritated and inflamed, dotted with patches of mucus and small spots which look ulcerated.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Constant secretion of mucus in throat, difficult to dislodge and causing retching.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Mucus in throat in morning.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Sensation of a lump in throat.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Easily detached patches on inflamed pharynx and fauces; agg. on right tonsil; salivary glands swollen; fetid discharge.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Sore throat, several ulcerated spots; fauces and inside of throat "mapped," appearing like many islands.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Pain in right side of throat, also in right ear, extending into throat; difficult swallowing; soreness in right side of face; tonsils swollen; pain in right ear on swallowing. {{anchor:s110}}~ Sore throat.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Tonsils swollen, red and deeply ulcerated, tongue coated yellowish white; very fretful and restless as if from pain; refuses to eat or drink; cannot sleep. {{anchor:s112}}~ Tonsillitis.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Stiffness of jaws, with inability to open mouth; altered voice, speaks as if she had pebbles in mouth; right side of throat and right tonsil inflamed; soreness in right ear and over right side of head and face; enlargement of cervical glands; sensation of lump in right side of throat; soreness in right ear, extending into throat; pain when swallowing; burning; desire for sour things; hawking; tongue coated yellow at back part, clean at front; later soreness and swelling attacked left ear and tonsil. {{anchor:s114}}~ Tonsillitis.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Great difficulty in swallowing, with great pain in throat; salivary glands very much swollen and painful; offensive smell from mouth and fetid discharge from fauces and nares; swelling of cervical glands. {{anchor:s116}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Sore throat, agg. on right side; swallowing difficult; warm drinks cause much pain; tongue coated thick at back part; looks as if a piece of chamois skin covered posterior part. {{anchor:s118}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Diphtheritic deposits begin on arches of palate; glands of neck swell rapidly; general condition of edema of throat and neck. {{anchor:s120}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Aphonia; breathing very much impeded; nostrils dilated with every inspiration; very weak murmur of respiration heard all over chest, sometimes none at all; frequent violent spells of suffocation. {{anchor:s122}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Membrane agg. on right side; tenacious mucus in throat; sick, offensive odor; agg. from warm drinks; thick, dirty yellow coating at base of tongue; glands swollen. {{anchor:s124}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Diphtheritic membrane yellow, agg. on right side; great thirst for cold water, can swallow only by little sips, as throat is so full; considerable salivation, which makes chin sore; nose obstructed with thick, yellow scabs and membranes, all agg. on right side; tongue yellow, with tip and edges clean and red; coppery smell from mouth; must swallow from constant sensation of lump in throat; agg. from empty deglutition; salivary and cervical glands engorged; much painful hawking of stringy mucus; fetid discharge from fauces and nares; edema of neck and throat; glandular derangements; great prostration; high fever; urine scanty and high colored. {{anchor:s126}}~ Diphtheria. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Appetite variable, disgust at seeing food.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Excessive thirst; occasionally for acid drinks. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Nausea: faintness, with dizziness and suffocation about heart, sensation of disgust at sight of food. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s134}}Weak, empty feeling at stomach, nausea.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Cutting pains, with nausea and inclination to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Burning at stomach, with pain as from a blow. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Stitches in region of liver, amel. by pressing with hand.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Pain in left hypochondrium, with dizziness on awaking in morning. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s141}}Hardness of abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Burning at umbilicus as from a hot coal; agg. when in spiring.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Great thirst for water in evening; pain in liver, with dizziness and nausea; pain proceeds from right to left.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Faint, sick feeling in hypogastrium before stool.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Severe cutting, cramplike pains in both hypochondria; much agg. in right, extending into back; excessive weariness in lower limbs, they scarcely support body; teeth feel elongated; tongue coated bright yellow in back part and clean in front; much thirst; entire want of appetite; pains disappear and reappear at short intervals.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Indolent buboes. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s148}}Cutting, colicky pains, followed by diarrhea or discharge of fetid flatus; stools thin, light brown, frothy.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Frequent urging to stool.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Stools copious, soft and of a dark or light yellowish brown color.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Stools scanty, hard and black.\\ {{anchor:s152}}Black discharges, with or without blood.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Stools tough like putty, with much straining. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s155}}Urine: copious, dark red, scanty. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Dreams that he must urinate, followed by seminal emission, of which he knew nothing.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Copious seminal emissions, preceded by lewd dreams.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Sharp shooting stitches in end of penis through glans.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Hard chancre. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Menses slight at onset, with pains. {{anchor:s163}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Copious, muco-purulent discharge from vagina the entire month. {{anchor:s165}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Yellow leucorrhea, particularly of young girls or children. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s170}}Morning sickness.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Confined to bed one week; vomits everything she takes, also vomits a greenish yellow, bitter liquid, with a burning, sinking sensation at stomach; tongue coated yellowish brown; bowels constipated; in a previous pregnancy was confined to her bed from same for seven months. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Loss of voice; hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Swelling as large as hen's egg; rawness and soreness of throat; difficult breathing, with suffocation at night; mucus in throat difficult to dislodge; cough agg. at night, and arises from tickling in larynx and from laughing. {{anchor:s176}}~ Goitre. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Slight hacking cough when inspiring.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Loose rattling cough, bronchi loaded with mucus; sputum copious and yellow. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Stitches through right side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Sharp pain in chest behind sternum.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Sensation in left breast above nipple as if wind was in cellular time; frequent palpitation, a single kick and jump (relieved by Lycop.). ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Sharp pain about heart, taking away breath.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Stitching pain in heart.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Sudden spasmodic action of heart, as if it had jumped out of its place.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Suffocation about heart, with nausea and giddiness.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Pulse weak, irregular and labored. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s191}}Neck stiff; soreness in occiput, agg. when lying.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Throbbing pain between shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Severe pain as if bruised over entire scapular region.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Throbbing pain on right scapula.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Sharp pains in back. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s197}}Lameness and stiffness in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Sharp pain in right shoulder, obliging him to cease writing.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Soreness and lameness of left shoulder and arm at night when lying on left side.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Lame numbness of left shoulder and arm.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Arms stiff and sore, agg. when moved.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Heavy feeling of right arm.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Soreness and pain of right arm; agg. from pressure, rubbing and passive motion.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Rheumatic, laming pain in right arm, agg. from writing.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Numbness and wearied feeling in right arm, agg. from writing.\\ {{anchor:s206}}(In sick:) Rheumatic pain in left arm, it is stiff and sore, agg. when putting his coat on or moving arm; agg. in middle of day, amel. in evening, and at night could lie on that side.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Arms and hands numb.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Rheumatic pain in right hand, at night, in bed. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Weariness in legs, with dull pains and tingling.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Dull boring pains in legs, agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Heavy laming pains in calves, with pain in knee joint.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Severe cramplike pains in lower limbs, agg. in right, especially in thigh, affecting also knees, feet and toes; pains come on only when at rest and are always amel. by active motion; passive motion makes agg.; pains appear every night while in bed, and in daytime when lying down.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Pain in sole of left foot (causing faintness), with feeling of faintness through whole body.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Lame feeling in feet. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s217}}Heaviness of limbs, with laziness and drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Excessive tired feeling of all limbs, especially when lying on left side, amel. lying on right side.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Soreness with heaviness of all limbs, with dull frontal headache and soreness of bones of face; soreness, with lameness of hands and fingers; heaviness of whole body, with soreness as if one had been beaten. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s223}}Rest: headache felt more; pains in lower limbs; feels agg.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Lying: stiffness and soreness in occiput agg.; in daytime, pains in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Lying on right side: tired feeling in all limbs amel.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Lying on left side: black clouds before eyes; soreness and lameness of right shoulder and arm; tired feeling in all limbs.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Desire to lie down, but feels agg. during rest.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Motion: of arm causes stiffness and soreness; of left arm pain agg.; pains in lower limbs amel.\\ {{anchor:s229}}When mind and body are actively engaged, headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Swallowing: pain in right ear.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Inability to open mouth: stiffness of jaw.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Writing: rheumatic, laming pain in right arm agg.; numbness and wearied feeling in right arm agg.\\ {{anchor:s233}}When rising from chair: dizzy.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Putting on his coat: pain in left arm agg. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s236}}Very tired feeling, especially of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Faint feeling, agg. at church.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Feels languid and sleepy. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Sleeplessness without restlessness; before 1 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Frightful dreams; nightmare.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Restless sleep from constant itching. {{anchor:s243}}~ Scabies sicca.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Many symptoms appear at night when in bed. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s246}}Before 1 A. M.: sleeplessness without restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Morning: on waking, dull headache; on rising, severe pain and soreness of right orbit; mucus in throat; pain in left hypochondrium, with dizziness.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Daytime: pains in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s249}}All day: pain in liver, with dizziness.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Middle of day: pain in left arm agg.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Evening: pain in left eye; great thirst for water; pain in left arm amel.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Night: pain in left eye; a little pain in pustules on conjunctiva; eruption on scalp, which itches and is agg.; difficult breathing, with suffocation; cough agg.; soreness and lameness of right shoulder and arm; pain in left arm amel.; in bed, rheumatic pains in right hand; dull, boring pains in legs agg. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s254}}Warm room: feels agg.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Warm drinks: cause much pain.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Many symptoms appear when in bed; deep bone pains agg.; itching, pricking all over agg.; intolerable itching.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Cold water: thirst for.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Great susceptibility to cold and damp weather. {{anchor:s259}}~ Leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Worse in Spring. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s262}}Chills, with trembling all over. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s264}}Short intervals: pains in liver come and go.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Nightly: pains in eyes; pains in lower limbs when in bed.\\ {{anchor:s266}}One week: confined to bed with vomiting of pregnancy. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s268}}Right: violent pain in side of head over temple; headache on side of head; eye, external redness, anterior chamber shallow; iris discolored and crowded forward; severe pain and soreness of orbit; complete paralysis of all fibres of third pair of nerves of eye; side of septum and nostril sore and swollen; dull, bruised pain in malar bone and side of head; lymphatics on side of neck and tonsils enlarged; pain and swelling of tonsil; tonsillitis; patches on tonsil; pain in side of throat and ear; soreness of side of face; pain in ear on swallowing; soreness in ear and over side of head and face; membrane agg. on side of throat; nose obstructed, agg. on side; cramplike pain in hypochondrium; stitches through side of chest; throbbing pain on scapula; lameness and stiffness of shoulder; sharp pain in shoulder; heavy feeling of arm; soreness and pain of arm; rheumatic, laming pain in arm; numbness and wearied feeling in arm; rheumatic pain in hand; cramplike pain agg. in limb, especially thigh.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Left: stiffness and soreness in occiput; lying on side, black clouds float before eyes; eye, anterior chamber shallow; iris dimmed and discolored; pigment spots on lens capsule; vitreous, hazy; holding eyes to side, diplopia; small pustule on eye; boring in ear; stinging in cheek; soreness and swelling, ear and tonsil; pain in hypochondrium; sensation above nipple as if wind was in cellular tissue; lame numbness of shoulder and arm; rheumatic pain in arm, it is stiff and sore; pain in sole of foot; boring pains deep in ear.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Right eye a little larger than left.\\ {{anchor:s271}}From right to left: pain in liver.\\ {{anchor:s272}}From within outward: deep in left ear; throbbing, boring. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s274}}As if heavy weight was pressing head down on pillow; as if skull was cracking; teeth as if too long; as if right tonsil was swollen; as of a lump in throat; pain as from a blow in stomach; burning at umbilicus as from a hot coal; as if wind was in cellular tissue above left nipple; as though heart had jumped out of its place; pain as if bruised over entire scapular region; soreness as if one had been beaten.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Pain: at root of nose; on top of head, or on right side; in pustule on left eye; in teeth after filling; of right tonsil; in right side of throat; in right ear, extending into throat; in left hypochondrium; of right arm; in knee joint; in sole of left foot.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Violent pain: in right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Severe pain: of right orbit; in forehead; over entire scapular region.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Sharp pain: in vertex; in chest behind sternum; about heart; in back; in right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Sudden sharp pains: in ear.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Severe, cutting, cramplike pains: in both hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Cutting pains: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Cutting, colicky pains: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Sharp, shooting stitches: in end of penis.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Shooting pains: in temples; at root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Stitches: in temples; through head and face; in region of liver; through right side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Sticking pains: right temple; left ear; right side of chest; both scapulae, along outer borders of hands and little fingers.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Stitching pains: about heart.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Throbbing, boring: deep in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Throbbing, bursting sensation: in temples.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Throbbing pains: in forehead and temples; between shoulders; on right scapula.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Throbbing, aching, nightly pains: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Cramplike pains: in lower limbs, knees, feet and toes.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Grinding, drawing pains: in teeth.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Deep bone pains: agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Rheumatic, laming pains: in right arm.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Rheumatic pain: in left arm, in right arm.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Aching: over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Dull, pressing, boring pains: over eyes.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Dull, boring pains: in legs.\\ {{anchor:s300}}Dull, bruised pain: in right malar bone, radiating into forehead and right side of head.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Dull, heavy aching: at base of brain.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Dull pain: in head; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Heavy, laming pains: in calves.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Pulsating and burning: like fire in a small spot on face.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Stinging: in left cheek.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Burning: in throat; when swallowing saliva; at stomach; at umbilicus.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Burning, sinking sensation: at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Tingling: in legs.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Tickling: in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Soreness: of occiput; of right orbit; of right side of septum and nostril; of entire face; of throat; in right ear; over side of head and face; extending from ear into throat; of left ear and left tonsil; of left shoulder and arm; of right arm; of left arm; of all limbs; of hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Stiffness: in occiput; of jaws; of neck; of right shoulder; of left arm.\\ {{anchor:s312}}Heavy feeling: of right arm.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Heaviness: of eyelids; of limbs; of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Suffocation: about heart.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Weak, empty feeling: at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Numbness and wearied feeling: in right arm; of arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Faint, sick feeling: in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Excessive tired feeling: in all limbs.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Lameness: of left shoulder and arm; in feet.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Troublesome itching: all over body.\\ {{anchor:s321}}Itching: of scalp; of spots over whole body. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s323}}Especially affects mucous membranes covered with squamous epithelium.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Deep bone pains, especially at night.\\ {{anchor:s325}}When primary sore begins to granulate, and hard, pea-like nodules, resembling enlarged glands, appear upon surrounding parts, or when primary sore and whole base upon which it rests remains hard. {{anchor:s326}}~ Chancre.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Hard cicatrix after Hunterian chancre has been healed.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Painless chancres, with great swelling of inguinal glands, without disposition to suppurate; swelling of tonsils; affection of testicles; also secondary eruptions. {{anchor:s329}}~ Syphilis.\\ {{anchor:s330}}Glands swollen, indurated.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Scrofulous diseases of glandular and lymphatic system; diphtheritic affections and secondary syphilis. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s335}}Touch: soreness of occiput agg.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Pressure: with hand, stitches in region of liver amel.; soreness and pain of right arm agg.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Rubbing: soreness and pain of right arm agg.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Scratching: does not amel. itching.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Passive motion: soreness and pain of right arm agg.; pains in lower limbs agg. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s341}}Troublesome itching all over body, not amel. by scratching.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Persistent itching spots over whole body, following each other in rapid succession.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Hard papula over body.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Itching, pricking all over, agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Bright red, fine eruption on chest and abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Excessively intense angina; induration of parotid, cervical glands and tonsils; diphtheritic affections, with excessive muscular prostration; desire to lie down, but feels agg. during rest and in warm room; sharp throbbing, boring pains from within outward, deep in left ear, urine dark and copious (after Laches.), when there is loss of voice and hoarseness. {{anchor:s347}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Intolerable itching at night. {{anchor:s349}}~ Crusta lactea. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s351}}Girl, aet. 9 months; crusta lactea.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Child, aet. 2 years; scabies sicca.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Girl, aet. 3 1/2; diphtheria (after failure of Arsen., Calcar., Iodum, Mercur., Sulphur.).\\ {{anchor:s354}}Girl, aet. 17; goitre.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Girl, aet. 17; tonsillitis.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Woman, aet. 26, single; intraocular affection.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Man, aet. 35, attacks usually appear after exposure to drafts of air while perspiring, suffering many years; sore throat.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Woman, aet. 38, tuberculous family history; affection of lower lip.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Woman, aet. 42, stout, fleshy, many children; leucorrhea.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Woman, aet. 67, suffering a long time; pains in limbs. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s362}}Antidoted by: Hepar; palpitation relieved by Lycop.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Compatible: after Laches., in scarlatina. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 07, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r224|Mercurius iodatus flavus]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r224|Mercurius iodatus flavus]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}