====== MURIATICUM ACIDUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Muriaticum Acidum. {{anchor:s2}}Hydrochloric Acid. {{anchor:s3}}HCl. {{anchor:s4}}Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, Gutmann, Haynel, Hartmann, Langhammer, Nenning, Rummel, Stapf and Wislicenus (Chronische Krankheiten). {{anchor:s5}}Our arrangement contains a MSS. proving by Hackett, not contained in Allen's Encyclopaedia. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Cancer of tongue, Cooper, Gilchrist's Surg., p. 162; U. S. Med. and Surg. {{anchor:s8}}Journ., vol. 4, p. 270; Stomacace of nursing children, Williamson, Raue's Rec., 1872, p. 7; Diphtheria, Pemerl, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 80; Gastric disturbances, Kurtz, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 273; Diarrhea, Berridge, Raue's Rec., 1871, p. 114; Passage of feces while urinating, Schleyel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 165; Hemorrhoids, Gillet, Helfrich, Knorre, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 999; Whooping cough, A. R., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 726; Use in phthisis, Cotton, B. J. H., vol. 19, p. 168; Swelling on tendo-achilles, Rückert, Org., vol. 3, p. 268; Typhoid fever, Gross, Müller, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 754; Nash, Raue's Rec., 1875, p. 281; Trinks, B. J. H., vol. 29, p. 284; Scarlet fever, Lorbach, Lobeth, Hartmann, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 57; Erysipelas, Thorer, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 145; Eczema solaris, Neidhard, Hom. Times, 1852. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Unconsciousness; moaning. {{anchor:s11}}~ Typhus.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Taciturn, introverted and quiet; anxious care about future.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Irritable, disposed to anger and chagrin; peevishness.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Restlessness, frequent changing of position. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Vertigo: agg. moving eyes; slightly agg. walking, though this amel. headache; with tottering gait; with tearing in vertex and feeling as if hair was drawn upwards, objects go around with her in open air; with nausea, 1 A. M., agg. lying on right side or back. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Headache in spells regularly every day, from 9 A. M. until 1 P. M.; begins with soreness over left eye, then in eyeball and left half of nose, forehead and temple, to back of head.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Feeling as if brain was loose.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Tearing and stitches in head, in periodical shocks.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Headache as if brain was torn or beaten to pieces; agg. moving eyes or sitting up in bed; amel. from moderate exercise.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Headache as if brain was clasped by a hand and was being twisted and torn.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Tearing in right parietal bone.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Heaviness in back part of head, with obscure sight, agg. by effort to see; swollen glands.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Steady, sharp pain in back part of head, with a heavy feeling, as if occiput was filled with lead.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Headache agg. on rising up in bed and from moving eyes; amel. by moving body; from walking in open air, especially in cold wind.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Distant talking causes headache. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s29}}Feeling of deadness and numbness of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Stiff and sore feeling in occiput, agg. when touched, and on left side of head and down spine, agg. in lying.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Tearing in right parietal bone.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Heat in top of head.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Feeling as if hair was standing on end. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s35}}Perpendicular half sight.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Obscured sight; pain in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Pupils contracted.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Sharp, burning pain, extending from left to right eye, in morning amel. by washing. {{anchor:s39}}~ Muscular asthenopia.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Stitches out of eyes.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Itching in eyes; itching and smarting in canthi.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Lids red, swollen.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Worse from light, amel. from dark. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s45}}Overacuteness of hearing; sensitive to noise\\ {{anchor:s46}}Hardness of hearing; loud, cracking sounds during night; no cerumen, or dry, peeling off in scales, also dry, hard and of a brown red color or dark, with buzzing, agg. right ear.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Distant sounds (talking) cause headache; sound of voice unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Want of feeling in internal meatus.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Tingling, humming, whizzing in ear; beating or knocking.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Otalgia, with pressing pain.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Tingling, creeping, cold pain running from ears up to top of head, sharp boring in temporal regions. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s53}}Nosebleed. {{anchor:s54}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Sore nostrils, with stinging pain; obstruction of nose.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Frequent sneezing.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Coryza: thin, acrid, making parts sore; thick, yellow discharge.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Discharge of thin pus from nose, excoriating parts.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Nose stopped up. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Heat in face, glowing red cheeks when walking in open air; no thirst.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Sudden red face with coma. {{anchor:s63}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Face suddenly flushing or pale and sunken.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Red, itching pimples on forehead, cheeks and around mouth, whole face red; every Summer. {{anchor:s66}}~ Eczema solaris.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Scabs on face, forehead, temples; pimples; freckles. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s69}}Lower jaw hangs down. {{anchor:s70}}~ Typhus.\\ {{anchor:s71}}Pimples around mouth form a scurf.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Margin of lips raw, skin dry and cracked.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Burning on lips.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Bloated lower lip; feels heavy, burns.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Pain below left half of lower lip, from 4 P. M. till midnight. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Toothache: (pulsating) from cold drinks; with earache; tingling, amel. from warm applications.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Gums swollen, bleeding, ulcerating. {{anchor:s79}}~ Scoroutis.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Teeth rise from their sockets.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Long lasting, severe inflammation of gums. {{anchor:s82}}~ Scarlatina. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Everything tastes sweet; beer tastes like honey.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Taste: acrid and putrid, like rotten eggs, with ptyalism; in throat like rancid grease.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Tongue: heavy as lead, hinders talking; feels lame, sore; dwindles, atrophy; sore, bluish; deep ulcers, with black bases and vesicles; thick, dark, almost whole mouth and fauces covered with a greyish white membrane; painful blisters with burning.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Edges of ulcer and surrounding parts of a blue color. {{anchor:s88}}~ Cancer of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Tongue sore and bluish; deep ulcer with black base and inverted edges; atrophy of tongue making him speak in a thick, hoarse voice; hard lump on side of tongue, growing into a hard, deep, warty ulcer, about size of a bean, presenting a slightly fissured appearance from above downwards and from before backwards, rather towards under surface of left side of tongue; no apparent discharge from it; but tongue is hard all around it, so much so that speaking and expectoration is very difficult. {{anchor:s90}}~ Cancer of tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s92}}Great dryness in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Redness of inside of cheeks and of arch of palate.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Mucous lining of lips inflamed, red and painful, stripped of epithelium to a considerable extent and dotted with whitish points. {{anchor:s95}}~ Stomatitis.\\ {{anchor:s96}}Stomacace of nursing children; patch on right side of tongue large and irregular, but very deep; fetid breath.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Stomatitis, with extreme dryness, swollen gums, great adynamia.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Foul breath. {{anchor:s99}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Mouth as if glued up with insipid mucus; much saliva.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Salivary glands tender, swollen.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Mouth studded with ulcers having a black or dark base and dipping deep in, tending to perforate; intermittent pulse; involuntary stool and urine; intense prostration. {{anchor:s103}}~ Malignant scarlatina or diphtheria. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Rawness and smarting of fauces; burning.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Dry throat, with burning in chest.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Mucous lining of throat red and swollen.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Diffused deep redness of velum palati and throat.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Edema of uvula; tonsils swollen.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Fauces swollen, unable to swallow, attempt producing violent spasm and choking.\\ {{anchor:s111}}All the time pushing finger down throat, or keeps clawing mouth, as if some obstruction must be pulled out of throat.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Greyish white deposits on mucous membrane of throat, succeeded by ulcers.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Well defined dead white patches, varying in size, over velum and pillars of palate, tonsils and posterior portion of pharynx, similar to false membrane in diphtheritic angina.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Thin, excoriating discharge from nose, intermittent pulse and loss of appetite. {{anchor:s115}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Gangrenous angina; internal parts bluish red, dark; aphthous ulcers; epithelium of tongue comes off in large brown pieces; fetor oris. {{anchor:s117}}~ Scarlet fever.\\ {{anchor:s118}}During attack of scarlatina, on third day, tonsils and fauces covered with exudate; submaxillary glands swollen as large as pigeon's eggs; can only hold head bent forward; continual desire to hawk, with difficult expectoration of tough mucus; swallowing almost impossible. {{anchor:s119}}~ Diphtheritis.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Hawks out continually tough, fetid phlegm; voice hoarse, nasal; rattling of mucus; submaxillary glands swollen as large as hen's eggs; head bent forward, because, when holding it erect or when lying down, phlegm in fauces causes difficult breathing and choking; entire back part a gangrenous ulcer, covered with tough mucus, which draws out in strings; fetor oris; swallowing of water very difficult, producing cough; pulse small, very fast; pale, anxious face. {{anchor:s121}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Bleeding from nose, blood dark and putrid; sordes on teeth; sore and scabby condition of lips; putrid smell from mouth; great general prostration; typhoid condition. {{anchor:s123}}~ Diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Diphtheria with not much fever, but great prostration. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s127}}Excessive hunger and thirst, or no appetite.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Aversion to meat.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Morbid longing for alcoholic drinks. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s131}}After eating: is worse; diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Better and after drinking. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s134}}Hiccough (before and after dinner).\\ {{anchor:s135}}Eructations: bitter, putrid.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Vomiting, with belching, coughing; involuntary swallowing; gulping up of contents of stomach into esophagus, sometimes going down again. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Feeling of emptiness in epigastric region, especially in esophagus, not amel. by eating.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Empty sensation in stomach extending through whole abdomen, no hunger; weak feeling in stomach from 10 A. M. until evening.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Stomach will neither tolerate nor digest food; gastric weakness agg. from about 10 to 11 A. M.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Acute gastric irritability often accompanied by biliary disturbances; great thirst, particularly after sour articles; bitter, oftener sour taste in mouth; biliary fever; bilious diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Habitual difficult digestion; tongue slightly coated white; much belching and flatulence; eructations, offensive; thirst; transient attacks of faintness; tendency to constipation; confusion of head; drowsiness, particularly after dinner; tendency to herpes furfuraceous; in children tendency to aphthae and diarrhea, evacuations when first passed presenting white, later greenish spots, causing excoriation of anus. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s144}}Pressing and tension in hypochondria.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Cirrhosis of liver; drowsiness; emaciation; mouth dry or aphthous; stools often watery and involuntary; stomach so weak and irritable that no food can be retained; dropsy. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s147}}Fullness and distension of abdomen from small quantities of food.\\ {{anchor:s148}}Rumbling and feeling of emptiness.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Colicky griping in abdomen; cramps.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Hernia. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s152}}Stool: difficult as from inactivity of bowels; too thin, but round; thin, watery, involuntary, while urinating; greenish, in typhoid; thin, watery, passed unnoticed; watery, dark brown, preceded by uneasy pains in abdomen; discharged while urinating; with discharge of blood.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Diarrhea: with much wind; agg. morning and evening; intolerable anal itching, not amel. by scratching, smarting and burning in anus; agg. after a meal; after fruit; from drinking larger beer; during typhoid; agg. after abuse of opium.\\ {{anchor:s154}}As soon as he begins to move, strong urging, compelling haste; stools profuse, dark, brownish, green, gelatinous; followed by dragging, heavy sensation in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Difficult speech; moaning and groaning in sleep; sliding down in bed. {{anchor:s156}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Dysentery, blood and slime separated.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Before stool: rumbling, colic.\\ {{anchor:s159}}During stool: smarting and cutting in anus; burning in anus; colic; prolapsus ani.\\ {{anchor:s160}}After stool: burning in anus; intolerable itching, tenderness and soreness of anus; protrusion of dark purplish varices, somewhat amel. by application of warm water, much agg. from bathing with cold water.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Urging to stool while urinating, compelling him to cease lest a fecal discharge occur.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Prolapsus ani while urinating.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Itching in anus.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Diarrhea, with protrusion of blue or dark purple hemorrhoids, especially when occurring in feeble children suffering from gastric atony, muscular debility and threatened marasmus.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Every eight to fourteen days, discharge of bright blood from anus, with or without stool, often so profuse as to cause great weakness; is afraid to bend over; stitches low down in left side and biting in anus; menses regular, profuse, last four days, accompanied by general indisposition; headache, with congestion to head; nausea; coldness of limbs and falling asleep of same when sitting still. {{anchor:s166}}~ Hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Hemorrhoids: swollen, blue; painful to touch; appear suddenly in children; protruding, reddish blue, burning; too sore to bear least touch, even sheet is uncomfortable.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Anal orifice surrounded by a thick, round swelling, which is separated into three unequal parts, one being as large as a hen's egg, the other two about as large as nutmegs; swelling bluish red, hard, hot, shining, very sensitive to touch; sore pain, itching, severe stitches, paroxysmal, making her cry out; cannot sit and can turn around only with great difficulty. {{anchor:s169}}~ Inflamed hemorrhoids after labor. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Frequent scanty, or frequent profuse urination.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Passes large quantities of urine, accompanied each time by a small stool.\\ {{anchor:s173}}Slow emission of urine; bladder weak; must wait a long time; has to press so that anus protrudes.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Urine involuntary. {{anchor:s175}}~ Typhus.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Urine: red; violet; milk-like.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Burning, cutting while urinating; straining in urethra afterwards. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s179}}Impotency; penis relaxed; desire weak.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Watery, bloody gleet.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Scrotum bluish red.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Itching of scrotum, not relieved by scratching.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Margin of prepuce sore. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s185}}Pressing on genitals as if menses would appear.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Menses too early and profuse; dejection of spirits, silent as if she would die; colic; sore piles.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Pricking pain in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Ulcers on genitals, with putrid discharge, much sensitiveness and general weakness.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Cannot bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Leucorrhea, with backache; sore anus from piles or fissures. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s194}}Puerperal fever.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Voice and Larynx Trachea and Bronchia. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Hoarseness; with sore feeling in chest; whooping cough. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s200}}Breathing deep, groaning; moaning; deep sighing.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Breathing seems to come from stomach.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Short breath, with rattling after drinking, talking, coughing.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Dyspnea and constriction of chest. {{anchor:s204}}~ Whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Oppression across chest (evening). ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s207}}Cough: rough, with rattling in chest, followed by cramp in stomach; short breath; with heat in face.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Whooping cough: after attacks, audible rumbling, gurgling down chest; excited by tickling in chest; in afternoon and evening without, in morning with a slight dislodgment of a yellow or watery mucus of a fatty taste, which must be swallowed; with expectoration of dark blood. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Stitches in chest and at heart, when taking a long breath and on violent motion; burning stitches.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Tension and pain on sternum.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Bursting pain in chest; pain as if beaten.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Pleuritis; stupor; playing with the hands; moaning; sliding down in bed. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s215}}Palpitation of heart felt in face.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Stitches in heart.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Pulse: slow and weak, sometimes intermitting; slow during day, more frequent at night; intermits every third beat; rapid and feeble; very small and frequent; very feeble. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s219}}Pressing pain in back; as from a sprain, or as if he had stooped long.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Pressing, drawing, tired pain in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Os coccyx pains.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Drawing, burning along back, beginning at coccyx, as if under skin; burning stitch in sacrum causing one to start. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s224}}Heaviness of arms, especially forearms.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Scabby eruption on back of hands and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Numbness, coldness and deadness of fingers at night.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Swelling and burning of tips of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Itching of palms.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Frequent, drawing tension in elbow joint. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s231}}Wavering gait from weakness of thighs.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Pain in right thigh, with itching in anus.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Edematous swelling of lower limbs, with shooting pain.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Lower limbs darker colored.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Putrid ulcers on legs, with burning around them.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Swelling on right tendo-achilles, about two inches long, so painful that it hinders walking; pain as if place was jammed in, with feeling of unusual heat therein; agg. when sitting, amel. when lying.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Blue feet. {{anchor:s239}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Chilblains (alcohol applied externally).\\ {{anchor:s241}}Swelling and burning of tips of toes. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s243}}Tearing pains in limbs during rest, amel. from motion.\\ {{anchor:s244}}All joints as if bruised.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Pressive drawing in upper arms and knees. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Rest: tearing pains in limbs agg.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Lying: stiff feeling in head and spine agg.; pain in tendoachilles amel.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Lying on right side or back: vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Lies motionless in bed: typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Wants to lie about: prostration.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Frequent changing position.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Erect position: tensive pain in head agg.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Is afraid to bend over: discharge of blood from anus.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Can only hold head bent forward: because when holding it erect or when lying down phlegm in fauces causes difficult breathing and choking spells.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Sitting still: falling asleep of limbs; pain in tendo-achilles.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Sitting up in bed: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Cannot sit and can turn around only with great difficulty: inflamed hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s261}}As soon as he sits down: his eyes close.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Legs flexed, feet drawn up: typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Sliding down in bed: cholera; pleuritis; typhus; scarlet fever.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Motion: of eyes, vertigo agg.; of eyes, headache agg.; causes strong urging to stool; tearing pains amel.; drowsiness passes off.\\ {{anchor:s265}}All the time pushing finger down throat or keeps clawing mouth.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Moderate exercise: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Walking: vertigo agg.; pain in tendo-achilles hinders.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Violent motion: stitches in chest. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s270}}Prostration.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Prostration and drowsiness all day; she wants to lie about.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Great debility: as soon as he sits down his eyes close; lower jaw hangs; slides down in bed.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Muscular debility following use of opium or soothing syrups.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Paralysis generally one sided.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Paralyzed tongue and sphincter ani. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s277}}Drowsiness during day, going off as soon as one moves about.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Sleepless before 12 P. M., delirious tossing.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Restless after going to bed, groaning, snoring, talking in sleep.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Anxious dreams; frequent waking; agg. on waking. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s282}}Morning: burning pain in eye; diarrhea agg.; whooping cough, with slight dislodgement of mucus; chill wakens him; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Day: pulse slow; prostration and drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Before and after dinner: hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s285}}After dinner: drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Afternoon: attacks of whooping cough.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Evening: diarrhea agg.; oppression across chest; attacks of whooping cough; chill, with coldness in back; cold sweat on feet; wants to be uncovered during scarlet fever.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Night: cracking sounds in ear; pulse frequent; numbness, coldness and deadness of fingers; heat, with palpitation; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Before 12 P. M.: sleepless; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s290}}At 1 A. M.: vertigo, with nausea. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s292}}Getting warm in bed: itching of pimples.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Warm applications: tingling in teeth amel.; protrusion of varices amel.\\ {{anchor:s294}}Open air: objects go around; walking, headache amel.; when walking, heat in face.\\ {{anchor:s295}}Wants to uncover: during exacerbation of fever.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Washing: burning pain in eyes amel.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Cold water: varices agg.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Cold drinks: toothache.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Cold wind: headache amel. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s301}}Chill more than heat; awakens him in morning; evening with coldness in back, external warmth; burning face; dry mouth; shivering all over, with hot cheeks and cold hands; and heat without thirst, rarely there is thirst in cold stage.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Extremities quite cold.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Slow fever.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Internal heat, wants to uncover; bodily restlessness.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Heat at night, with palpitation of heart.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Burning, mostly in palms and soles.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Sweat: during first sleep, until 12 P. M., agg. on head and back; night and morning.\\ {{anchor:s308}}Cold sweat on feet, evening in bed.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Worse when sweating; taciturn; wants to uncover.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Intermittent fever, with periosteal pains.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Fever assumes a low type; great prostration; sinking down in bed; evidences of intestinal ulceration. {{anchor:s312}}~ Infantile remittent.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Typhus: constant restlessness or stupid sleep; unconscious; loud moaning or confused talking; wishes to uncover; lower jaw dropped; aphthous ulcers in mouth, fetid, sour smelling; tongue coated at edges, shrunken, dry, like leather, paralyzed; thin, offensive smelling evacuations; involuntary stools while passing urine; rapid, weak, rattling respiration; sliding down in bed; urine dark but clear; bleeding from anus; hemorrhage of dark liquid blood; mouth full of dark bluish ulcers; pulse intermits every third beat; legs flexed, feet drawn up; skin hot and dry. {{anchor:s314}}~ Typhoid fever. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s316}}Periodical shocks: tearing and stitches in head.\\ {{anchor:s317}}From 10 to 11 A. M.: gastric weakness agg.\\ {{anchor:s318}}From 10 A. M. until evening: weak feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s319}}From 4 P. M. till midnight: pain in lower lip.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Every day: from 9 A. M. till 1 P. M.: headache.\\ {{anchor:s321}}On third day during attack of scarlatina: tonsils and fauces covered with exudate.\\ {{anchor:s322}}Lasting four days: menses.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Every eight to fourteen days: discharge of bright blood from anus.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Every Summer: red itching pimples on face, cheeks and around mouth. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s326}}Right: tearing in parietal bone; buzzing agg. in ear; patch on side of tongue; pain in thigh; swelling on tendo-achilles.\\ {{anchor:s327}}Left: soreness over eye and in half of nose; sore feeling on side of head; pain below half of lower lip; ulcer towards side of tongue; stitches low down in side.\\ {{anchor:s328}}From left to right: pain in eyes. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s330}}Loss of bodily irritability.\\ {{anchor:s331}}Tearing and stitches through whole body.\\ {{anchor:s332}}As if hair was drawn upwards; as if brain was loose, was torn or beaten to pieces; as if brain was clasped by a hand and was being twisted and torn; as if occiput was filled with lead; as if hair was standing on end; mouth as if glued up with insipid mucus; as if some obstruction must be pulled out of throat; as if menses would appear; as if she would die; pain in chest as if beaten; pain in back as from a sprain or as if he had stooped long; burning as if under skin of coccyx; as if place was jammed in in tendo-achilles; joints as if bruised.\\ {{anchor:s333}}Pain: in occiput; below left half of lower lip; in teeth; in abdomen; on sternum; in os coccyx; in right thigh; in periosteum.\\ {{anchor:s334}}Steady, sharp pain: in back part of head.\\ {{anchor:s335}}Tearing: in vertex; in head; in right parietal bone; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s336}}Shooting pains: in lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s337}}Stitches: in head; out of eyes; low down in left side; in chest; at heart; in anus.\\ {{anchor:s338}}Burning stitches: in chest; in sacrum.\\ {{anchor:s339}}Sharp, burning pain: from left to right eye.\\ {{anchor:s340}}Sharp, boring: in temporal region.\\ {{anchor:s341}}Cutting: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s342}}Stinging pain: in nose.\\ {{anchor:s343}}Bursting pain: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s344}}Pressing pain: in ear; in back.\\ {{anchor:s345}}Beating or knocking: in ear.\\ {{anchor:s346}}Pulsating pain: in teeth.\\ {{anchor:s347}}Cramp: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s348}}Pricking pain: in vagina.\\ {{anchor:s349}}Sore pain: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s350}}Pressing, tensive pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s351}}Painful drawing: in periosteum.\\ {{anchor:s352}}Pressing, drawing, tired pain: in lumbar region; in upper arms and knees.\\ {{anchor:s353}}Tingling, creeping, cold pain: from ears to top of head.\\ {{anchor:s354}}Biting: in anus.\\ {{anchor:s355}}Burning: on lips; of blisters on tongue; of fauces; in chest; of anus; of tips of fingers; around ulcers on lower extremities; of tips of toes; in palms and soles.\\ {{anchor:s356}}Drawing, burning: along back.\\ {{anchor:s357}}Smarting: of fauces; of anus.\\ {{anchor:s358}}Soreness: over left eye; in eyeball and left half of nose, temple to back of head; in a small spot on mucous membrane of palate; of anus; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s359}}Heat: in top of head; in face; of whole body.\\ {{anchor:s360}}Constriction: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s361}}Tension: in hypochondria; on sternum; in elbow joint.\\ {{anchor:s362}}Pressing: in hypochondria; in genitals.\\ {{anchor:s363}}Feeling of emptiness: in epigastric region; in esophagus; in stomach; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s364}}Dragging, heavy sensation: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s365}}Heaviness: in back part of head; of arms.\\ {{anchor:s366}}Deadness and numbness: in forehead; in fingers.\\ {{anchor:s367}}Dryness: in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s368}}Tickling: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s369}}Itching, smarting: in canthi.\\ {{anchor:s370}}Itching: in eyes; in canthi; of pimples on forehead, cheeks and around mouth; of anus; of scrotum; of palms. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s372}}Typhoid condition, scorbutis; hemorrhages.\\ {{anchor:s373}}Carbuncles in scorbutic individuals, with ulcers on gums and profuse emission of clear urine.\\ {{anchor:s374}}Painful drawing in periosteum; intermittent fever.\\ {{anchor:s375}}Dropsical swellings. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s379}}Touch: sore feeling in occiput agg.; hemorrhoids painful; swelling around anus very sensitive; unbearable on genitals; blood-boils pricking.\\ {{anchor:s380}}Scratching: does not amel. anal itching; itching of scrotum not amel.\\ {{anchor:s381}}Eczema solaris. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s383}}Freckles; eczema solaris.\\ {{anchor:s384}}Eruption of pimples, forming scurfs on forehead, outer ear, lips, hands, or back of fingers; itching when getting warm in bed.\\ {{anchor:s385}}Blood-boils, pricking when touched.\\ {{anchor:s386}}Ulcers: painful, deep, putrid; covered with scurf; on lower legs, with burning at their circumference.\\ {{anchor:s387}}Black pocks.\\ {{anchor:s388}}Erysipelas ambulans, which remains stationary after Bellad. and Rhus.; pressing, tensive pain in head, agg. when being put in erect position.\\ {{anchor:s389}}Scarlatina; redness intense and rapidly spreading; eruption scanty, interspersed with petechiae; skin purplish.\\ {{anchor:s390}}Scarlet fever; at, or a few hours before appearance of eruption patient lies in a stupefied condition; eruption intensely red, rapidly spreading, face, neck and whole body being at once covered; great difficulty in swallowing (compatible Bellad.).\\ {{anchor:s391}}Scarlet fever; sliding down in bed; burning heat of whole body, with anxiety and constant desire to be uncovered, especially during exacerbation of fever in evening; constant restlessness of whole body, except feet, great restlessness of arms, must constantly move them; pulse regularly intermittent; dark redness of cheeks; eyes dull red; bluish color of skin; eruption scanty, interspersed with many petechiae; considerable angina, with great tendency to ulceration of tonsils and neighboring parts; groaning, sobbing respiration; putrid odor from mouth; discharge of acrid pus from nose, causing rawness and vesication of surrounding parts. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s393}}Black eyes, dark hair.\\ {{anchor:s394}}Girl, aet. 4, strong, healthy; erysipelas.\\ {{anchor:s395}}Boy, aet. 14, weak, poorly developed; typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s396}}Boy, aet. 15, Bellad. and Mercur. had been used for five days; diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s397}}Young man, aet. 17, during scarlatina; diphtheritis.\\ {{anchor:s398}}Woman, aet. 30, brunette, suffering a long time; hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s399}}Woman after sixth labor; hemorrhoids.\\ {{anchor:s400}}Man, aet. 40, strong; diphtheria.\\ {{anchor:s401}}Man, aet. 50; swelling on tendo-achilles.\\ {{anchor:s402}}Woman, aet. 60, unmarried, cachectic, has an eruption on lower limbs; typhoid fever.\\ {{anchor:s403}}Man, aet. 65, corpulent, plethoric, indulging in much food and drink, suffering from chronic bronchial catarrh, complicated by slight emphysema which Dulcam. removed; passage of feces while urinating. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s405}}Antidoted by: Carbonates of soda, potassa, lime, magnesia, and sapo medicinalis in poisoning by large doses; small doses by Camphor, Bryon.\\ {{anchor:s406}}It antidotes: Opium. {{anchor:s407}}Cures the muscular weakness following excessive use of opium.\\ {{anchor:s408}}Compatible: after Bellad., Bryon., Mercur., Rhus tox. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 07, 1888 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r61|Muriaticum acidum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r61|Muriaticum acidum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1888 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}