====== PARIS QUADRIFOLIA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Paris Quadrifolia. {{anchor:s2}}One Berry; True Love, Herb Paris. {{anchor:s3}}Smilaceae. {{anchor:s4}}Introduced by Stapf; see Archives, vol. 8, p. 177. {{anchor:s5}}The provers were Hahnemann, Gross, Hartmann, Langhammer, Stapf, Teuthorn, Hering, Bethmann, Hartlaub, Rückert, Nenning, Gesner and Berridge. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Headache, Dunham, Raue's Rec., 1870, p. 288; Swelling on gum, Lippe, MSS.; Sore throat and inflammation of eyes, Hering, MSS.; Diarrhea, Hering, MSS.; Atony of uterus, Farrington, Hah. Mo., vol. 14, p. 8; Irritation of meninges in cervical portion, Terry, vol. 25, p. 309; Affection of cerebro-spinal nerves, Drysdale, B. J. H., vol. 1, p. 359; Spinal irritation, Martin, Hom. Cl., vol. 2, p. 228; Cramps, Kitchen, Hom. Cl., vol. 4, p. 44; Catarrhal complaints, Martin, Hom. Cl., vol. 2, p. 228. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s9}}Loquacious mania; garrulity; a sort of vivacity with love of prattling; jumping, with a good deal of self-complacency, from one subject to another, merely for the sake of talking.\\ {{anchor:s10}}Silly conduct; inclination to treat others with rudeness and contempt.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Indisposition to any mental labor.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Thinking aggravates pains in head; exertion of mind or memory causes severe pain in occiput and faintlike weakness. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s14}}Vertigo after loud reading or when sitting, with difficult speech and dim eyes. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s16}}Dullness of forehead, with headache.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Constrictive pressure in forehead and temples, brain, eyes and skin feel tense and bones scraped; agg. from motion, excitement or using eyes.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Pains as if membranes of brain itself were tense, with tense feeling in region of eye, as if skin were thick and could not be drawn into wrinkles.\\ {{anchor:s19}}In evening everything was worse; pain in forehead involved whole occiput; it seemed as if scalp were contracted and bone scraped sore; margins of lid were red and hot; it seemed as if a thread were tightly drawn through eye to middle of head, which was very painful.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Tension in brain and in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Pressive pain in right temporal region, amel. from pressure of hand.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Feeling of distension, as if head would swell up and temples and eyes were pressed out.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Head as if distended, too large; feels like a bushel and as if the walls were thin.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Piercing and single stitches in head.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Sticking pain in middle of head and in temples; afterwards a heavy pressure upon forehead, especially on stooping.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Severe pains in occiput from mental exertion, after a blow.\\ {{anchor:s27}}Headache of spinal origin, which arises from nape of neck and produces a feeling as if head were immensely large.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Chronic headache for thirteen years.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Headache aggravated by close thinking.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Headache from smoking tobacco.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Acute congestion to brain. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s33}}Scalp sensitive to touch; sore pain in small spots on forehead.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Very sore, painful spot, only when touched, on left parietal bone.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Sensitiveness of vertex to contact. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s37}}Weak sight, agg. from excitement and using eyes.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Wandering, unsteady looks.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Paralysis of iris and ciliary muscle supposed to be due to an injury received two years previous; pain drawing from eye to back of head, where there was a sore spot, even pressure with finger would cause her to cry out; many black, floating specks before vision.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Pain in eyes, as if pulled into head.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Double vision.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Feeling of contraction in internal canthi.\\ {{anchor:s43}}Eyeballs pain on slightest attempt at motion.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Stitches through middle of eye.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Eyes feel as if too large, they seem to have no room in sockets; as if lids could not close.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Eyes feel as if projecting, with a sensation as if a thread were tightly drawn through eyeball and backward into middle of brain; sight weak.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Eyes feel heavy as lead.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Fetid, ulcerlike smell from eyes.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Jerking and twitching of right upper lid. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Ringing in left ear.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Sudden pain in ear as if forced apart by a wedge, or as if ear were pressed out or torn out; as if a burning heat were rushing out of ears.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Pains in ears on swallowing. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Great sensitiveness to offensive odors; imaginary foul smells; milk and bread smell like putrid meat.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Stopped coryza.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Catarrhal complaints, with stuffed condition and fullness at root of nose; tongue and fauces dry on waking, but no thirst; constant hawking of tenacious, white, tasteless mucus.\\ {{anchor:s58}}Alternation of fluent and stopped coryza.\\ {{anchor:s59}}Discharge of red or greenish mucus on blowing nose. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s61}}Pimples on forehead, under nose and on chin.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Hot stitches in left malar bone, painful when touched. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Violent itching, biting and burning on edges of lower jaw, frequently with red, small, easily-bleeding (miliary) eruption.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Herpes around mouth, on lips; lips swollen.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Vesicles on surface of lower lip. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Painful swelling taking in whole left half of upper gum. {{anchor:s69}}~ Scarlet fever. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s71}}Great dryness of tongue on awaking; tongue feels too large.\\ {{anchor:s72}}Tongue white, with roughness; no thirst; bitter or lessened taste. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Swelling, painfullness and peeling off of roof of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Tense, almost painless swelling, size of a pigeon's egg, on roof of mouth. {{anchor:s76}}~ Scarlatina.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Dryness of mouth when awaking, without thirst.\\ {{anchor:s78}}White, frothy mucus in corners of mouth in morning.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Collection of water in mouth; tart saliva. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s81}}Hawking caused by accumulation of mucus in fauces.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Burning, stinging and scraping in throat.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Burning in throat when eating or drinking.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Sore throat in choanae and fauces extending downward, pain when talking or swallowing, as if a ball were lodged in it, or as if throat were constricted, causing much anxiety; pain extends to ears; hoarseness, with burning in throat, particularly when eating or drinking; at the beginning much thirst; sore throat alternates with inflammation of eyes. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s86}}Hunger soon after meal. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s88}}Hiccough; after eating.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Painful eructation. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Heaviness in stomach as from a stone; amel. by eructation.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Burning in stomach, extending into lower abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Cramp in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Weak, slow digestion. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s96}}Rumbling and rolling in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Pain or weakness through abdomen during diarrheic stool.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Colic.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Red curved streak above umbilicus. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s101}}Frequent soft stools.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Diarrheic stools, smell like putrid meat. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s104}}Frequent micturition, with burning.\\ {{anchor:s105}}Urine: dark red, with red sediment and a greasy looking pellicle on surface; acrid, excoriating; containing a thick, red, fleshy substance.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Burning and stinging in urethra.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Violent burning in orifice of urethra, while sitting.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Fine stitches in forepart of urethra. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s112}}Intense afterpains but very imperfect contractions; suppression of lochia, for forty-eight hours, with ineffectual urging to stool; weak and feverish; agonizing headache, with sensation as though face were drawn to root of nose, then backward towards occiput as if by a string, eyeballs sore and pained on slightest attempt at motion. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Paroxysms of hoarseness every quarter or half hour, so violent that he is unable to utter a loud word.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Periodical painless hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Hoarseness, voice feeble, continuous hawking of mucus, and burning in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Great hoarseness. {{anchor:s119}}~ Sore throat.\\ {{anchor:s120}}Burning in larynx. {{anchor:s121}}~ Bronchitis.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Trachea and mouth completely dried up, in morning, on waking, with some hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Frequent hacking, he endeavors to loosen tenacious mucus that seems to be firmly adherent to posterior part of larynx.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Green, tenacious expectoration, agg. in morning. {{anchor:s125}}~ Laryngeal affection. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s127}}Oppression of chest, with desire to draw a long breath. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s129}}Cough: as from vapor of sulphur in trachea, or viscid phlegm in larynx; commences as soon as he turns upon left side; with expectoration of viscid mucus, difficult to raise in morning and evening on lying down.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Constant hawking and gagging, on account of viscid, green mucus in larynx and trachea. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s132}}Stitches in chest. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s134}}Palpitation of heart during rest or motion.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Pulse full but slow. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s137}}Nape of neck weary, as from a heavy load; neck feels stiff and swollen if turned around.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Dull pain in nape of neck, increasing at times in acuteness, with numbness, heat and weight; amel. from rest and in open air; agg. from exertion.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Violent pains on both sides of neck, extending down to fingers, especially left side, agg. from mental exertion. {{anchor:s140}}~ Neuralgia.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Heat extending from neck down back.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Stitches between scapulae, and pulsating stitch in os coccygis when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Dull pain in nape of neck; sometimes it increases until it becomes acute, with sensation of numbness, heat and heaviness like a weight; pain located about sixth cervical vertebra and extends upward and down to shoulders; always with a feeling of aching, numbness, heat and weight; eyelids feel heavy also, sometimes as if he could not open eyes; soreness on top of head, can scarcely use hair-brush; pain in neck agg. in afternoon about 2 or 3 o'clock, amel. by rest and out of doors; agg. when working or getting tired when walking; pain in pit of stomach, about midnight, with bloating and eructation of flatus; food feels heavy after eating, particularly in evening, during and after tea; appetite poor; bowels regular. {{anchor:s144}}~ Irritation of meninges in cervical portion.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Pain in left side of neck and shoulder, soon extending over whole side and rendering arm quite powerless; violent pain exacerbated at intervals on both sides of neck, but chiefly on left side, extending along sternocleido-mastoid muscles to shoulders and to left arm down to fingers and in right to elbow; moving hand or grasping anything excites pain in occiput and nape of neck; feeling as of a great weight on nape of neck and shoulders; any exertion of memory or intellect causes violent pain in occiput and faintness; sleep difficult and disturbed by frightful dreams; on waking feels wearied and pained all over; completely disabled from mental or bodily exertion, and left arm quite powerless; numbness and pricking in hand; disorder of sense of touch, so that everything felt rough. {{anchor:s146}}~ Affection of cerebro-spinal nerves. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s148}}Left arm feels stiff, and fingers contracted.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Numbness and pricking in left hand. {{anchor:s150}}~ Spinal affection.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Fingers often feel as if asleep; objects rough to touch. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Left leg lame with spinal irritation.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Laming pain in feet.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Cold feet at night in bed. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Stinging pains in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s158}}All joints painful on motion. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s162}}Rest: palpitation; dull pain in neck amel.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Lying down: mucus difficult to raise.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Sitting: vertigo; violent burning in orifice of urethra; stitches in os coccygis.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Stooping: pressure upon forehead agg.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Motion: pressure in forehead agg.; of eyeball causes pain; palpitation; of hand excites pain in occiput; all joints painful.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Turning neck around: feels stiff and swollen.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Getting tired when walking: pain in nape of neck. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s170}}Violent cramp in morning, commencing in left lower ribs, extending to left arm, making arm stiff; fingers clenched so that finger nails left impressions in flesh; complete unconsciousness; severe pressure as from a weight in back of neck; attack every few days. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s172}}Restless, broken sleep with many dreams. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Morning: white frothy mucus in corners of mouth; trachea and mouth completely dried up; tenacious expectoration agg.; mucus difficult to raise; violent cramp; sweat.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Afternoon: pain in neck agg. about 2 or 3 o'clock.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Evening: mucus difficult to raise; food feels heavy; chilliness; all symptoms agg.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Night: cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Midnight: pain in pit of stomach. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s180}}Open air: dull pain in neck amel. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s182}}Chilliness: mostly towards evening, with internal trembling; in chest, abdomen and lower limbs, with gooseflesh and yawning, and icy cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Internal coldness as if parts were contracted by cold and were trembling.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Coldness of right half of body.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Small icy cold spots here and there in skin.\\ {{anchor:s186}}During chill contractive sensation in skin and in all parts of body.\\ {{anchor:s187}}Fingers are alternately hot and cold, as if dead, and of a dead color.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Heat: descending back from neck; with sweat of upper body.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Sweat in morning when waking, attended with biting itching. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s191}}Alternately: sore throat and sore eyes; fingers hot and cold.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Periodical painless hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Every quarter or half an hour: hoarseness.\\ {{anchor:s194}}For forty-eight hours: entire suppression of lochia.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Every few days: attacks of cramp.\\ {{anchor:s196}}For thirteen years: headache. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Right: pressive pain in temporal region; half of body cold.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Left: parietal bone painful to touch; ringing in ear; hot stitches in malar bone; painful swelling in upper gum; when turning upon side, cough; pain in side of neck and shoulder extending over side and arm; arm powerless; arm stiff; numbness and pricking in hand; leg lame; cramp in lower ribs. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s201}}As if scalp were contracted and bones scraped sore; as if a thread were tightly drawn through eye to middle of head; as if head would swell up and temples and eyes were pressed out; head as if distended; as if head were a bushel and walls were too thin; eyes as if pulled into head; eyes as if too large; as if lids would not close; eyes as if projecting; as if thread were drawn through eyeball; ear as if forced apart by a wedge, or as if ear were pressed out or torn out; as if a burning heat were rushing out of ears; tongue as if too large; as if ball were lodged in throat; as if throat were constricted; as of a stone in stomach; in abdomen as though face were drawn to root of nose, then backward towards occiput as if by a string; as of a heavy load on nape of neck; as if he could not open eyes; fingers as if asleep; as if internal parts were contracted; as if fingers were dead; as if joints were broken.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Pain: in forehead, whole sinciput, in eyes; in ears; in pit of stomach; in left side of neck and shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Violent pains: on both sides of neck down to fingers.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Severe pain: in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s205}}Stitches: through middle of eye; in forepart of urethra; in chest; between scapulae and os coccygis.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Hot stitches: in left malar bone.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Piercing, single stitches: in head.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Stinging pains: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Itching pain: in middle of head and temples.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Violent cramp: in left lower ribs to left arm.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Sore pain: in small spots in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Laming pain: in feet.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Dull pain: in nape of neck.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Drawing pain: from eye to back of head.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Pressive pain: in right temporal region.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Cramp: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Soreness: in throat; of eyeballs; on top of head.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Burning, stinging and scraping: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Burning: in throat; in stomach; in urethra; in orifice of urethra; in larynx.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Violent itching, burning, biting: on edges of lower jaw.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Pricking: in hand.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Heat: in neck; from neck down back.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Heavy pressure: on forehead.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Constrictive pressure: in forehead to temples.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Heavy feeling: in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Weight: in neck.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Feeling of contraction: in internal parts.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Tension: of brain, eyes and skin; in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Stiffness: of neck; of fingers.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Oppression: of chest.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Numbness in neck: in hands.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Dullness: of head.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Dryness: of tongue and fauces; of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Coldness: of right half of body. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s236}}Feels as if all joints were broken, swelled or dislocated at every motion. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s240}}Had received a violent blow on occiput. {{anchor:s241}}~ Spinal affection.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Disorder of sense of touch, so that everything felt rough. {{anchor:s243}}~ Spinal affection.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Touch: scalp sensitive; on parietal bone painful; vertex sensitive; malar bone painful.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Pressure: of hand amel.; pressure in forehead; of finger upon sore spot on head causes cries.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Injury: caused paralysis of iris.\\ {{anchor:s247}}After a blow: severe pain in occiput. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Violent itching; subcutaneous tingling.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Pain as of excoriation.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Felons; herpes about mouth. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s253}}Man aet. 38, has been many years in tropical climates, had cholera, yellow fever, dysentery; three years ago had attack of violent pain in shoulder, next year similar attack; three months ago received violent blow on occiput; affection of cerebro-spinal nerves.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Man, aet. 47, married twenty-four years, spare habit, nervous temperament, suffering over six months; irritation of meninges in cervical portion. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s256}}Antidoted by: Coffea.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Compatible: Calc. ost., Ledum, Lycop., Nux vom., Phosphor., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulphur.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Incompatible: Ferr. phos.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Compare: Silica. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 08, 1889 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r148|Paris quadrifolia]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r148|Paris quadrifolia]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1889 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}