====== SINAPIS NIGRA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Sinapis Nigra. {{anchor:s2}}Black Mustard. {{anchor:s3}}Cruciferae. {{anchor:s4}}Provings (Sinapis Nigra et Alba) by Butler, N. Am. Jour. of Hom., 1872, p. 541; some symptoms by Cattel, Brit. J. of Hom., vol. 11, p. 524. {{anchor:s5}}CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. {{anchor:s6}}(Sinapis Nigra et Alba) {{anchor:s7}}- Coryza, Hay fever, Butler, Med. Adv., vol. 21, p. 353; Sore mouth, Ellis, Hah. Mo., vol. 24, p. 61, from Hom. Jour. {{anchor:s8}}Obstet., Nov., 1888; Cough, Walser, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 134; Variola, Rockwith, Med. Union, vol. 1, p. 59. {{anchor:s9}}NOTE:- Found of use in Philadelphia with potassium cyanide as a means of prevention in the epidemic of smallpox, 1870-71, by Hering, Korndoerfer, Farrington, Knerr, and others. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Irritable disposition.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Cross, dissatisfied without cause; must guard himself constantly or be uncivil and pettish.\\ {{anchor:s13}}From fright during coition, impotence.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Cannot keep his attention fixed.\\ {{anchor:s15}}From least mental exertion: sweat. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s17}}Vertigo of old people.\\ {{anchor:s18}}Violent attacks of vertigo, with hard hearing after eating heavy food; mostly after fat. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s20}}Dull pain across forehead commencing at outer angle of each eye, more severe around edges of orbits and across bridge of nose.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Dull, dragging-down sensation in anterior part of head, not amounting to decided pain.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Heavy headache in top and sides of head.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Dull headache, with qualmishness about pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Dull headache, replaced (at 11 A. M.) by burning prickling in face, moderately full pulse, dull feeling in top of head, as if empty.\\ {{anchor:s25}}Headache does not interfere with mental exertion, in fact, is forgotten during it; agg. when attention is drawn to it; in warm room; better in open air, eating and lying down.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Pains are agg. on one side, right; sometimes on the other, left; mostly anterior part of head and less often vertex is involved (no prover had it in occiput).\\ {{anchor:s27}}Headache as if she had taken cold, with tired feeling all over.\\ {{anchor:s28}}Dull, heavy, drawing or pressing pain in head.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Apoplexy. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s31}}Sensation as if scalp were adherent to bones.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Forehead hot and dry. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s34}}When pressing on eyeballs, sensation as of pins sticking.\\ {{anchor:s35}}Eyeballs as if pressed on from above, with tired feeling of eyes and some dull pain in them, amel. closing eyes and by eating.\\ {{anchor:s36}}Sudden feeling of warmth, with stitching in left eye; it fills with tears, which relieve.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sticking or smarting in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Eyes sore, weak.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Eyes feel tired.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Pain over eye, sometimes right, sometimes left; sometimes passing from outer angle to root of nose.\\ {{anchor:s41}}Eyes smart with profuse lachrymation.\\ {{anchor:s42}}Hard work to keep eyes open. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s44}}Hard hearing, with vertigo. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Dryness of anterior nares.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Nostrils dry; left agg. with discharge of some dried mucus; tender to pressure.\\ {{anchor:s48}}Dryness of posterior nares and pharynx, amel. swallowing and clearing throat of small white lumps of tenacious mucus with slight hacking.\\ {{anchor:s49}}Scanty acrid discharge from anterior nares, makes skin red.\\ {{anchor:s50}}Left nostril stopped up all day; scanty acrid discharge from nose.\\ {{anchor:s51}}Mucous membrane of nose dry and hot; no discharge; symptoms agg. in afternoon and evening; either nostril may be affected alone or alternately with the other. {{anchor:s52}}~ Hay fever.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Dryness in posterior nares and pharynx amel. by swallowing and attempts to clear throat, which brings up small lumps of white tenacious mucus with slight hawking.\\ {{anchor:s54}}Much discharge of mucus from posterior nares, it accumulates there and requires an effort to dislodge; tasteless, cold and in quite large, tenacious white masses.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Accumulation of mucus, usually white, at times yellow, drops from posterior nares, causing nausea and even vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Scurvy, with copious and frequent nosebleed.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Profuse, thin, watery discharge from anterior nares, excoriating and acrid; wings of nose red and sore; draws considerable mucus into throat from posterior nares; voice thick, nasal; frequent short, hacking cough, painless, agg. during day; amel. by lying down. {{anchor:s58}}~ Acute coryza.\\ {{anchor:s59}}A man of nervous temperament was caught in a thundershower and wet through; nasal passages feel stopped up while a thin acrid mucus is discharged profusely from anterior nares; wings of nose red; eyelids smart and itch.\\ {{anchor:s60}}For some years subject to severe colds; severe acrid nasal discharge with much lachrymation and irritation of eyelids; sneezes frequently, with coryza; hacking cough harder and more paroxysmal, lasts for weeks; nose feels stopped up, especially at bridge, although he has considerable nasal discharge which irritates and reddens skin; voice very nasal; partial loss of taste and smell.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Feeling as if nostrils were stopped up although they discharge profusely a thin mucus, which excoriates nose and lip; itching and smarting of eyelids; post-nasal discharge; continually clearing throat; infrequent hacking cough; dull frontal headache; voice nasal. {{anchor:s62}}~ Acute coryza.\\ {{anchor:s63}}Hay fever; eyes suffused, itched and smarted; nose swollen and discharging continually a thin acrid mucus; oppression of chest, as if movement were impeded all around her chest, not a contraction, but as if something heavy oppressed her in all sides from her neck to diaphragm; agg. at night lying down.\\ {{anchor:s64}}Subject to hay fever for eight years; comes on July 28th of each year and stays until after first hard frost; two weeks after commencement of attack, smarting and itching of eyelids, agg. toward inner canthi; margins of lids reddened; eyes filled with tears; nasal discharge profuse, watery and excoriating; much sneezing, agg. in morning for a while, and on lying down at night, but continuing more or less all day long; itching, burning, tickling in nostrils high up; frequent hacking cough during day, but none at night; dull frontal headache; mentally irritable.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Has been for two weeks suffering from her annual attack of hay fever, which came on, as usual, about middle of August; nose swollen, alae nasi excoriated, while lips were but little reddened; eyes watery, must keep wiping them; eyelids itch; voice nasal; nose feels stopped up at bridge and posterior nares; post-nasal discharge, which she draws down in considerable quantities and expectorates; it is thick, of brownish color and tastes cold; breathing much oppressed all the time, but agg. at night; every night she has attacks of asthmatic breathing, which last an hour or more; during attacks must sit upright and has a dull pain from upper part of chest through to shoulder blades, and dull, hard aching in temples; can never lie with head low because it brings on attacks; attacks more frequent in damp weather, and agg. on lying down and moving, amel. by sitting up in bed with shoulders drawn forward (round-shouldered position) and by perfect quiet.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Mrs. D., aet. 71, small, dark, dried-up old woman, bronchial asthma; sat in one chair, leaning her head upon back of another; breathing labored and noisy, wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest plainly audible all over room; anxious for death that she might be relieved; intensely despondent and sure that she would not recover; acrid nasal discharge reddened skin about nose and slightly on upper lip. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s68}}Sensation as if cheeks were bulged out by a bubble of air just below malar bone. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Lips dry, skin as if stiff; smarting of lips; red around mouth. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s72}}Teeth, especially such as have been filled, sensitive to warm drinks or cold air.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Gums sore, tender to touch, can hardly eat hard food.\\ {{anchor:s74}}Swollen, bleeding gums.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Convulsions during dentition. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s77}}Tingling, scalded feeling of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Tongue can hardly bear weight of teeth; raw, sore.\\ {{anchor:s79}}Tongue feels dry, sticky, sense of blisters on tip.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Tongue dirty white in middle, edges and tip hot.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Fissure down median line.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Black tongue. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Breath offensive, smelling like onions Mouth dry.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Burning in mouth to stomach; with nausea, amel. by eating.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Saliva increased; alkaline.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Sore mouth, accompanied by hot, burning, sour eructations; burning started in stomach and would come up throat to mouth, with sour eructations; mouth very sore all over, with little white points surrounded by red mucous membrane.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Ulcers in mouth, especially on tongue, with violent burning pain, where whole buccal cavity is so sensitive that even blandest food or drink is unbearable.\\ {{anchor:s89}}A woman eight months pregnant, constantly suffering with burning in stomach extending up esophagus to throat and mouth; mouth full of canker sores; agg. from food or drink. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s91}}Left side sore, felt only on swallowing saliva and forcing mucus from choanae; very slight when eating or drinking.\\ {{anchor:s92}}Throat behind uvula injected light red.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Sore throat right to left.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Angina edematosa; pale swelling with much phlegm. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s97}}Appetite good.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Averse to sweets.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Toward evening, thirst. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s101}}While eating: headache amel.; nausea amel.; pain in eyes amel.\\ {{anchor:s102}}After eating: vertigo agg.; desire for stool; fullness after a little, must loosen garments.\\ {{anchor:s103}}After eating or drinking: fullness and heaviness; distension, clothing must be loosened. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s105}}Obstinate hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Heartburn.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Frequent belching: tasteless, or tasting like horseradish or of ingesta; of hot air which increases heartburn.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Copious vomiting, much straining; it relieves nausea. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s110}}Sensation of a load in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Burning, later sharp and intermittent with faintness, amel. bending forward in sitting posture.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Burning in stomach and umbilical region.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Ulceration of stomach and intestines.\\ {{anchor:s114}}Chronic catarrh of stomach. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s116}}Pressure in epigastric region.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Dull pain across epigastrium on bending forward, amel. sitting erect.\\ {{anchor:s118}}Dull pain in left hypochondrium. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s120}}Pains agg. about navel; sometimes in lumbar region.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Pains from navel down to left inguina.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Rumbling of flatus.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Heavy, dull pain below navel as from a weight.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Continuous dull pain in right groin, amel. by pressure.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Sharp pain in right groin.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Dull, heavy pain in left groin, at times sharp and sticking.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Gland in left groin swollen, painful.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Chronic catarrh of intestines. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s130}}Stool once in three days.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Stool large in amount and rather hard, with no difficulty in passing; or loose, scanty, expelled with difficulty.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Frequent desire without any passage, passage small, in balls or lumps, at first large then tapering.\\ {{anchor:s133}}After stool feeling as if all had not passed; sharp smarting pain in lower rectum and anus.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Pappy, dark brown stool, with burning in anus; much undigested food with mucus and dead worms.\\ {{anchor:s135}}(OBS:) Cholera, with cyanosis. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s137}}Urine frequent but normal in quantity; of a pale straw-color; sometimes increased; sp. gr. 1025.\\ {{anchor:s138}}Large quantities of urine are passed during night, passage preceded by a violent erection.\\ {{anchor:s139}}After urinating: sensation as if more would be voided and a little later dribbling of a few drops.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Urine: darker; golden, acid; clear yellow; a cloud suspended in it with little granules like frog spawn.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Catarrh of bladder. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s143}}Sexual desire excited.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Violent erections during the day with lascivious thoughts.\\ {{anchor:s145}}Obstinate and violent erections at night, usually with lascivious dreams and even emission of semen.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Impotence, from a fright during coition. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s148}}Menses appeared in a few hours, long before period.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Amenorrhea and chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Cessation of menses. ====== VOICE AND LARYNX. TRACHEA AND BRONCHIA. [25] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Hoarseness; toward night and in evening, with frequent attempts to clear throat.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Rough scraping sensation in throat extending to trachea, with a continual desire to clear throat and a slight hacking cough, agg. in evening.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Continual desire to clear throat, with difficult dislodgment of small lumps of tenacious white mucus, freer in forenoon, scanty at night. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s157}}Asphyxia.\\ {{anchor:s158}}Pituitous asthma. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s160}}Short, hacking cough in evening, leaves on retiring; usually dry, but sometimes sputa in small tenacious lumps of white mucus; excited by laughing; agg. in cold air; amel. on lying down and while eating; sensation of an obstruction low down in trachea.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Neurosis of nerves of respiration since two years; loud coughing spells, lasting about ten minutes at a time; loud barking respirations could be heard at a distance. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Pain in right side as if heart were there and one could feel its beating.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Sharp, severe pain in left side of chest in cardiac region, passing off soon.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Wandering pains in chest.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Catarrh of lungs. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s168}}Uneasiness and occasional dull pains in region of heart, unaltered by pressure, deep inspiration or motion.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Occasional sensation of oppression and pricking in region of heart, soon passing off.\\ {{anchor:s170}}Quite persistent dull, circumscribed pain in heart toward apex.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Pains about heart recur daily about 10 A. M., and from 4 to 6 P. M., lasting a short time only, sometimes quite persistent, with a feeling of dread and oppression.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Pulse grows less frequent and later rises until it is a little too frequent. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Dull but quite severe pulsating pain under lower angle of left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Cannot sleep on account of pain in small of back and hips; amel. by motion.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Pain in small of back, becoming intolerable near bedtime. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s178}}Drawing pain at insertion of right biceps brachialis on flexing and extending arm.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Occasional dull pains in left shoulder joint. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s181}}Weakness of muscles of calves.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Cramps in calves.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Dull, heavy aching in legs, calves and ankles.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Edema of feet.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Ulcers on legs. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s189}}Rest: oppressed breathing; nausea amel.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Lying down: headache amel.; hay fever agg.; oppressed breathing amel.; short, hacking cough agg.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Sitting: burning in stomach amel.; erect, pain across epigastrium amel.; stitches in anus.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Sitting up in bed with shoulders drawn forward: hay fever and oppressed breathing amel.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Must sit upright: oppressed breathing.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Bending forward: pain across epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Movement: hay fever agg.; oppressed breathing agg.; nausea agg.; pain in back and hips amel.; sweats easily.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Flexing and extending arm: pain at biceps. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s198}}Weak, languid, with desire to sleep during day.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Chorea. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s201}}Sleepless at night, but no inconvenience from loss of sleep.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Sleepy during day, vivid or lascivious dreams.\\ {{anchor:s203}}Sleep after dinner with anxious dreams.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Dreams of the dead and of thieves. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Forenoon: desire to clear throat amel.\\ {{anchor:s207}}At 11 A. M.: headache replaced by prickling and burning in face.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Day: acute coryza agg.; frequent hacking cough; desire to sleep.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Evening: toward, thirst; dark green stool; small blackish stool; hoarseness agg.; short, hacking cough.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Night: hacking cough agg.; oppressed breathing agg.; large quantities of urine passed; hoarseness; desire to clear throat. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s212}}In warm room: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Warm drinks: teeth sensitive to.\\ {{anchor:s214}}In open air: headache amel.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Damp weather: attacks of oppressed breathing agg.\\ {{anchor:s216}}After getting wet through: nose feels stopped while thin mucus is discharged.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Cold air: teeth sensitive; short, hacking cough agg. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s219}}Chilly all over, with cold hands and feet, after vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Heat through whole body, agg. down spine.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Sweat, with feeling of hot water in bloodvessels, disappearing when nausea comes on.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Sweat general: more on forehead and upper lip.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Sweats easily from least exertion, mental or physical.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Quartan ague and inflammatory fever.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Typhoid and putrid fevers; delirious; great prostration; petechia.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Febris mucosa. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s228}}Daily: return of pains about heart about 10 A. M., and from 4 to 6 P. M.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Every evening: sudden headache while conversing.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Every night: attacks of asthma.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Middle of August: hay fever.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Since two years: neurosis of nerves of respiration lasting ten minutes.\\ {{anchor:s233}}For eight years: subject to hay fever; comes on July 28th and lasts until after first hard frost. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s235}}Right: dull pain in groin; sharp pain in groin; pain in side as if heart were there; drawing pain at insertion of biceps brachialis.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Left: nostril stopped; pain in hypochondrium; dull, heavy pain in groin; gland in groin swollen, painful; severe pain in side of chest; pain under lower angle of scapula; dull pain in shoulder joint. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s238}}Head as if empty; as if she had taken cold; as if scalp were adherent to bones; as of pins sticking in eyeballs; eyeball as if pressed on from above; as if nostrils were stopped up; as if movements were impeded all around her chest; as if something heavy oppressed her on all sides from neck to diaphragm; as if cheeks were bulged out by a bubble of air below malar bone; skin of lips as if stiff; as of blisters on tip of tongue; as of a load in stomach; as of a hard body lying there; as if more urine could be voided; pain, as if heart were on right side; as of hot water in bloodvessels.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Pain: over eyes; in eyes; about navel; from navel down to left inguina; in stomach and epigastrium; in right side; about heart; in small of back and hips.\\ {{anchor:s240}}Sharp pain: in right groin; in lower rectum and anus; in left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Dull but quite severe pulsating pain: under angle of left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Stitching: in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s243}}Wandering pains: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s244}}Aching: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Dull pain: across forehead; in eyes; upper part of chest through to shoulder blades; across epigastrium; in left hypochondrium; in right groin; in region of heart; in heart toward apex; in left shoulder joint.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Heavy pain: in top and sides of head; below navel; in left groin.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Dull, hard aching: in temples.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Dull, heavy aching: in legs; in calves; in ankles.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Dull, heavy, drawing or pressing pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Drawing pain: at insertion of right biceps brachialis.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Dull feeling: in top of head.\\ {{anchor:s252}}Dull, dragging-down sensation: in anterior part of head.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Burning pressure: under ensiform cartilage; in cardiac region.\\ {{anchor:s254}}Pressure: in stomach; in epigastric region.\\ {{anchor:s255}}Tension: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Heaviness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s257}}Fullness: in stomach; in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s258}}Tired feeling: all over.\\ {{anchor:s259}}Violent burning pain: in ulcers in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Sticking: in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Burning: in nostrils; in mouth to stomach; from stomach up to throat and into mouth; along esophagus; in stomach and umbilical region; in anus.\\ {{anchor:s262}}Burning prickling: in face.\\ {{anchor:s263}}Smarting: in left eye; of eyelids; of lips.\\ {{anchor:s264}}Soreness: in eyes; of tongue; of mouth; of throat.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Sudden feeling of warmth: in left eye.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Tingling scalded feeling: of tongue.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Pricking: in region of heart.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Rough, scraping sensation: in throat.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Tickling: in nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Dryness: of anterior nares; of nostrils; of posterior nares and pharynx; of lips; of tongue; of mouth.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Itching: of eyelids; in nostrils. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s273}}Great muscular weakness.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Mucous secretion increased, tenacious, lumpy.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Anasarca after intermittents.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Rheumatalgia.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Pituitous dyspepsia.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Constipation from want of action of bowels.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Flatulency.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Disposition to nervous apoplexy.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Epilepsy.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Hypochondriasis.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Chlorosis.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Asthma.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Intermittent fever in swampy districts.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Autumnal intermittent, quartan septimana.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Smallpox. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s292}}Touch: gums sore; pressure in stomach agg.; abdomen tender.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Pressure: nostrils tender; abdomen and epigastrium sensitive; pain in right groin amel.; pain in region of heart unaltered. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s295}}General ecchymosis.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Eczema chronica.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Smallpox; to be given until sulphocyanides reappear in saliva.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Ulcers on legs. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s300}}Vertigo of old people.\\ {{anchor:s301}}Convulsions of teething children.\\ {{anchor:s302}}Girl, aet. 13, tall, slender, dark complexion; hay fever.\\ {{anchor:s303}}Mr. H. B., dark complexion, grey eyes; acute coryza.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Mrs. K., aet. 28, small, dark complexion, slender figure, nervous temperament; hay fever.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Lawyer, aet. 36, dark complexion, nervo bilious temperament; coryza.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Mrs. D., widow, short, stout, florid, light complexion; acute coryza.\\ {{anchor:s307}}Mr. A., light complexion, nervous temperament, after exposure; coryza. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s309}}Antidoted by: Sapo sodae for blisters from external application; Nux vom. when abused as a condiment. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 09, 1890 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r368|Sinapis nigra]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r368|Sinapis nigra]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1890 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}