====== SQUILLA MARITIMA ====== {{anchor:s1}}Squilla. {{anchor:s2}}(Squilla Maritima.) {{anchor:s3}}Squills, Sea Onion. {{anchor:s4}}Liliaceae. {{anchor:s5}}A bulbous plant, bearing a long spike of whitish flowers, found on the sandy shores of the Mediterranean. {{anchor:s6}}Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, Becher, Hartmann, Hornburg, Mossdorf, Stapf, Teuthorn, Walther and Wislicenus, Mat. Med. Pura, vol. 3, p. 265. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s8}}- Affection of eye, Sawyer, Med. Adv., June, 1889, p. 398; Phlyctenule of conjunctiva, Deady, Norton's Ophth. {{anchor:s9}}Therap., p. 171; Enuresis nocturna, Blaisdell, Stitson, A. H. O., vol. 12, p. 390; Asthma, Frank, N. A. J. H., vol. 9, p. 257; Bronchitis, Knorre, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 27; Neidhard, Hah. Mo., vol. 20, p. 27; Pertussis, A. R., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 729; Whooping cough, Wesselhoeft, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 4, p. 3; Pneumonia, Deschere, T. A. I. H., 1886, p. 323; Dropsical affections, Hahnemann, Hartmann, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 355. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s11}}Great anxiety of mind, with fear of death.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Angry about trifles.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Aversion to mental or bodily labor. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s15}}Vertigo in morning, with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Head beclouded and dizzy. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s18}}Drawing lancinating headache.\\ {{anchor:s19}}Pulsation in head when raising it.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Headache in morning on waking, with pressing pains.\\ {{anchor:s21}}Contractive pain in both temples.\\ {{anchor:s22}}Quickly passing pain in occiput, from left to right.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Stitching pain in right side of forehead.\\ {{anchor:s24}}Affections of brain: child rubs its face and eyes a great deal, especially its eyes, as if to relieve itching; profuse or scanty urination. ====== OUTER HEAD. [4] ====== {{anchor:s26}}Painful sensitiveness of vertex, mornings. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Staring look, eyes wide open.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Left eye looks smaller than right; upper eyelid swollen.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Contraction of pupils.\\ {{anchor:s31}}The eyes feel as if swimming in cold water.\\ {{anchor:s32}}For two weeks a large phlyctenule of conjunctiva on outer side of cornea; sensation as of cold water in eye, when in a cold wind. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s34}}Tearing pain back of left ear. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Sneezes during cough; eyes water; rubs eyes and nose. {{anchor:s37}}~ Measles.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza, in morning; a regular general snizzle; coryza; mucous cough, with spurting of urine, and even of watery stools.\\ {{anchor:s39}}Nostrils painful as if sore, with violent coryza.\\ {{anchor:s40}}Humid eruptions under nose, with stinging itching. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s42}}Changeable expression and color of face.\\ {{anchor:s43}}During heat, redness of face, followed by paleness, without coldness.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Distorted countenance, with red cheeks, no thirst. ====== LOWER FACE. [9] ====== {{anchor:s46}}Lips: twitch and are covered with yellow crusts; black and cracked.\\ {{anchor:s47}}Humid spreading eruption on upper lip. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s49}}Food tastes bitter, especially bread; or sweetish, especially soup and meat. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s51}}Open, dry mouth.\\ {{anchor:s52}}Much viscid mucus in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s53}}Burning in mouth and throat. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s55}}Burning in palate and throat; dryness in throat.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Irritation in throat, with heat and tickling, causing constant cough.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Irritation to cough in pit of throat, in upper part of trachea. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s60}}Insatiable appetite.\\ {{anchor:s61}}Desire for acids.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Thirst for cold water, but dyspnea allows her to take but a sip at a time. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s64}}Empty eructations.\\ {{anchor:s65}}Nausea: during morning cough; continuous in pit of stomach, alternating with a pain in abdomen, as with diarrhea.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Excessive nausea.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Nausea in back of throat, almost constant accumulation of saliva in mouth.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Nausea in pit of stomach, alternating with pain in abdomen, or sensation as if diarrhea would set in. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s70}}Pressure in stomach as from a stone. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s72}}Cutting pain in abdomen as from flatulence.\\ {{anchor:s73}}Painful sensitiveness of abdomen and region of bladder. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s75}}Frequent discharge of very fetid flatus.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Diarrhea, stool very offensive, watery, during measles, or looking black.\\ {{anchor:s77}}Stools: dark-brown or black, slimy, fluid, in frothy bubbles; very offensive; painless; involuntary (when coughing, sneezing or passing urine).\\ {{anchor:s78}}Painless constipation. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s80}}Continuous, painful pressure on bladder.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Tenesmus of bladder after micturition.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Frequent calls to urinate, especially at night, with scanty or profuse discharge of pale urine.\\ {{anchor:s83}}Sanguinolent urine with a deposit of red sediment.\\ {{anchor:s84}}Violent urging to urinate, with frequent emission of pale, limpid urine, looking like water. {{anchor:s85}}~ Diabetes insipidus.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Involuntary micturition, especially when coughing.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Continuous painful pressure on bladder and inability to retain urine. {{anchor:s88}}~ Enuresis nocturna.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Unable to retain urine, because the amount is too large.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Urine: increased, pale, with frequent urging; involuntary, scanty, dark-red. {{anchor:s91}}~ Hydrothorax.\\ {{anchor:s92}}When urinating feces escape. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s94}}Atony of cervix uteri. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s96}}Moaning, with open mouth; wheezing; rattling, with pleurisy, must sit up; short, with least exertion.\\ {{anchor:s97}}Dyspnea, cannot drink; child seizes cup eagerly, but can drink only in sips.\\ {{anchor:s98}}Difficult or embarrassed respiration.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Frequently obliged to take a deep breath, which provokes cough.\\ {{anchor:s100}}Dyspnea and stitches in chest, most distressing on inspiration.\\ {{anchor:s101}}Oppression across chest, as if it were too tight.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Shortness of breath from every exertion, especially when ascending.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Difficulty of breathing, with stitches in chest when breathing and coughing.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Dry asthma for three years, and persistent panting respiration, no actual loss of breath at first; finally was obliged to get out of bed and sit at open window; could not lie on right side without bringing on oppression; drawing pain through both hypochondria; urine scanty, reddish-yellow and neutral. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s106}}Cough: dry, night and morning; short, rattling, disturbing sleep; spasmodic, from mucus in trachea, or tickling creeping sensation in chest; with headache, dyspnea, spurting of urine, stitches in chest or pain in abdomen; caused by cold drinks; during measles; after eating; from every exertion; by changing from warm to cold air.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Frequent irritation to a short dry cough in four or five shocks caused by tickling beneath thyroid cartilage.\\ {{anchor:s108}}A violent sudden cough in morning, with stitch in side with every cough, with expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Cough, in morning, with profuse slimy expectoration.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Constant expectoration of mucus.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Cough in morning, with copious expectoration of thin, frequently reddish-colored mucus.\\ {{anchor:s112}}The loose cough in morning is more fatiguing than the dry in evening.\\ {{anchor:s113}}Cough seems to proceed from lowest ramifications of bronchial tubes, with wheezing in lower part of lungs. {{anchor:s114}}~ Bronchitis.\\ {{anchor:s115}}Every fit of coughing winds up with sneezing and involuntary urination.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Sputa: white or reddish mucus; sweetish, or empyreumatic or offensive in odor; in small round balls, very difficult to expectorate.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Dry spasmodic cough, brought on by taking a deep inspiration, causing pain in abdomen as from a shock and sensation as if intestines would burst out through abdomen, with retching, stitches in sides, pressure upon bladder and involuntary escape of urine; white, slimy, often sweetish-tasting expectoration in morning; none in evening; rattling of mucus before onset of paroxysm. {{anchor:s118}}~ Pertussis.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Cough less troublesome in daytime, yet somewhat spasmodic and with whooping, but every night at 11 o'clock, or between 11 and 3 o'clock she has a sudden attack of suffocation; it is very severe and compels her to spring to her feet and stand on tiptoe on her bed, stretching her body and arms upward in her agony; she cannot gain her breath for many seconds; anxiety and fear is extreme; at length the breath returns, with a whooping sound on inspiration; this is soon followed by a milder attack; the rest of the night is comparatively quiet; but drinking of cold water always brings on severe cough. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s121}}Stitches in chest, especially when inhaling and coughing; in sides of chest; pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Compressive pain in right side of chest, ending in a stitch.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Broad pressive stitches beneath last ribs of both sides.\\ {{anchor:s124}}On inspiration, jerking stitches in right and left sides of chest, not far from sternum.\\ {{anchor:s125}}Stitches in left and right true ribs, at same time.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Drawing stitch from last true rib to shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Broad blunt stitches in last ribs of left side, in morning in bed, that awakened him.\\ {{anchor:s128}}A contracting stitch in left side, just beneath last ribs.\\ {{anchor:s129}}Drawing pain in chest.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Sharp stitches in scapular end of clavicle during inspiration and expiration.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Severe stitches near sternum, extending downward so that he could with great difficulty get his breath.\\ {{anchor:s132}}Pains in chest agg. in morning.\\ {{anchor:s133}}Heaviness on chest; congestion of blood to chest.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Chronic catarrh, profuse secretion of tenacious white mucus, which is only expectorated after severe cough; especially in children.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Circle of size of palm of hand, dull on percussion, in chest of a young lady.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Pneumonia right side; cough very painful; high fever; breathing short and anxious, with general anxiety; dullness over right lung on percussion, fine whistling breathing on auscultation; in some places no respiratory murmur; excessive dyspnea, suffering during cough making child almost frantic; could take no nourishment on account of cough not allowing him to swallow; during fits of coughing, in his agony would rub his face all over briskly with his fist.\\ {{anchor:s137}}Especially suitable in pneumonia and pleurisy, after bloodletting. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s139}}Pulse small and slow, slightly hard. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s141}}Stiffness of neck.\\ {{anchor:s142}}Painful jerking above left scapula.\\ {{anchor:s143}}Painless drawing in left scapula. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s145}}Sweat in armpits.\\ {{anchor:s146}}Convulsive twitching in arms; cold hands. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s148}}Convulsive twitching of legs.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Cold foot sweat.\\ {{anchor:s150}}Sweat only on toes.\\ {{anchor:s151}}Soles red and sore when walking. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s153}}Tearing and restlessness in upper and lower extremities.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Convulsive twitching and motions of limbs, agg. morning and evening and during motion.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Soreness in bends of joints.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Dull rheumatic pain; agg. when exercising, amel. while at rest. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s160}}Rest: rheumatic pains amel.\\ {{anchor:s161}}Could not lie on right side without bringing on oppression.\\ {{anchor:s162}}Raising head: pulsation in it.\\ {{anchor:s163}}Must sit up: pleurisy.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Sitting: chilliness ceases.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Motion: twitching of limbs agg.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Least exertion: short respiration; cough.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Ascending: shortness of breath.\\ {{anchor:s168}}Walking: soles red and sore; chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s169}}Exercising: rheumatic pains agg. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s171}}Frequent yawning, without sleepiness.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Restless sleep with much tossing about. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s174}}Morning: vertigo and nausea; headache; painful sensitiveness of vertex; fluent coryza; nausea during cough; dry cough; violent sudden cough in morning; cough, with profuse expectoration; loose cough, very fatiguing; stitches in ribs; pains in chest agg.; twitching of limbs agg.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Daytime; cough less troublesome.\\ {{anchor:s176}}Afternoon: great heat in body.\\ {{anchor:s177}}Toward evening: chilliness.\\ {{anchor:s178}}Evening: dry cough; sweetish expectoration; twitching of limbs agg.; great heat in body.\\ {{anchor:s179}}Night: frequent calls to urinate; dry cough; internal chill. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s181}}From warm to cold air: cough.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Aversion: to being uncovered, with heat.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Must get out of bed and sit at open window.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Cold wind: sensation as of cold water in eye.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Cold drinks: caused cough. ====== FEVER. [40] ====== {{anchor:s187}}Chill internally at night, with external heat.\\ {{anchor:s188}}Chilliness toward evening when walking, not when sitting.\\ {{anchor:s189}}Icy-cold hands and feet, with warmth of rest of body.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Icy-cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s191}}Heat dry, burning, mostly internally.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Heat of whole body, with cold hands and feet, with aversion to being uncovered; face pale after heat.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Sensation of great heat in body, in afternoon and evening, generally with cold feet.\\ {{anchor:s194}}Whenever he uncovers himself during heat, he suffers from chilliness and pain.\\ {{anchor:s195}}Sweat wanting. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s197}}Alternating: nausea in pit of stomach, with pain in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Every night at 11 o'clock or between 11 and 3: sudden attacks of suffocation.\\ {{anchor:s199}}For three years: dry asthma. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s201}}Right: pain in forehead; compressive pain, side of chest; blunt stitch in last ribs; pneumonia, dullness over lung.\\ {{anchor:s202}}Left: eye smaller than right; pain back of ear; stitch in side; jerking above scapula; drawing on scapula.\\ {{anchor:s203}}From left to right: pain in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Right and left: stitches in side of chest; stitches in true ribs at same time. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s206}}Eyes as if swimming in water; nostrils as if sore; as if diarrhea would set in; as if chest were too tight; as if intestines would burst through abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Pain: in abdomen; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Tearing pain: back of left ear; in upper and lower limbs.\\ {{anchor:s209}}Cutting pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s210}}Drawing lancinating pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Severe stitches: near sternum.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Sharp stitches: in scapular end of clavicle.\\ {{anchor:s213}}Jerking stitches: in right and left side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s214}}Stitches: in chest; in side; in left and right true ribs.\\ {{anchor:s215}}Contracting stitch: in left side.\\ {{anchor:s216}}Drawing stitch: from last true rib to shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Broad pressive stitches: beneath last ribs.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Broad blunt stitches: in last rib of right side.\\ {{anchor:s219}}Stitching pain: in forehead.\\ {{anchor:s220}}Contractive pain, in both temples; in occiput.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Compressive pain: in right side of chest.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Drawing pain: through both hypochondriae; in chest.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Pressing pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s224}}Dull rheumatic pains: in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s225}}Painful jerking: above scapula.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Painful pressure: on bladder.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Painful sensitiveness: of abdomen and region of bladder.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Soreness: of soles; in bends of joints.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Burning: in mouth and throat; in palate.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Great heat: in body.\\ {{anchor:s231}}Dryness: of mouth; of throat.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Pulsation: in head.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Painless drawing: on scapula.\\ {{anchor:s234}}Stiffness: of neck.\\ {{anchor:s235}}Pressure: in stomach, as from a stone.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Heaviness: on chest.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Tickling creeping sensation: in chest.\\ {{anchor:s238}}Stinging itching: under nose.\\ {{anchor:s239}}Icy-coldness: of hands; of feet. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s241}}Eruptions like itch, with burning, itching.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Excoriation in bends of limbs. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Boy, aet. 9, negro; pneumonia.\\ {{anchor:s245}}Miss H., aet. 15, fleshy, light complexion, blue eyes, large for her age, recovering from varicella; affection of eye.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Man, aet. 25, suffering two weeks; phlyctenule of conjunctiva.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Widow, aet. 63, suffering three years; asthma. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s249}}Compatible: after Bryon. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 09, 1890 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r150|Squilla maritima]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r150|Squilla maritima]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ Year: | 1890 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}