====== TABACUM ====== {{anchor:s1}}Tabacum. {{anchor:s2}}Tobacco. {{anchor:s3}}Solanaceae. {{anchor:s4}}Introduced by Hartlaub. {{anchor:s5}}The provers were Nenning, Schreter, Hausbrand, Hartlaub and Trink's Mat. Med.; Seidel's Collection, A. H. Z., vol. 12, p. 150; toxicological effects, Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 9, p. 467. ====== CLINICAL AUTHORITIES. ====== {{anchor:s7}}- Sick-headache, Alley, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 394; Gastric disorder, Dudgeon, Hom. Rev., Oct., 1888; Dyspepsia, with craving for tobacco and stimulants, Smedley, H. M., 1872, p. 510; Constipation, Dudgeon, Hom. Rev., Oct., 1888; Use in chronic diarrhea, Swan, N. A. J. H., vol. 19, p. 254; Use in cholera, Lippe, Hah. Mo., vol. 1, p. 425; Sporadic cholera, Gross, Knorre, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 894; Cholera, Fleischer, Kurtz, Knorre, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 964; Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 484; Constipation, Minnichreiter, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 397; Asthma, Schleicher, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 800; Whooping cough, Schrn, Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 84; A. R., Rck. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 730; Insomnia, Blake, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 375; Climacteric affections, Blake, Hom. Rev., Feb. 1, 1875; Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 375; Vomiting of pregnancy, Simpson, Hom. Rev., vol. 18, p. 211. {{anchor:s8}}Debility, Frost, H. M., vol. 5, p. 411; Ague, Allen, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 525; Tobacco habit, Smedley, H. M., vol. 7, p. 510. ====== MIND. [1] ====== {{anchor:s10}}Forgetful; slow perception.\\ {{anchor:s11}}Difficulty in concentrating his mind for any length of time on one subject.\\ {{anchor:s12}}Idiotic; epileptic idiocy.\\ {{anchor:s13}}Cheerful, merry, loquacious; sings all day; talks nonsense.\\ {{anchor:s14}}Becomes quite stupid, loses his senses; precordial anguish, with faintness.\\ {{anchor:s15}}Melancholy; anxiety amel. from weeping.\\ {{anchor:s16}}Sudden anxiety, with angina pectoris; also with oppression of chest, driving him from place to place.\\ {{anchor:s17}}Excessive depression of mind, with indigestion and palpitation; intermittent pulse; great despondency. ====== SENSORIUM. [2] ====== {{anchor:s19}}Vertigo: excessive heaviness in head; with qualmishness in stomach; deathlike paleness of face and sensation as if he could not support himself, increasing to loss of consciousness; amel. in open air and by vomiting; cannot rise up; face deathly pale; vertigo agg. on rising and looking upward, brought on by immoderate smoking of cigars.\\ {{anchor:s20}}Apoplexy and paralysis. ====== INNER HEAD. [3] ====== {{anchor:s22}}Headache: with vertigo; agg. indoors; amel. in open air.\\ {{anchor:s23}}Sick-headache coming on early in morning, intolerable by noon; deathly nausea, violent vomiting greatly agg. by noise and light.\\ {{anchor:s24}}When walking, indoors or outdoors, suddenly, as if struck by a hammer or club on right side of head, throws him to left. {{anchor:s25}}~ Ague.\\ {{anchor:s26}}Periodical sick-headache, lasting one or two days and generally brought on by fatigue or excitement; intense, agonizing pain as if head would burst, and again as if brain were being bored out; sought continually to hide her head in pillow, or to change it to a position that might relieve; faintness, nausea and vomiting of food, and painful retching to vomit small quantities of mucus and bile; skin pale and cold with clammy sweat; breathing oppressed and labored; face sunken and anxious. ====== SIGHT AND EYES. [5] ====== {{anchor:s28}}Dimsightedness, sees as through a veil, evenings.\\ {{anchor:s29}}Heat and burning in eyes.\\ {{anchor:s30}}Contraction of lids.\\ {{anchor:s31}}Retinal images retained.\\ {{anchor:s32}}Strabismus, dependent upon brain troubles.\\ {{anchor:s33}}Amblyopia, vision twenty-one hundredths, refraction normal, divergence of one and a half lines behind a screen, diplopia in distance; dimness and confusion of sight, as if black dots filled visual field; agg. after stimulants.\\ {{anchor:s34}}Asthenopia; strabismus; white atrophy of retina with amaurosis. ====== HEARING AND EARS. [6] ====== {{anchor:s36}}Nervous deafness.\\ {{anchor:s37}}Sensation as if ears were closed.\\ {{anchor:s38}}Ears burning hot and red. ====== SMELL AND NOSE. [7] ====== {{anchor:s40}}Smell feeble. ====== UPPER FACE. [8] ====== {{anchor:s42}}Emaciation, deathlike pallor of face. {{anchor:s43}}~ Cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s44}}Face: blue, pinched; sunken; deathly; pale; pale and collapsed, covered with cold sweat; pale, with drawn features and deeply-sunken eyes, surrounded by blue rings.\\ {{anchor:s45}}Glowing heat in face, with redness, frequently only on one side.\\ {{anchor:s46}}Violent tearing in bones of face and teeth, in evening. ====== TEETH AND GUMS. [10] ====== {{anchor:s48}}Drawing, rending toothache; violent tearing pains in facial bones. ====== TASTE, SPEECH, TONGUE. [11] ====== {{anchor:s50}}Cannot speak. {{anchor:s51}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s52}}While reading cannot articulate; hoarse, reads very indistinctly, quite contrary to habit; speech difficult, unintelligible. ====== INNER MOUTH. [12] ====== {{anchor:s54}}Burning in mouth and throat.\\ {{anchor:s55}}Frothing from mouth.\\ {{anchor:s56}}Mouth full of white tenacious mucus which must be frequently expectorated.\\ {{anchor:s57}}Increased secretion of thin, watery saliva; spits much. ====== PALATE AND THROAT. [13] ====== {{anchor:s59}}Throat dry, can hardly swallow; burning in throat and mouth.\\ {{anchor:s60}}Violent constriction of throat. {{anchor:s61}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s62}}Much viscid phlegm in throat. ====== APPETITE, THIRST. DESIRES, AVERSIONS. [14] ====== {{anchor:s65}}Constant hunger; nausea if stomach is not satisfied.\\ {{anchor:s66}}Complete loss of appetite.\\ {{anchor:s67}}Thirst: especially at night; in cholera infantum.\\ {{anchor:s68}}Thirstlessness.\\ {{anchor:s69}}Does not eat, but drinks eagerly, agg. at night; violent vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s70}}Dyspeptic; uses tobacco; knows chewing hurts him and has tried in vain to stop; Tabacum 2c appeased craving for tobacco and stimulants. ====== EATING AND DRINKING. [15] ====== {{anchor:s72}}Sensitive to smell of wine; fumes all but intoxicate her. ====== HICCOUGH, BELCHING, NAUSEA AND VOMITING. [16] ====== {{anchor:s74}}Hiccough.\\ {{anchor:s75}}Nausea: incessant, with frequent vomiting; as if seasick, vertigo in paroxysms, cold sweat; amounting to faintness, disappears in open air; when moving in least; with a sinking feeling in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s76}}Nausea and vomiting on least motion. {{anchor:s77}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s78}}Nausea and cold sweat remaining after Verat. and Secale checked stools. {{anchor:s79}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s80}}Violent efforts to vomit.\\ {{anchor:s81}}Vomiting: violent; in morning, before breakfast; of watery liquid, sometimes insipid, sometimes bitter; as soon as he begins to move; during pregnancy, deathly nausea; of water; of sour fluid, with mucus.\\ {{anchor:s82}}Seasickness, deathly nausea; pallor; coldness; agg. from least bodily motion; amel. on deck in fresh, cold air. ====== SCROBICULUM AND STOMACH. [17] ====== {{anchor:s84}}Sinking at pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s85}}Cardialgia with frequent fluttering sensation in epigastrium.\\ {{anchor:s86}}Shocks in stomach, at night while sleeping, so great that patient is awakened.\\ {{anchor:s87}}Weakness of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s88}}Sensation of relaxation of stomach with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s89}}Dreadful faint feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s90}}Spasmodic pressure in pyloric region.\\ {{anchor:s91}}Writhing in pit of stomach. {{anchor:s92}}~ Cardialgia.\\ {{anchor:s93}}Sticking in pit of stomach through to back.\\ {{anchor:s94}}Feeling of coldness in stomach with nausea.\\ {{anchor:s95}}Burning in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s96}}A lady, aet. about 70, ailing for upward of a year, always sick, constant pains in stomach, throws up all food, often mucus and blood, lives on biscuits and champagne; moans incessantly from pain in stomach; formerly chronic diarrhea, now bowels not open freely, motions very small, light-colored; urine color of blood; sleeps badly; feeling of sickness intense and constant; Tabacum 2 relieved, but patient was tormented by smell of Tobacco, which seemed to be all through her; could not divest herself of strong odor of tobacco she constantly perceived. ====== HYPOCHONDRIA. [18] ====== {{anchor:s98}}Pressure, heaviness or stitches in liver.\\ {{anchor:s99}}Hepatic and renal regions sensitive to pressure. ====== ABDOMEN AND LOINS. [19] ====== {{anchor:s101}}Gurgling in bowels; shifting of flatus.\\ {{anchor:s102}}Abdomen tympanitic; constipation.\\ {{anchor:s103}}Violent burning in abdomen, horrible pains, must shriek.\\ {{anchor:s104}}Spasmodic pressure in hypogastrium. {{anchor:s105}}~ Cardialgia.\\ {{anchor:s106}}Violent contractions in abdominal muscles; navel retracted.\\ {{anchor:s107}}Coldness in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s108}}Tympanitic bloating of abdomen; dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s109}}Child wants abdomen uncovered, which relieves nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s110}}Spasms of bowels; nausea, vomiting and cold sweat.\\ {{anchor:s111}}Strangulated hernia; nausea, deathly faintness, cold; cold sweat; vomiting; sudden cerebral hyperemia.\\ {{anchor:s112}}Deathly nausea and sickness; slimy stool. {{anchor:s113}}~ Strangulated hernia. ====== STOOLS AND RECTUM. [20] ====== {{anchor:s115}}Sudden, papescent, yellow-green or greenish, slimy stools; tenesmus; shifting flatus.\\ {{anchor:s116}}Diarrhea: urgent, watery, painless stools; stools resembling those of cholera; with colic, nausea, vomiting, flatulence and soreness of anus; with sudden attacks of extreme faintness, with cold perspiration.\\ {{anchor:s117}}Stools: yellowish, greenish, slimy; papescent, fecal.\\ {{anchor:s118}}During stool: colic; tenesmus.\\ {{anchor:s119}}Violent pain in small of back during soft stool; tenesmus and burning in anus. {{anchor:s120}}~ Dysentery.\\ {{anchor:s121}}Cholera infantum: body cold, abdomen hot; not satisfied until clothing is off abdomen; stools yellow, sometimes greenish slime; vomiting, debility, cold sweat; icy coldness of legs from knees down; warmth of body with icy-cold hands; great thirst; emaciation and deathlike pallor; nausea and vomiting on making least motion; violent vomiting and diarrhea with debility and cold sweat; face blue and pinched; agg. at night.\\ {{anchor:s122}}Sporadic cholera: coldness of body; distorted countenance; fainting; clonic spasms; cold sweats and nausea remained after copious evacuations had been checked by Verat. and Secale; nausea and vomiting persistent after purging yielded, recurring in constant paroxysms, with cold sweat, oppressed stomach, anguish and restlessness, cramp and tearing in limbs, occasional drawing in calves; vomiting, sometimes in a stream; body cold, face distorted, spasms, vomiting, or no stool or vomiting, but complete collapse; all sphincters paralyzed.\\ {{anchor:s123}}Gastric cholera, when spasmodic condition prevails; cold skin covered with clammy perspiration, cyanosis not prominent.\\ {{anchor:s124}}Sudden vomiting and diarrhea in morning, discharges whitish, colorless; attacks of fainting; sitting up or moving caused vomiting; stools every ten, twenty to thirty minutes; deathlike pallor; surface cold; pulse small and weak. {{anchor:s125}}~ Sporadic cholera.\\ {{anchor:s126}}Attack of sporadic cholera after catching cold while overheated; cramps with every attack of vomiting, at one time tonic, at another clonic; loss of consciousness; involuntary evacuations, generally accompanied, or quickly followed by vomiting; whole body cold; face distorted; great prostration and thirst.\\ {{anchor:s127}}Constipation.\\ {{anchor:s128}}Chronic constipation, great pain in and tympanitic distension of intestines; great dyspnea.\\ {{anchor:s129}}An elderly lady whose bowels for last twenty years had always been a trouble to her, could not be moved without an enema, and very often not with one; when moved stools generally were of a clay color, or at least mottled clay color and brown.\\ {{anchor:s130}}Habitual constipation; paralysis of rectum; spasms of anal sphincter.\\ {{anchor:s131}}Prolapsus ani; great drowsiness during day when trying to read or study. ====== URINARY ORGANS. [21] ====== {{anchor:s133}}Renal colic; violent pains along ureters; cold sweat, deathly nausea.\\ {{anchor:s134}}Increased discharge of urine, or scanty high-colored urine.\\ {{anchor:s135}}Paralysis of sphincter vesicae, constant dribbling of urine.\\ {{anchor:s136}}Enuresis. ====== MALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [22] ====== {{anchor:s138}}Nocturnal emissions; without waking.\\ {{anchor:s139}}Genital organs flabby; no erections or sexual desire.\\ {{anchor:s140}}Discharge of prostatic fluid.\\ {{anchor:s141}}Varicocele. ====== FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS. [23] ====== {{anchor:s143}}In climacteric period, also during menses; subjective coldness, epigastric sinking, palpitation, slight diarrhea, muscular relaxation, excessive sense of wretchedness.\\ {{anchor:s144}}Leucorrhea of serous fluid after menses. ====== PREGNANCY. PARTURITION. LACTATION. [24] ====== {{anchor:s148}}Morning sickness.\\ {{anchor:s149}}Nausea and vomiting, patient dreads least movement.\\ {{anchor:s150}}During pregnancy, insupportable pruritus over whole body, pyrosis, toothache and other gastric symptoms. ====== RESPIRATION. [26] ====== {{anchor:s152}}Difficult, oppressed respiration; paroxysms of suffocation.\\ {{anchor:s153}}Dyspnea; costiveness.\\ {{anchor:s154}}Hurried, anxious, irregular respirations.\\ {{anchor:s155}}Asphyxia.\\ {{anchor:s156}}Sticking under sternum, with inability to take a deep breath.\\ {{anchor:s157}}Continual paroxysms of sneezing, for weeks. {{anchor:s158}}~ Catarrhal asthma affecting nostrils.\\ {{anchor:s159}}Spasmodic asthma; laryngismus stridulus.\\ {{anchor:s160}}Freely developed asphyxia; great dyspnea (almost as important as Hydrocyanic acid).\\ {{anchor:s161}}Periodical attacks of asthma; sits up in bed suffering with extreme dyspnea; face blue; terrified expression; respiration short and rapid; gasps for air, fears suffocation; jugular veins swollen; pulse 100; heart beats very strong; liver and heart displaced; spleen enlarged; had ague for a year. ====== COUGH. [27] ====== {{anchor:s163}}Dry cough.\\ {{anchor:s164}}Hiccough following a severe cough.\\ {{anchor:s165}}Cough and hiccough at same time.\\ {{anchor:s166}}Whooping cough, violent straining and vomiting, stitches in pit of stomach, inability to breathe deeply; hiccough, as if he would suffocate, after coughing.\\ {{anchor:s167}}Cough produces in pit of stomach sensation as of a wound by some sharp instrument. ====== INNER CHEST AND LUNGS. [28] ====== {{anchor:s169}}Very violent constriction of chest.\\ {{anchor:s170}}On taking a deep breath it seemed as if chest were too tight.\\ {{anchor:s171}}Sensation as if a crowbar were pressed tightly from right breast to left, till it came and twisted in knot around heart, which stopped, then leaped violently; after the attack heart missed every fourth beat.\\ {{anchor:s172}}Tightness across upper part of chest. {{anchor:s173}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s174}}Phthisis is said to make less rapid progress among tobacco workers.\\ {{anchor:s175}}Haemoptysis, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis with general emaciation, anemia, palpitation, oppression and pains in shoulders at night. ====== HEART, PULSE AND CIRCULATION. [29] ====== {{anchor:s177}}Palpitation: violent when lying on left side, goes off when turning to right; in attacks, at night, with tightness across chest (angina pectoris).\\ {{anchor:s178}}Oppression at heart; pulse feeble, irregular. {{anchor:s179}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s180}}Violent beating of heart and carotids.\\ {{anchor:s181}}Sudden precordial anguish.\\ {{anchor:s182}}Angina pectoris: pallor; features drawn; cannot speak or walk; coldness all over; sudden periodical anxiety; violent constriction in throat; tightness across upper part of chest; nocturnal attacks of tightness in chest, with paroxysmal oppression and palpitation; neuralgia up into neck; pain between shoulders; pulse small, irregular or imperceptible.\\ {{anchor:s183}}Heart's action very feeble.\\ {{anchor:s184}}Dilated heart; frequent pallor, lividity of face; diarrhea alternating with constipation; palpitation while lying on left side; muscae volitantes; tinnitus aurium; dry cough, cardiac in origin; paroxysms of suffocation with tightness across upper part of chest; feeble, irregular pulse; pains like those of angina pectoris shoot from heart down left arm, or up into neck, and involve different plexuses of nerves; extremities cold and covered with clammy sweat; neuralgia of face.\\ {{anchor:s185}}Functional diseases of heart, hypochondriasis, intermittent pulse, palpitation, dyspepsia, sinking, gone feeling in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s186}}Pulse: quick, full, large; small, intermittent; exceedingly slow; soft, full and feeble; feeble and irregular; imperceptible. ====== NECK AND BACK. [31] ====== {{anchor:s188}}Neuralgic pains into neck and between shoulders. {{anchor:s189}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s190}}Violent pain in small of back and loins. {{anchor:s191}}~ Renal calculi.\\ {{anchor:s192}}Pain in small of back most severe after stool.\\ {{anchor:s193}}Throbbing in sacral region, evening. ====== UPPER LIMBS. [32] ====== {{anchor:s195}}Left arm exhausted, painful.\\ {{anchor:s196}}Cramps in arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s197}}Spasmodic contractions in arms and hands.\\ {{anchor:s198}}Hands feel lame, cold, then burning, with bloated fingertips.\\ {{anchor:s199}}Hands icy-cold; body warm.\\ {{anchor:s200}}Trembling of hands.\\ {{anchor:s201}}Cramps in single fingers, especially while washing; early morning. ====== LOWER LIMBS. [33] ====== {{anchor:s203}}Legs icy-cold from knees down.\\ {{anchor:s204}}Cannot walk. {{anchor:s205}}~ Angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s206}}Formication in left leg from knee to toes.\\ {{anchor:s207}}Tremor and disabling weakness of feet.\\ {{anchor:s208}}Cramps in legs. ====== LIMBS IN GENERAL. [34] ====== {{anchor:s210}}Coldness, trembling of limbs.\\ {{anchor:s211}}Cramp: tearing in limbs; in hands and arms; from toes to knee.\\ {{anchor:s212}}Spasmodic contraction of arms, hands and legs. ====== REST. POSITION. MOTION. [35] ====== {{anchor:s216}}Changes position: to relieve head.\\ {{anchor:s217}}Lying: on left side, palpitation.\\ {{anchor:s218}}Sitting up: asthma amel.\\ {{anchor:s219}}On rising: vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:s220}}On looking upward: vertigo agg.\\ {{anchor:s221}}Motion: nausea and vomiting agg.; seasickness.\\ {{anchor:s222}}Coughing: causes hiccough; stitches in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s223}}Walking: as if struck by a hammer on head. ====== NERVES. [36] ====== {{anchor:s225}}Weary, languid; tremor; general debility; feeling of great exhaustion; profound prostration with cold sweat.\\ {{anchor:s226}}Restlessness, requiring continual change of place.\\ {{anchor:s227}}Mrs. H., black eyes, heavy black hair, nursing a babe of three weeks, complained of spells of debility, with cold perspiration, especially on feet and lower limbs; agg. from least exposure to air; goose skin; weakness and numbness in general; pain in head over eyes; dimness of vision by spells; no appetite; had a hard labor and has not been well since.\\ {{anchor:s228}}Horrid pains with involuntary contractions.\\ {{anchor:s229}}Spasmodic contraction of muscles, spasms, general insensibility, relaxation.\\ {{anchor:s230}}Head drawn back, with rigidity of muscles of neck and back; contraction of eyelids and masseter muscles; hissing respiration from spasms of laryngeal and bronchial muscles; alternate tonic and clonic spasms, followed by general relaxation and trembling; retraction of abdominal muscles; contraction of parts supplied with involuntary muscles, as intestines, ureters, etc., accompanied by intense pains, nausea, cold sweat, and speedy collapse, with asphyxia.\\ {{anchor:s231}}From excessive use of tobacco: convulsions, head drawn firmly back, with rigidity of muscles of posterior part of neck; constantly recurring, rigid, tetanic spasms, muscles of back being principally affected.\\ {{anchor:s232}}Spasms of paralysis.\\ {{anchor:s233}}Collapse, anguish and restlessness, deathlike pallor, coldness, fainting, cold sweat, deathly nausea, without vomiting, or vomiting of water, when moving. ====== SLEEP. [37] ====== {{anchor:s235}}Drowsiness, going off in open air.\\ {{anchor:s236}}Stupefying sleep, at night.\\ {{anchor:s237}}Insomnia; especially with dilated heart. ====== TIME. [38] ====== {{anchor:s239}}Morning: vomiting; diarrhea; sickness of pregnancy; cramps in fingers; sick-headache begins.\\ {{anchor:s240}}During day: drowsiness.\\ {{anchor:s241}}Evening: dim sight; tearing in facial bones and teeth; throbbing in sacral region; coldness and shuddering.\\ {{anchor:s242}}Night: thirst; shocks in stomach; palpitation; stupefying sleep; insomnia. ====== TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER. [39] ====== {{anchor:s244}}Temperature and Weather\\ {{anchor:s245}}Open air: vertigo amel.; headache amel.; faintness and nausea amel.; seasickness amel.; drowsiness amel.\\ {{anchor:s246}}Indoors: headache agg.\\ {{anchor:s247}}Chilliness, with cold sweat.\\ {{anchor:s248}}Cold skin.\\ {{anchor:s249}}Coldness and shuddering in whole body, evenings.\\ {{anchor:s250}}Icy coldness of legs from knees to toes.\\ {{anchor:s251}}Body warm, hands icy-cold, or body cold. {{anchor:s252}}~ Cholera.\\ {{anchor:s253}}Sweat: cold on hands, forehead and face; viscid, cold; cold over whole body. ====== ATTACKS, PERIODICITY. [41] ====== {{anchor:s255}}Symptoms come on in paroxysms.\\ {{anchor:s256}}Periodical: sick-headache; asthma.\\ {{anchor:s257}}For weeks: paroxysms of sneezing. ====== LOCALITY AND DIRECTION. [42] ====== {{anchor:s259}}Right: as if struck on head with a hammer, throws him to left; spots on shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s260}}Left: pains in arm from heart; formication in leg.\\ {{anchor:s261}}Right to left: as if crowbar were pressed through chest to heart. ====== SENSATIONS. [43] ====== {{anchor:s263}}Sensation of excessive wretchedness.\\ {{anchor:s264}}As if struck by a hammer on right side of head; as if head would burst; as if brain were being bored out; as if black dots filled visual field; as if ears were closed; as if seasick; as if stomach were relaxed; as if chest were too tight; as if a crowbar were twisted around heart.\\ {{anchor:s265}}Pain: in stomach; between shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s266}}Agonizing pain: in head.\\ {{anchor:s267}}Writhing: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s268}}Horrible pain: in abdomen.\\ {{anchor:s269}}Violent pain: in small of back during soft stool; along ureters; in small of back and loins from renal calculi.\\ {{anchor:s270}}Drawing rending: toothache.\\ {{anchor:s271}}Stitches in liver: in pit of stomach.\\ {{anchor:s272}}Sticking: in pit of stomach through to back; under sternum.\\ {{anchor:s273}}Tearing: in facial bones and teeth; in limbs.\\ {{anchor:s274}}Neuralgic pains: in neck and between shoulders; in face.\\ {{anchor:s275}}Burning: in eyes; of ears; in mouth and throat; in stomach; in abdomen; in anus; of hands; spots on face and right shoulder.\\ {{anchor:s276}}Drawing: in calves.\\ {{anchor:s277}}Pressure: in liver.\\ {{anchor:s278}}Spasmodic pressure: in pyloric region; in hypogastrium.\\ {{anchor:s279}}Tightness: across chest.\\ {{anchor:s280}}Constriction: of throat; of chest.\\ {{anchor:s281}}Cramps: in limbs; in arms and hands; in fingers; in legs.\\ {{anchor:s282}}Shocks: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s283}}Throbbing: in sacral region.\\ {{anchor:s284}}Oppression: at heart.\\ {{anchor:s285}}Dreadful faint feeling: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s286}}Sinking feeling: in epigastrium; in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s287}}Weakness: in stomach.\\ {{anchor:s288}}Heaviness: in head; in liver.\\ {{anchor:s289}}Heat: in eyes; of ears; in face.\\ {{anchor:s290}}Coldness: in stomach; in abdomen; of hands.\\ {{anchor:s291}}Formication: in left leg from knee to toes.\\ {{anchor:s292}}Lameness: of hands.\\ {{anchor:s293}}Itching: in spots on chest and shoulders; of whole surface; as from flea-bites. ====== TISSUES. [44] ====== {{anchor:s295}}Diseases originating in cerebral irritation, followed by marked gastric symptoms.\\ {{anchor:s296}}Emaciation, especially of back and cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s297}}Adapted to diseases of nervous system, where there is prominent irritation of functions of vagi, or sick-headache that comes on early in morning and by noon is intolerable, with deathly nausea and violent vomiting, greatly agg. by noise and light, with dreadful faint feeling at stomach.\\ {{anchor:s298}}Spasmodic contractions of muscles; spasms and general insensibility.\\ {{anchor:s299}}Complete prostration of whole muscular system. ====== TOUCH. PASSIVE MOTION. INJURIES. [45] ====== {{anchor:s303}}Uncovering: abdomen, amel. nausea and vomiting.\\ {{anchor:s304}}Pressure: hepatic and renal regions sensitive.\\ {{anchor:s305}}Motion of vessel: seasickness.\\ {{anchor:s306}}Strychnia poisoning: tetanus. ====== SKIN. [46] ====== {{anchor:s308}}Skin: cold, in cholera; livid, with angina pectoris.\\ {{anchor:s309}}Red spots on face and on right shoulder, burning when touched.\\ {{anchor:s310}}Itching, with red or yellow spots on chest and shoulders.\\ {{anchor:s311}}Violent itching of whole surface. {{anchor:s312}}~ Prurigo.\\ {{anchor:s313}}Dark, walnut color of skin; jaundice.\\ {{anchor:s314}}Red eruption on back.\\ {{anchor:s315}}Pimples on chest and fingers.\\ {{anchor:s316}}Pustules on nape of neck and upper limbs.\\ {{anchor:s317}}Miliary rash on both cheeks.\\ {{anchor:s318}}Increased turgescence of skin, which is yellow, hot and dry.\\ {{anchor:s319}}Vesicles contain a yellow serum, and are surrounded by a red areola.\\ {{anchor:s320}}Itching as from flea-bites. ====== STAGE OF LIFE, CONSTITUTION. [47] ====== {{anchor:s322}}Woman, aet. 26, single, for a year has suffered from ague, which greatly affected her health; asthma.\\ {{anchor:s323}}Lady, aet. 30, lymphatic temperament; sick-headache.\\ {{anchor:s324}}Woman, aet. 70, thin, sickly; sporadic cholera.\\ {{anchor:s325}}Lady, aet. 70, suffering a year; gastric disorder. ====== RELATIONS. [48] ====== {{anchor:s327}}Antidoted by: Ipec., vomiting; Arsen., chewing tobacco; Nux vom., gastric symptoms next morning after smoking; Phosphor., palpitation; Ignat., Pulsat., hiccough; Clemat., toothache; Sepia, neuralgia right side of face; dyspepsia, chronic nervousness; Lycop., impotence; wine, spasms, cold sweat from excessive smoking.\\ {{anchor:s328}}Plant. maj. has several times caused an aversion to tobacco.\\ {{anchor:s329}}It antidotes: Cicuta, Stramon. ---- ====== DOCUMENT DESCRIPTOR ====== ^ Source: | [[en:mm:hering:start|The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica]] Vol. 10, 1891 | ^ Description: | Clinical materia medica of [[en:rem:r118|Tabacum]] | ^ Remedies: | [[en:rem:r118|Tabacum]] | ^ Author: | Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C. | ^ year: | 1891 | ^ Editing: | errors only; interlinks; formatting | ^ Attribution: | Legatum Homeopathicum |}