Table of Contents


Indium Metallicum.

Trituration of the pure metal. In.

“This metal was discovered by Reich and Richter in the zinc-blende of Freiberg. Its spectrum is characterized by two indigo colored lines, one very bright and more refrangible than the blue lines of Strontium, the other fainter but still more refrangible, approaching the blue line of Potassium. It was the production of this peculiar spectrum that led to the discovery of the metal. The ore, consisting chiefly of blende, galena and arsenical pyrites, was roasted to expel sulphur and arsenic, then treated with hydrochloric acid, and the solution was evaporated to dryness. The impure zinc chloride thus obtained, exhibited, when examined by the spectroscope, the first of the indigo lines above mentioned. The chloride was afterwards obtained in a state of greater purity, and from this the hydrate and the metal itself were prepared. The first line then came out with much greater brilliancy and the second was likewise observed.” –Am. Hom. Pharm.

The provings, under the direction of Bell (See Allen's Encyclopaedia, vol. 5, p. 107), were mostly made with the higher dilutions, as was also the one by C. Mohr.

MIND. [1]

Mental depression.
Mind feels tired; does not care to work.
Feels stupid and careless; cannot fix thoughts on anything.
Restless, cannot sit still, must walk about.
Sleepy and irritable with headache.
Feels almost crazed when attempting to study, with headache.


Vertigo: on rising from a seat; after retiring, with nausea; when sitting and stooping slightly; between 3 and 4 A. M., agg. on turning and on rising, cannot sit up.


Dull headache in temples and forehead, with sleepiness and nausea.
Headache beginning at night and continuing all next day; pain mostly on right side of occiput; occasional pains over left eye, with a tired, sick feeling.
Very distressing headache in forenoon; pains commence on right side of occiput and extend over head to left eye.
Pain at 8 A. M., extending over right side of head from occiput, leaving a bruised spot on vertex.
Pain in right occipital region, with occasional dull, aching pain in forehead.
Severe left sided headache in evening.
Beating, throbbing pain in head, with much heat, and a stupid, cross feeling; amel. washing in cold water.
Beating, throbbing headache at 3 P. M., lasting till bedtime; head very hot; face red.
Slight throbbing headache, lasting two hours, with hot head and cold, clammy hands; afterwards, bruised feeling of brain in vertex, amel. in cold air.
Headache, in morning, on rising, amel. eating; an hour afterwards headache returns and lasts till noon.


Severe itching of scalp on vertex lasting several days, agg. in morning.


People and things look ghastly and pale or saffron colored.
Mist before eyes, in evening.
Sharp pain in eyeball from before backward, on turning or moving eyes.
Irritation in left eye, as if heavy with sleep, coming and going, not affected by daylight, agg. from artificial light, and from closing eye, with a desire to close it; in evening right eye affected in same way.
Spasmodic twitching at outer angle of left eye.


Throbbing in ears, in evening.
Bright redness of whole right ear, with a row of very sore pimples on helix.


Violent attacks of sneezing.
Epistaxis; nose bleeds whenever blown or touched.
Nasal discharge: green; bloody; then watery; thin, yellowish.


Very painful suppurating pimples on forehead; feel as though pierced with a needle; skin very red far around each pustule.
Sore pustules all over face; burning and stinging.
Face: red during headache; red and hot; complexion sallow.
Fiery red places about an inch long over left eye.


Patches of small vesicles on mucous membrane of lower lip; vesicles contain a colorless, limpid fluid.
Corners of mouth cracked and very sore.


Uvula greatly enlarged, back part of pharynx covered with thick yellow mucus, very tough and hard to remove.
Destructive ulceration of uvula, soft palate and tonsils, with thick yellow secretion in ulcers.
Left tonsil swollen; pain and difficulty in swallowing.
Throat sore on right side.
Tickling in throat inducing continual hawking.
Dryness, throbbing, stinging soreness; swallowing painful.
Throat: agg. in evening; amel. eating and drinking cold water.


After eating lobster: taste of iodide of potash.


Nausea: with headache; during breakfast; with faintness at 11 A. M. and on rising; after retiring, with dizziness and pain in liver.
Sick feeling at stomach for two days; felt as if vomiting would relieve.


Fullness and pressure at stomach with soreness.


Stitches in region of liver.


Colic: griping; from umbilicus downward; as if diarrhea would set in.


Stool: pasty, brownish-yellow, fetid, with particles of undigested food, preceded by colic; involuntary, slight, when urinating; small and hard, afterwards pappy; hard, with blood.
Diarrhea: agg. by drinking beer; with headache on right side.
Burning tenesmus and pain in anus, after stool.
Violent pain in head when straining at stool.


Painful urination.
When urinating: loss of power over sphincter ani.
Horribly offensive smell of urine after standing a short time.


Sexual desire and power diminished, emission too soon, thrill deficient.
Increase of sexual desire.
Emissions: twice the same night; four nights in succession; at night without knowledge.
Itching of glans penis.
Severe pain in right testicle.
Testicles tumefied and very tender to touch; drawing pains along spermatic cords upwards; left testicle much agg.


Menses two weeks too soon; bearing down pains, with cross temper and weeping mood; face very red.


Hoarseness: on rising; with sore throat.
Habitual bronchial expectoration freer, but a little blood appeared in mucus.


Frequent desire to take a deep breath, when lying down; agg. lying on left side, amel. lying on back.


Severe pain behind lower right portion of sternum.
Sharp pains through upper part of chest.
Burning pain on left side of chest near sternum, which feels as if drawn towards back.
Dull pain in left pectoral region.


Dull pain in left axilla.


Stiffness of neck and shoulders.
Drawing through side of head and neck to clavicle, first right side, next day left.
Pressing pain in upper scapular region, with stiffness on sitting still, pain agg. on beginning to move.
Severe pain under scapula of left side.
Dull pain under right shoulder blade.
Rheumatic drawing across shoulders up to head; agg. in riding, turning in bed, flexure or rotation of head, and morning and evening.
Dull, aching pain in back and lumbar regions.


Constant pain in left shoulder, as if bruised.
Intermitting pains in left shoulder.
Pain in left shoulder, with soreness extending down arm.
Severe pain in left shoulder; pain runs down to elbow, at times so severe as to disable arm.
Shooting pains in fingers.
Muscles of left arm and shoulder feel flabby and soft; no power in arm.
Severe lancinating pains in biceps of left arm, extending into shoulder; pains agg. extending arm; paralytic weakness.
Left elbow feels sore.
Slight pains in left arm.
Palms of hands sweat continually.
Itching in palms.


Tired feeling, weariness in legs.
Drawing, strained feeling of muscles of inside of right thigh, while walking.
Sharp, shooting pains in right leg.
A narrow streak of severe pressing pain in back of left thigh, sudden, when sitting.
Severe pain and lameness in lower right leg.
Legs from knees downward and feet feel heavy as if loaded.
Peculiar hot tingling in legs.
Dull, boring pain in left great toe joint, almost unbearable, must move foot to amel. it, for three evenings, from 8 to 9.
Burning and intense itching of all the toes the whole day.
Itching of toes in evening.
Feet sweat easily and feel cold.
Profuse foot sweat.


Walking: causes weak feeling, particularly in legs.
Restless, cannot sit still, must walk about.
Lying on back: desire to take long breath amel.; nightmare.
Lying on left side: desire to take a long breath agg.
Sitting: vertigo; stiffness in scapular region; a narrow streak of severe pain in back of left thigh.
Rising from a seat: vertigo.
Stooping slightly: vertigo.
Cannot sit up: on account of vertigo.
On rising: vertigo; headache; hoarseness.
Beginning to move: pressing pain in upper scapular region agg.
Moving: high fever with chilliness.
Must move foot to amel. pain in great toe joint.
Turning: vertigo; rheumatic drawing across shoulders agg.
Moving eyes: agg. pain.
Closing eye: irritation agg.
Rotation of head: rheumatic drawing across shoulders agg.
Walking: strained feeling in muscles of right thigh.

NERVES. [36]

Felt as though he was his natural size, during fever.
Tired feeling, weariness and restlessness in legs; tremor of thighs.

SLEEP. [37]

Sleepiness: with headache and nausea; with irritability; in morning; from 4 to 6 P. M.; in evening, in a warm room.
Dreams: lascivious; amorous; of having unsuccessful intercourse with men; vivid, of what had occupied his mind during day; of annoying accidents; of being in foreign countries; chased by mad bulls; lost in mountains.
Nightmare: from lying on back; very stupid on awaking.

TIME. [38]

At 3.30 A. M.: wakes with great restlessness, especially in legs.
At 3 to 4 A. M.: awake with vertigo.
Morning: headache on rising; itching of scalp agg.; rheumatic drawing across shoulders; sleepiness.
At 8 A. M.: pain in right side of head.
At 11 A. M.: faintness.
Forenoon: very distressing headache.
The whole day: burning and itching of toes.
At 3 P. M.: pain in head lasting till bedtime.
From 4 to 6 P. M.: sleepiness.
Evening: left sided headache; mist before eyes; irritation in right eye; throbbing in ears; throat agg.; rheumatic drawing across shoulders; itching of toes; sleepiness.
Night: headache begins lasts all next day; emission without knowledge.


In a warm room: sleepiness.
Out doors: fever amel.
Cold air: headache amel.
Working in cold water: pain in head amel.
Cold water: throat amel.

FEVER. [40]

Sensitive to cold.
High fever with chilliness on moving, great weakness, sore throat; thirst, stretching, violent headache and backache.
Fever: with nausea, after eating; amel. out doors.
Easy perspirations.


One hour after eating: headache returns and lasts till noon.
For two hours: throbbing headache.
For two days: sick feeling in stomach.
For several days: itching of scalp.
Twice the same night: emissions.
For three evenings from 8 to 9: severe pain in toe joint.
Four nights in succession: emissions.
Two weeks too soon: menses.


Right: pain mostly on side of occiput; from occiput to side of head; in occipital region; eye as if heavy with sleep; bright redness of whole ear; side of throat sore; headache; severe pain in testicle; severe pain behind lower portion of sternum; dull pain under shoulder blade; strained feeling of muscles of side of thigh; sharp shooting pains in leg; severe pain and lameness in leg.
Left: occasional pains over eye; headache in side; irritation in eye, as if heavy with sleep; spasmodic twitching of outer angle of eye; fiery red place about an inch long over eye; tonsil swollen; testicle tender to touch; lying on side desires to take long breath agg.; burning pain along side of chest; dull pain in pectoral region; dull pain in axilla; severe pain under scapula; constant pain in shoulder; intermitting pains in shoulder; severe pain from shoulder to elbow; severe lancinating pain in biceps of arm; elbow sore; slight pains in arm; a narrow streak of severe pressing pain in back of thigh; dull, boring pain in great toe joint.
Right then left: drawing through side of head and neck to clavicle.
From before backwards: sharp pain in eyeball.


Frequent pressing pain here and there, all over.
Soreness of whole left side of body.
Soreness all over body; severe pain in left side, making it difficult to move; amel. after continued motion.
Body feels sore all over; sickish feeling and sensation as though bones would crush through flesh.
Irritation in left eye as if heavy with sleep; pimples on forehead feel as though pierced with a needle; felt as if vomiting would relieve; as if diarrhea would set in; sternum feels as if drawn towards back; left shoulder as if bruised; legs feel as if loaded.
Pain: in liver; in anus; in left shoulder.
Violent pain: in head.
Severe pain: in right testicle; behind lower right portion of sternum; under left scapula; in left shoulder down to elbow; in lower right leg.
Severe lancinating pains: in biceps of left arm, extending into shoulder.
Sharp pains: through upper part of chest; in eyeballs.
Shooting pains: in fingers; in right leg.
Stitches: in region of liver.
Beating, throbbing pain: in head.
Griping: from umbilicus downwards.
Pressing pain: in back of left thigh.
Burning pain: on left side of chest near sternum.
Burning, stinging: in pustules all over face.
Burning tenesmus.
Drawing pain: along spermatic cords upwards; through side of head and neck to clavicle.
Drawing strained feeling: of muscles of side of right thigh.
Dull, almost unbearable boring pain: in left great toe joint.
Bearing down pains: during menses.
Pressing pain: in upper scapular region.
Rheumatic drawing: across shoulders.
Dull aching: in forehead; in back and lumbar region.
Dull pain in left pectoral region; in left axilla; under right shoulder blade.
Dull headache: in temples and forehead.
Bruised feeling: in vertex after pain in head.
Constant pain: in left shoulder.
Intermitting pains: in left shoulder.
Slight throbbing: headache.
Slight pains: in left arm.
Dryness, throbbing, stinging soreness: in throat.
Sore pimples: on helix of ear.
Soreness: of corners of mouth; of throat; of stomach; down arm; of left elbow.
Burning and intense itching: of toes.
Hot tingling: in legs.
Throbbing: in ears.
Tickling: in throat.
Spasmodic twitching: in outer angle of left eye.
Fullness: at stomach.
Pressure: at stomach.
Tired feeling: in legs.
Sick feeling: at stomach.
Faintness: on rising.
Stiffness: of neck and shoulders; in scapular region.
Lameness: in lower right leg.
Itching: of scalp; of glans penis; in palms; of toes.


Touch: makes nose bleed, testicle tender.
Riding: rheumatic drawing across shoulders agg.

SKIN. [46]

Itching of scalp, toes, etc.
Very painful sore pimples on various parts of body.


Compare: Bellad. (headache, menses); Asparagus (offensive urine); Sanguin. (headache, rheumatism); Ferrum (headache, ebullitions, lameness of shoulder muscles).


Source: The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica Vol. 06, 1888
Description: Clinical materia medica of Indium metallicum
Remedies: Indium metallicum
Author: Hering, C.; Raue, C.G.; Knerr, C.B.; Mohr, C.
Year: 1888
Editing: errors only; interlinks; formatting
Attribution: Legatum Homeopathicum