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Legatum Homeopathicum

Legatum Homeopathicum stands for homeopathic heritage and it is a gift to humanity - a promise that a great sacrifice and effort which Hahnemann and his followers made for the rise of homeopathy would not be in vain, that the fruits of their efforts will not only be preserved, but further developed and improved.

Continue to English version of Legatum Homeopathicum.

Legatum Homeopathicum znamená homeopatické dedičstvo a má byť darom celému ľudstvu; prísľubom, že obrovská obeta a námaha, ktorú Hahnemann a jeho nasledovníci vynaložili k tomu, aby homeopatia vôbec vznikla, nebola zbytočná; aby sa plody ich úsilia nielen zachovali, ale sa ďalej rozvíjali a zdokonaľovali.

Prejsť na slovenskú verziu Legatum Homeopathicum.


start.1351781297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/01 14:48 by legatum