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Standard name Jatropha curcas
Other names
Standard abbr. Jatr.
Other abbr.
Scientific name Jatropha curcas L.
Other scientific names Jatropha yucatanensis Briq.; Jatropha condor Wall.; Manihot curcas (L.) Crantz; Castiglionia lobata Ruiz & Pav.; Ricinus jarak Thunb.; Curcas indica A.Rich.; Ricinus americanus Mill.; Jatropha afrocurcas Pax; Jatropha edulis Sessé; Curcas adansonii Endl.; Curcas drastica Mart.; Curcas curcas (L.) Britton & Millsp.; Jatropha acerifolia Salisb.; Ricinoides americana Garsault; Curcas purgans Medik.; Curcas lobata Splitg. ex Lanj.
Common names Physic Nut; Purging Nut
Substance description A tincture of the ripe seeds; trituration of the seeds
Distinctness VARIANTS (1. tincture of the seeds; 2. trituration of the seeds)
Classification Organism – Plantae – Magnoliophyta – Magnoliopsida – Malpighiales – Euphorbiaceae – Jatropha


Materia medica


All standard homeopathic remedy names are listed in the Official Remedy Name List. Extended Remedy Name List includes all known naming variations (homeopathic names only). The Complete Remedy Name List includes all homeopathic names and all common names. This page is a part of ongoing Project Remedies.

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